
Please don't leave me my clingy mate

A married couple honeymoon is ruined by a significant problem that is claiming lives. A poison that spreads fast by making contact with the zombie is the order of the day. A group of Billionaires paid a good doctor and scientist to research the cure using Jasmine as a test subject since she's immune to the poison. Her blood is used to save people's lives pending the time they found an actual cure. It was only later that she realized she was the poison. Her father, the man behind the strange phenomenon is being hunted by her mate. Even her, cannot be spared. It was her fault his closest relatives were dead. His wolf was seeking blood to spill to compensate his relatives death.

PsychoE · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

CHAPTER SEVEN Telling him every detail

"When I visited Tentin in his room, he was looking through his phone so I was curious and I went to check it out only to see that he had a lot of followers on instagram.."

"Huh? What is Instagram?" Armin asked, his hands playing with my hair while I told him everything that happened.

"It is an app where you get to meet a lot of people with a phone! He had a lot of comments of people saying nice things about him. I was interested in it so we said I had to get an iPhone. With his charm, he got the iPhone with my favourite colour on it and I downloaded the app and created an Instagram account with it. Then we went on a shopping spree and took a lot of photos together.

"Can I see the photos?"

I nodded and immediately went to get my new phone that you was sitting near the shopping bags. I went straight to gallery and sat next to Armin before showing him each photos with one swipe.

"Isn't this one adorable?" I asked.

It was a photo of Tentin placing a hand on my shoulder, his mouth puckered towards my cheek.

I looked up at Armin only to see than he looked quite frozen up.

"Babe," I said placing a hand on his pale cheek, "What's wrong?"

Armin inhaled deeply, then exhaled but he didn't calm down.

His eye colour flashed between white and gray. His wolf was surfacing? It was quite confusing. Wasn't he chill a second ago?

"Armin," I said, "Babe what's wrong? Should I get a doctor?"

Armin shook his head, his eye colour, white. "Don't hang out with Tentin again." He said with a growl. It was an order and I did not quite like that.

I pulled away from his embrace and stood on the bed, glaring at him.

"Are you jealous? Why would you stop me from hanging out Tentin? Isn't he like one of your best friends?"

"Yes I am jealous." Armin admitted, not saying anything else.

I melted. How could he admit something like that so easily?

I looked at Armin, shocked.

"Why would you be? I like Tentin because he's cool and genuinely seems like a good guy. He could be a bad boy but that's probably like part of his charm, right? You on the other hand are my mate, my husband."

Armin bowed his head and said softly, "You don't tell me often that you love me, I fear your heart can change anytime."

I sighed. Why was he being insecure now? It was so unlike Armin?

Did he become more emotional since he got into the accident? It was odd.

"Armin," I sighed, walking over to him and pressing my lips against his, gently sucking his bottom lip.

Armin groaned in between the kiss and I ran my fingers through his bare chest, deepening the kiss.

I could feel Armin beginning to get aroused so I pulled away from the kiss and smiled at him. "Armin, I love you."

Armin smiled back slowly and pulled me into a tight embrace. "I love you, Jas!"

I chuckled at how excited he sounded and ran my fingers through his hair. "You're such a baby."

The door bursted open and I disengaged from the hug before looking over at a bored Luke who said in a monotone, "Your parents are here."

Armin facepalmed himself, "Didn't they go back to London? Why are they here and who even told them about the incident?"

"Your mother planted someone to watch over you in case of an emergency. His name is John, I think. He probably reported the situation to your family and your parent's flight were delayed, remember?"

Armin groaned and nodded, "Their flights were indeed delayed but why don't I know anything about that John guy?"

"I thought I made a mistake since I couldn't find the guy no matter how strategically I searched for him. By with today's scenario, I think it's true."

"Armin!" A cheerful tone cried behind the door. I looked over and smiled when I saw that is was Armin's mom, Becky.

As soon as she saw me, her eyes widened even more and she pulled me into a hug.

"You," She said teasingly, "How do you get prettier everytime I see you?"

"Please don't tease me," I smiled as we disengaged from the hug, "You're the beauty queen here, you look like snow white without the dwarves crawling up your ass of course."

Becky chuckled lightly, "Actually I do have a few dwarves up my ass. They include my younger sister, Lilly and my younger son, Israel."

"Why's Armin excluded?"

Becky scoffed, "He's always been on his lane since childhood. I'm pretty sure to him I'm the dwarf crawling up his ass."

