
PLEASE READ:How to survive the multiverse by dying every day! Instead.

please read How to survive the multiverse by dying every day!(Re:zero/Multiverse) instead, This story is on indefinite Hiatus

InterPlanarGod · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Chapter 14 *Incoherant screams* (Majima Everywhere 1)

As we arrived at another hotel, Majima bypassed the front desk, the female attendant with the scars over her eyes bowed politely. I noticed she was blind, but shook off my unease.

We arrived at an elevator, and Majima entered, pressing a long stream of floor buttons. I resisted the urge to be disappointed by his childish behavior.

Miu gave him a strange look. "Aren't we in a rush? We-" She was cut off when the elevator started going down at an extremely fast speed.

Before we knew it, the elevator was slowing down and stopped gently.

None of the floor lights were brightened to show what floor we were on.

The doors opened to reveal another Majima standing in front of us.

I looked to the side and saw the same person, Majima, that we had been with the whole time.

Just to be sure, I used my observe ability on them both.

The one in front of us showed up as:

Goro Majima

Titles: (Yakuza's Deadpool.)(Majima Everywhere)




?????????????????????????? Bruh why do you keep dousing me bruh, i didn't do anything bruh, AHH. Stop dousing me bruh.

My eyebrow twitched as I turned to the one that had been leading us this whole time.

Goro Majima EVERYWHERE clone

Titles: (spooky)(The one that was too late.)(Skeleton)(breaker instructor.)

This unique Majima everywhere cloned skeleton matches the opponent's strength exactly in order to teach the Breaker style of martial combat. Will treat you 'Gently' as he is pummeling you to the ground.

The one not in the elevator said, "Hey, come on man, it's been almost three months since Halloween!"

I turned to the apparent clone of some sort, and he shrugged. Immediately tearing off his face, which revealed not blood, but a completely clean skeleton.

The thing I could only decide was indeed spooky as all shit, dragged me over to the ring as an extremely large and bulky version of Majima with an eyepatch and all came out to 'greet' Miu.

It was wearing a giant version of Miu's school uniform and had the same long ponytail. Even with the eyepatch, she was wearing glasses of the same style as Miu, with her hair even blonder than Miu's in a ponytail that matched Miu's perfectly all the way down to the back.

I could overhear the monstrous parody speak to Miu, "Uwu, we need to beat that gentle out of you, Uwu. Uwu. We can't have gentle where you're going, Uwu. Uwu."

My eyebrow was now twitching uncontrollably as the freaky-ass skeleton clone had entered the ring. I was just staring at it, stunned.

"What's wrong?" it asked, in the same voice as Majima.

I stared.

Then I gave in and entered the ring to beat whatever this thing was senseless.

"Well, if things seem spooky, there are probably skeletons nearby, but if you're too late, there'll already be a skeleton inside," it said, as it entered a strange stance, legs apart evenly, but not in a way that should give any stability, arms crossed over its chest like a sleeping vampire, and a grin plastered all over its skeleton face.

I moved forward and punched it, only for it to shift with my punch, seemingly to dance into kicking me in the face using my own striking power.

I realized I was on the ground, dazed. I quickly recovered in no time.

As the skeleton clicked its tongue, which was impossible, but what the hell part of this was?

"Copy me, bro, don't try to use karate, I'm here to teach you how to use the breaker style."

I shrugged, copying its stance exactly. It clicked into place, and I began to sway to imaginary music.

"That's the way! You've got this!" we circled each other, and its leg lashed out as its hand went down to support its weight. Somehow, I twirled away stylishly and re-entered the stance.

Majima grinned.

The scene before me was utterly surreal, a bizarre blend of the mundane and the fantastical that seemed to defy all logic and reason. Yet, as I found myself mimicking the skeletal Majima clone's movements, a strange sense of understanding began to take hold.

This wasn't just a nonsensical display of absurdity – it was a lesson, a glimpse into the depths of the martial arts world that lay beyond the conventional styles I had been taught.

The Breaker style, as this skeletal instructor had called it, seemed to be a dance of fluidity and redirection, a way of harnessing an opponent's momentum and using it against them with effortless grace.

As we continued to circle one another, exchanging blows and twirls, I could feel something clicking into place deep within me.

