
No choice

Just a year ago, I had dreams...

"... finally they concluded that I am not capable of giving birth!"

Just a year ago, I had desires for my future...

"So...so he doesn't need me anymore... they threw me...out.."

Just a year ago, I had FUTURE...

"they told me not come back again... ever!" cried my sister, finally loosing it all in my mother's arms.

I was angry has to be an understatement! I was lava boiling inside volcano! But at whom should I direct my anger? My sister's self proclaimed in-laws who denied to accept her in their family because she can't give birth? Or her self proclaimed husband, who abandoned her at her lowest? Or my sister herself who ran from her wedding with her pathetic lover leaving my father and my family in utter shame???

When you come from a humble family you know that money isn't everything but dignity and respect is! My father has always been a man of pride, he's been in teaching profession for 27 years and always helped needy. People of my town always regarded him with respect.But my sister's selfish and reckless act brought gossip and ugly rumours to our family, since that day I never seen him happy. The shine in his old eyes disappeared somewhere and there was only an emptiness!

But finally with time everything was getting better and somehow started moving forward but now she decides to come back when her acts turned out to be a mess?!

"He can't abandon you like that! Moreover he or anyone can't throw you out of the house. You are his wife after all it's against law!" my cousin brother Raja said calming his temper.

"I... I have no proof.... that I am married to him.. we never signed any marriage sartificate...we went to temple and only followed the rituals needed!" my sister declared between her sobs, regret was evident on her face.

"I have no words, Rupa! How much more careless can you be?" he said defeated.

Raja continued her rant towards her. My mother was crying as well. At this point I started crying too. For me everything felt silent, when I saw my father's helpless eyes. It was the time knew I have accept what destiny has for me! It was the time I knew I have to accept proposal of Sakuntala Devi! It was the time I knew I had NO CHOICE but to marry him, the heir of Gaekwad Dynasty, the Royals of Pratapgad, Rudra Pratap Gaekwad who personally warned me to reject proposal!