"That's not true ma," Armin said, "There was just no need for you to show up, I'm fine, really."

"I know, I came to see my beautiful daughter in-law. I heard she was the one who saved your ass when a psycho housekeeper tried to annihilate you guys."

I touched Becky's elbow, trying to tell her to not be too harsh with him.

"He got poisoned, ma, there was really nothing he could do."

"I was told that you two got poisoned, why is it that you were still able to risk your neck to protect two grown men? What was Tentin doing when the housekeeper turned into a weird zombie, huh? And Luke!" Becky said, glaring at Luke that was still standing by the door.

"Didn't you check the housekeepers identity properly? How could let in someone that poisoned my son and daughter-in-law? How could you let such trifling matters ruin their honeymoon?" Becky scoffed, looking at Luke with anger on her face.

"Back during my days, men were strong and reliable. Even if they lost a leg, they would keep fighting until the danger was gone but men these days have become soft. They've become utterly weak and useless. They only know how to make money, snap selfies and look cool. They no longer have the vigor of fighting! Ever since we integrated with the humans, the wolf bloodline became doomed because werewolves are now obsessed with humanly needs, they no longer cater to their instincts of protecting their families, their women, their mates, their children!"

Armin and Luke bowed their heads, looking ashamed as hell.

Becky's words carried a lot of weight and she was not shy to say what she thought. It was quite scary.

"Why would you ever let your woman be the one sacrificing her neck for you?!"

I sighed, her words were too sharp.

Although Becky looked like an angel with her long blonde hair and beautiful gray eyes, her words were sharper than a knife.

I tugged on her arm, urging her to speak kindly but she was already done with her words.

"Israel come in," Becky said and a young looking boy stepped in holding a bottle of some green drink and a small box.

He had blonde hair as well but his eyes looked dim as though he were thinking deeply about something. I'd seen him before but he was an introvert and found it painful to say more than a word.

"Israel, say hello to your sister-in-law."

Without looking up, Israel said, "Hello aunty."

"Hello Israel, how are you?" He nodded and walked past me, placing the package on the seat next to the shopping bags.

"He's an introvert so he won't say so much." Becky sighed, "Forgive him."

"It's fine ma, I totally get it."

"Hello brother," Israel said to Armin.

Armin chuckled and stood on his feet, "Come here little buddy," With that, he hugged Israel tightly while Israel just stood there, unmoving.

"So I got you some aloe vera drink, it tastes awfully great. It's good for blood circulation and flushes toxins out of the body. Make sure you drink it and give my naughty son some as well."

"Thank you ma but I feel embarrassed, I have nothing here to give you in exchange."

Becky chuckled and placed a arm on my shoulder, "You, you don't have to repay me with anything. I've heard about your people's obsession in repaying favours, It's sometimes overwhelming. You don't have to give me anything. It is my responsibility to make sure you're doing very well. We're family now, it's also my responsibility to look after you so don't feel pressured to give me anything back."

I nodded, still feeling a certain way about not repaying her but I held back the thought and said, "Thank you very much for the gift, ma."

"You're welcome. I also made a few cookies so please, eat them and be happy."

"You're too kind!"

"And you're sweet!"

I blushed and she caressed my cheeks, "I should go back now, I don't want to ruin the rest of your honeymoon."

"No you're not ruining anything—"

"—I'll give you two some privacy." Becky said and I nodded. "Okay."

"Mum, what about Cyrus and Selene?"

Cyrus was Armin's older sister and Selene was his younger sister.

Selene liked me but Cyrus didn't. Whenever she was around, I felt like I was constantly under scrutiny.

I was kinda glad she didn't came.

"Cyrus and Selene are already in London. They booked their flight earlier than us so their flight wasn't cancelled."

"Oh." Armin said, disappointedly. He loved his older sister the most but she didn't seem too attached to him. She was aloof most of the time.

"We should get going now, be safe you two." Said Becky.

"You too."

Becky smiled and turned to leave, "Israel, let's go."

Israel looked at me and then started to follow Becky out.

"Wait, Israel." I said, suddenly remembering something.

He halted in his steps and I immediately went through one of the shopping bags and held out a blue transparent wrist band. It was of high quality and unisex, I didn't really need it but I thought he would like it.

"Here, have this."

Israel turned to face me and looked at the hand band. His eyes gently lited up, he liked the band.

Swiftly I grabbed his right hand and placed the band in his hands because he could stop me.

He looked at the band and nodded in thanks. I smiled and watched as he walked down the door with his mother.