It was as if a door had been opened, revealing a new level of understanding, a new way of perceiving and manipulating the forces at work in combat.

And yet, even as I delved deeper into this strange new style, I couldn't help but steal glances toward the monstrous parody of Miu, its exaggerated proportions and eerie demeanor sending chills down my spine.

What twisted game was Majima playing, subjecting us to this surreal gauntlet of horrors and whatever the hell that was?

But then, as I narrowly avoided a vicious kick from the skeletal instructor, I realized the truth – this was no game.

This was a crucible, a trial by fire designed to push us beyond our limits, to shatter the boundaries of what we thought martial arts could be.

this bizarre training regimen was clearly Majima's way of entertaining himself.

But it also trained us.

Through the absurd and the terrifying, we would learn to bend and adapt, to unlock the secrets of fighting styles that defied conventional logic.

Or Majima might just be screwing with us.

As I settled back into the swaying, twirling stance of the Breaker style, a grim determination settled over me.

No matter how bizarre or unsettling the path ahead might be, we would endure.

We would master every fighting style, every esoteric technique.

We would become as strong as it took.


I shivered as I used the ability that Zack had just given me on that. Thing. 

Goro Majima EVERYWHERE clone Mi'Uwu' edition.

This is a unique Majima everywhere cloned Bulker that matches the opponent's strength exactly in order to teach the Beast style of martial combat. She Will treat you 'Harshly' as she is pummeling you to the ground.

I couldn't help but gulp nervously. 

The thing got into a wide stance yet mobile stance, Its arms raised to the sides as both hands opened into a low grasping position as the arms lowered slightly she moved forward as the arms shifted up and down but never above the mid stomach. Its steps were slow and methodical as if it had all the time in the world to approach.

"Uwu you need to remember that.-"

I interrupted her. 

"STOP! Stop that! That creepy and extremely distracting sound! What is 'Uwu' and how can I kill it?! It's horrible!!"

The clone just looked at me, stunned. "Umm, main Majima just said it would be funny. But if it makes you uncomfortable and distracted, I'll just talk normally."

Now I just felt bad, but in the end I just nodded, "Please."

It then spoke, getting back into the stance. "Now, you need to remember that beast style of martial 

it nodded and I entered a copy of its stance. 

"Good, now what you want to do is come at me so I can show you what I mean." 

In the cumbersome stance I swiftly moved forward, and threw a punch. 

Catching my wrist effortlessly she threw me over her shoulder harshly, and before I knew it, I was behind her, on the ground, facing up as her foot plummeted for my face.

I stared up.

I stared into death.

Only for the foot to stop an inch away from my nose.

She took her boot-clad foot away from my face and spoke. "Do you see what I did?"

I nodded as my heart pounded out of my chest.

"Good," she said, her voice taking on a gentler tone.

 "The key to the Beast style is to remain fluid and adaptable, always using your opponent's force against them. When you attacked, I redirected your momentum and used it to put you in a vulnerable position and followed up with a blow that would have ended you."

I slowly sat up, my mind whirling as I processed her words.

"But... that stance didn't seem suited for grappling," I ventured, my brow furrowed in confusion.

The clone smiled, a strange sight on the exaggerated features of the Majima parody.

"Exactly. That's the beauty of the Beast style, it's deceptive. The wide, low stance appears to be purely for striking, but in reality, it's designed to allow for seamless transitions into throws and grappling techniques while allowing for an immediate and swift yet brutal strike once the opponent is disabled."

As she spoke, I could feel a newfound understanding taking root within me. The Beast style was more than just brute force- it was a fluid, ever-changing movement style of redirection and control followed by devistating strikes. it was, a way of harnessing an opponent's aggression and using it against them to prepare for a strike that would cripple or kill.

"I see," I murmured, my gaze hardening with determination. "Then I want to learn more. Show me everything."

The clone's smile widened, and she nodded, dropping back into the wide, low stance. "As you wish. But be warned the path of the Beast is not for the faint of heart. You must be willing to embrace the primal, to tap into the depths of your own ferocity. Use strikes that might kill. Never hesitate."

I nodded, and she approached slowly, inviting me to do the same.

Please re-read the ending of chapter 9 and the middle of chapter 11

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