
Please Put Your Clothes On My Lord

Zhu Hui is a well-respected chancellor and advisor to the Emperor. He always has a stoic expression and never shows his emotions. Of course, that is unless he is around Yuan Ling, the childish Emperor. Why does he lose his composure around Yuan Ling? Perhaps that is because his spoiled Emperor insists on being a nudist. ....However, is Zhu Hui uncomfortable because his Lord's constant nudity is shameful? Or is it because he finds it far too tempting? (NOTE: This is a One-shot. That means it is a very short story. If it's get more attention/love it may be written longer.)

Nekoru · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 2

Yuan Ling noticed Zhu Hui's stoic face falter for a moment. Yuan Ling grinned feeling pleased with himself after noticing that hesitation. He spoke coyly, "You promise?"


He stopped fighting and allowed Zhu Hui to dress him. Yuan Ling couldn't stand how heavy and oppressive the customary attire for the Emperor was. He had to be dressed in several layers, his hair had to be brushed and perfectly assembled, then a traditional crown far too heavy for his head to carry was placed on top. The only thing he didn't despise was that Zhu Hui did all these tasks for him… And he did them rather well.

Zhu Hui finished and gave a slight nod, "There. It is done, my Lord. Now we should rush to the throne room before your mother notices you are late."

Yuan Ling grinned at him, "Ah, but Zhu Hui. Aren't you forgetting?"

"Forgetting what?"

"You promised me a reward."

Zhu Hui let out a sigh, "And what does my Lord want as his reward?"

Yuan Ling gave a coy smile, "This Lord wants Hui-Gege to be his servant for the day."

Zhu Hui frowned in annoyance, "I am your Chancellor. I cannot be your servant."

Yuan Ling stepped close to him and batted his eyes, "But Hui-Gege said he would give me a reward… Did Gege lie?"

Zhu Hui felt his heart itch, "I said within reason."

Yuan Ling grinned ear to ear as he stepped around Zhu Hui. He called out confidently, "It is within reason. Don't worry, I won't make you do anything strange in front of the other Chancellors or my mother. I will let Eunuch Wan know that his services aren't required today since you will be helping me. Now can you open the door for me?"

Zhu Hui let out a sigh and went to the door. He opened it and walked out with Yuan Ling. Together, they walked to the throne room where everyone was already waiting patiently. They were used to their Lord being tardy. They believed it was because he was spoiled and lazy. However, they had no idea that the reason why was because of his desire to be a nudist and his refusal to wear clothes.

Yuan Ling was born as an only child to the previous Emperor. This made him precious in his parent's eyes. Anything he asked for, he would get. Anything he wished to do; he could do without any fear of repercussion. This leniency by his parents allowed him to grow up with a cocky attitude which didn't gain him any favors. Yuan Ling's parents feared that their child would grow up without friends, so they set out to find an eligible candidate. However, all those eligible candidates despised Yuan Ling. And who would blame them?

Yuan Ling was supposed to be the next Emperor. The children wouldn't dare say anything bad or irritate Yuan Ling. This caused Yuan Ling to become more unbridled. He would play horrible pranks on the other children. He would put tar in their hair, dump ink on their clothes, demand the impossible, and use his position to bully them. The children either feared or hated him. Either way, the friendship the Empress and Emperor intended wasn't possible. Yuan Ling was getting more and more isolated while powerful officials were beginning to feel wronged and resentful against the Emperor and Empress for what their children were going through.

Thus, the Empress came up with another idea. Instead of using those pencil-pushing officials, what if they asked someone from a military background? In return for a position of power, Zhu Hui's father forced him to be friends with the aggravating child. Luckily for everyone involved, Zhu Hui was a very amiable child. Although Yuan Ling's attitude aggravated him, he would never show it. His stoic expression and dignified aura were instilled in him from birth. Nothing could possibly shake it.

Yuan Ling was used to children avoiding him and fearing him, so he was surprised when Zhu Hui wouldn't run away, nor would he cry from aggrievement. This caused Yuan Ling to bully Zhu Hui endlessly. However, Zhu Hui was far stronger and more apathetic than regular children. Yuan Ling found a new purpose in life:

Figuring out how to make Zhu Hui's indifferent face break.

Yuan Ling tried everything he could think of. He placed bugs in his hair, dumped dirty water over his head, cut his clothes with scissors, and played every kind of prank on him that he could think of. However, nothing seemed to work on Zhu Hui. Yuan Ling was exhausted from trying to come up with an idea. After time passed to no avail, he decided to give up on his pursuit to make Zhu Hui's face change.

On one hot summer day, he dragged Zhu Hui with him to visit the waterfalls close to his courtyard. There was a small lake under the waterfalls that wasn't very deep. His parents allowed him to go as long as he had supervision. Once they got to the water, Yuan Ling began to undress. He threw off his clothes quickly without embarrassment. Completely naked, he turned to Zhu Hui. His heart flickered when he saw the bright pink face staring at him in shock.

Zhu Hui was in full panic mode. He didn't know where he should look. Should he look at it? Should he look away? Should he compliment it? Never before had he seen another boy's… Plaything…

It was then that Yuan Ling discovered that the indifferent Zhu Hui didn't know how to react to nudity. Yuan Ling grinned at his flustered appearance, "Eh? Hui-Gege? Why aren't you undressing? Don't you want to come swimming with me?"

Zhu Hui began to stutter, "W-We do not n-need to d-disrobe!"

Yuan Ling chuckled, "Of course we do. We can't return wet. Our parents would be upset."

"It's unnecessary!!!"

Yuan Ling grinned mischievously as he stepped close to Zhu Hui. He spoke in a stern voice that didn't match his smiling face, "I order you to disrobe right now!"

"I refuse!"

Yuan Ling reached forward and began to tug off his clothes, "Disrobe!"

"I won't!!"

The two wrestled with each other until Yuan Ling yanked on his robe so abruptly, it caused the two to fall forward. Zhu Hui acted quickly and swapped them around midair so that way Yuan Ling wouldn't be injured. Zhu Hui let out a grunt of pain as his head hit a rock and felt shallow water cover half of his body. Yuan Ling fell on top of him and made no effort to get off. He shouted in a panic, "Are you okay?!"

Zhu Hui opened his eyes, glanced down at their now touching bodies, then violently squeezed his eyes shut. He let out an uncharacteristic shout, "Get off!"

Yuan Ling blinked in confusion, "Eh?"

"Get off! Get off! Get off!"

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