
PLEASE READ:How to survive the multiverse by dying every day! Instead.

please read How to survive the multiverse by dying every day!(Re:zero/Multiverse) instead, This story is on indefinite Hiatus

InterPlanarGod · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Chapter 3, Weak bitch wants to fight me?

I decided to 'try to join' the karate club. Why would I do that, dear hypothetical reader in my brain?

I shall now explain why while looking directly into your eyes via the non-existent planar-camera.

Error: +0.1 conceptual weight for breaking the fourth wall by accident.​

I stop dead in my tracks. I immediately went to try to see that notification again. I even go Into the logs. I don't see it, but my status suspiciously says my conceptual weight is 1.1.

I shudder, and move on. Don't think about it.

I need exp so I'm going to 'join' the karate club.

I am then going to quit the karate club after defeating them all in an honorable spar.

A strange looking young man with elf-like ears tries to shout at me, even going so far as to stand in front of me. When I walk forward without stopping, he puts his arms on my shoulders.

Using the memory of many a shonen anime, I judo flipped him flawlessly. I then passed right by him as he groaned on the ground.

You have gained a sk-​

'Don't bother me about skills or gains until I'm at home and alone or a full 24 hours has passed. If I'm not at home at all, just wait til I wake up again after sleeping before giving me a full list.'

Ugh Fine.​

'Seriously staring into space in the middle of the street is like asking to get punched for being a creep. Only send me notifications if something crazy or urgent is requiring my attention. Like a new quest.'

Quest complete.

Get to school on time, BOZO! 

+400 EXP

+5 Reputation with Miu Furinji

+4 Delayed Reputation with Ryozanpaku Dojo

+4 Delayed Reputation with Katsujinken practitioners.

+3 Delayed+ Reputation with the Phoenix Alliance.

+5 Enmity with Ragnarok

+5 Enmity with Yomi

+2 Delayed+ Enmity with Yami

+1 Delayed enmity with Satsujinken Practitioners.

Bonus rewards

Hidden quest: Don't fuck with me, you alien bastard.

+200 exp for bypassing Nijima

+5 enmity with Nijima

Do it violently. 

+150 exp

+variable Enmity with Nijimo Depending how harmful you were.

Do it violently but without harming him too badly.

+350 exp 

+200 exp bonus for using Judo

+3 enmity with Nijima

New Quest: Defeat the karate club.


"For fucks sake, STOP! Just tell me the results when I get home!"

I cover my mouth and look back at Nijima. He's just twitching on the ground pretending to be asleep.

But I see him trembling and inching forward slowly.

Suit yourself, but you leveled up alot and-​

'Bro, Just take a break, do you have OCD or something?'


I quickly arrive at the karate club, and look around. "Oh, good, a skinny one. I'll let you join us if you beg!" A big muscle-orge of a somehow-high-schooler approaches me rudely.

I sigh, it seems anime worlds have young masters too. I don't even remember this character from the anime or manga. 



Level 5

title:Karateka(Purple belt)







Jaimanji is a moronic brute who's bark is so much bigger than his bite that if he wanted to eat an apple he would need to unhinge his jaw, after shouting at it to get smaller. He has no idea of his utter weakness and thinks that he can beat a black-belt despite not even being a brown belt.​

"Yeah! You tell em' Jaimanjie!" the peanut gallery chimes in.

I stare at him for 5 seconds. He begins to sweat and looks confused.

"You know what, how about this. Despite you disrespecting a fellow martial artist," 

'even if i'm just a brawler with a tiny amount of judo techniques shoved into his brain after flipping an alien-looking-guy using something I saw in anime'

"I'll let you throw 20 punches at me. I'll only dodge, and if you can hit me once, I'll let you beat the shit out of me for an hour. However, If you fail to beat me, I will kick all of your asses. All at once. You can even fight back. I won't stop you. At least until I knock you out."

Utter silence fills the room.

Then the peanut gallery starts booing.

"Kick his ass, Jaimanie!"

"Show him what you're made of Jaimanjie!"

Without agreeing or disagreeing, He just charges forward. To me, his attack is telegraphed from a mile away by a carrier pigeon that drops flash-bangs every half a second.

So I just step aside.

Then I do it again.

Then again.

Each time my ability to do so gets smoother and smoother as ways of evading even faster versions of him fill my mind.

"19." I say.

Then he tries to speed up, but it doesn't seem to work, only making his punch even sloppier.

I move my hand up, and with one finger, I redirect his hand in a way that his arm and momentum cause him to spin. When He is facing me in between one interval turn and then next, I open my palm, and push his chest. He goes flying and twirling into the back wall, crashing pelvis first into the wooden wall.

I grin and crack my knuckles. Getting into the basic karate stance I just learned from not learning karate properly, I say, "Come. Fulfill your bargain."

The group charges at me in a disorganized frenzy. I let the first few get within striking range before making my move.

A roundhouse kick takes out the lead attacker's legs from under him. As he crumples, I grab his arm and use his momentum to swing him into two more chargers, knocking them down like bowling pins.

New defensive and offensive karate moves flood my mind.

I slip into the aggressive fencing stance, leading with my strong hand forward for striking.

An attacker throws a wild haymaker which I deflect off to the side, leaving him completely open. I unload a blistering combination - punch to the solar plexus, A palm to the knee, elbow to the jaw.

He drops bonelessly.

More are coming, emboldened rather than deterred by their friend's beat down. I rise up on the balls of my feet, light and mobile. When they get in range, I launch into a furious flurry of attacks. Body strikes, leg kicks, and throws. brutally effective strikes hammer into the even weaker students. Within seconds, twelve more opponents are sprawled at my feet.

The rest hang back, their confidence draining away. "Who's next?" I taunt. "I thought you punks could handle one scrawny karate amateur?"

A few more brave souls charge me. Big mistake.

I meet them head on, channeling explosive power into grappling hooks with my hands. I rip and tear at their defenses with pulls and pushes that send them flying into walls. Muscles are pulled, bones are jarred, soft tissues are traumatized. Howls of pain and shock fill the room as they crumple one by one.

At last, only Jaimanjie is left, gingerly cradling his lower body from where I launched him into the wall earlier. I stalk over, karate skills still thrumming through my mind and body.

"Please-" he whimpers. "No more."

I stare at him, thinking deeply. "I'll let you off easy this time. But don't let me catch you bullying others again. Understood?"

He nods frantically and I turn to go As I walk away from all the groaning or unconscious bodies of the defeated karate students, I feel a strange tingling sensation coursing through me. It's like my mind is expanding, new pathways opening up to absorb the techniques I just witnessed.

My muscles seem to almost vibrate with unrealized potential as the movements and stances etch themselves into my very being. I can sense the ebb and flow of energy, the precision required to make each block or strike maximize its impact.

Flashes of insight bloom like lightning in my consciousness. I can instinctively grasp how to channel my momentum for more powerful blows. How to read subtle tells and shift my weight to avoid attacks before they even begin. How to lure an opponent into intricate trapping techniques that leave them helpless.

It's almost overwhelming, this rush of new martial comprehension. Yet at the same time, it settles over me like a comforting cloak, these skills slotting perfectly into the spaces in my mind awaiting their arrival.

I take a calming breath, centering myself as the foreign knowledge becomes one with my being. When I open my eyes again, I can practically see the weaknesses in my opponents' stances, the openings I can exploit. New angles of attack are suddenly viable, unorthodox tactics that my body is now primed to unleash.

The skills offered by the gamer offer not just mimicry, but total sublimation of an art into my muscle memory and instincts.

With each ability used, my arsenal expands, branches of potential coursing through my mind and body, awaiting the command that is just a twitch of muscle away that will bring them roaring to the surface.

I grin to myself, bouncing lightly on the balls of my feet as the karate skills settle in. I can't wait to put this new-found power to the test against a truly worthy adversary.


Or I could just go home.

Yeah, I'm gonna go home. This skill learning multiplier for martial arts is ridiculous. 

It takes me about 15 minutes walking to arrive at my apartment.

Opening my apartment door, I drop my bag containing the text books required for school near the front door.

I sit down on the couch, and say the magic words. "Don't give me a play by play. Just show me the final results."

Quest: Defeat the karate club completed.

Overall rewards:

7240 exp(Combined fight and quest completion.)

+10 Reputation with Miu Furinji +40/100(crush.)

+5 Reputation with Ryozanpaku Dojo +9/100(Cool new martial artist that Mui Likes)

+2 Delayed Reputation with Katsujinken practitioners. (4+2 Delayed 4/10000(just some good new disciple in japan.)

+2 Delayed+ Reputation with the Phoenix Alliance. 0/+5 Delayed -0/-10000(unknown.)

+5 Enmity with Ragnarok -10/-100(fuckin' meddler.)

+5 Enmity with Yomi -10/-100(Meddler. Let Ragnarok handle it.)

+3 Delayed+ Enmity with Yami -0/-5 Delayed -0/-10000(unknown.)

boon: -Photo Neuron Activation- has expired.

Zack Hammers

Title: The Gamer


Race -Human- Lvl 9/50

Class -blank- lvl 9/50

STR ((22)*1.4

END (24)*1.4

DEX (26)*1.4

VIT (22)*1.4

WIS (21)*1.4

INT (21)*1.4

CW 1.4

Unused SP=27


-Observe lvl 3/100-

-Jogging lvl 1/50 -

-Running LVL 2/50 -

-Sprinting LVL 1/50 -

-Fitness level 8/50 -

-Acrobatics level 8/50 -

-Flexibility LVL9/50 - 

-Nausea resistance lvl 3/50 - 

-Disorientation Resistance LVL 5/50 -

-Long Jump LVL 4/50 -

-Flirting lvl 4/50 -

-Karate LVL 50/50- 

-Advanced Karate 5/50- 

-Judo LVL 12/50 -

-Dodge LVL 50/50- 

-Footwork LVL 5050- 

-Instinctual Positioning LVL 12/50- 

-Uncanny Dodge LVL 12/50- 

-Martial Parry LVL 50/50- 

-Advanced Martial parry LVL 6/50- 


-Gamer's Mind-

-Gamer's Body-


 -Conceptual weight.-

-Martial arts prodigy of the highest order.-

-Mercy is the privilege of the physically gifted.-

-EXP printer go BRRRR-


 -Conceptual gun control.-

-Crippled mana pathways, YOUTH! Edition.-

-Mercy or else. Unless my bitches are involved. In which case, fuck you!-

-Protagonist? What? You think this is a story?!-

Wait, My stats rose and I have unused stat points? Wait! I thought I couldn't get those due to having the -blank- class!

You have conceptual weight, remember?​

You can level up your human race and evolve it eventually too.

As such, you gain +1 to all stats per racial level and +3 stat points to use on whatever you want each level. ​

Grinning, I put 6 into END, 14 into DEX and 7 into vit.

END (30)*1.4

DEX (40)*1.4

VIT (29)*1.4​

I move over to the fridge, and open it.

Only to find out it's empty. 

I open my inventory for the first time and notice the game isn't at least a TOTAL tightwad.

41400 yen​

Sadly, there's nothing else in it, so I'm going to the grocery store.

I put my shoes back on and start heading that way as the sun begins to set.