
Vs Ulquiorra 2

After the green spiritual energy rain dies down, stand Ulquiorra in a new form. He now has black batwings while his hair grows longer, his attire becomes more form fitting and closed at the top and gone all the way down to his feet.

Generating a green energy javelin and with a flap of his wings, Ulquiorra speed toward Lacero with his javelin.

Drawing his sword, Lacero meets the bat like Arrancar head on but couldn't stop it completely as the force of the attack start to push him back.

As he was losing the struggle of the strength, Lacero throws a kick at his winged opponent who flew upward, avoiding the kick, he then hurtles straight down on him.

Lacero backflip and push himself out the way just in time to dodge, Ulquiorra smashing his weapon into the sand and kicking up the debris everywhere.

Lacero didn't get to catch his breath for long as Ulquiorra come out of the sand, flying toward him, he was barely able to raise his sword in time and block the green javelin.

Lacero was immediately alert when the green eyes hollow put his finger on him and said finger start to light up, 'bastard, he better not do it!'

Without giving him any time to counter, "Cero Oscuras"

Ulquiorra fire the black cero with a green outline right through Lacero's shoulder blade with the beam coming out the other side in a huge blast and sending him skipping along the surface of the sand.


Aizen and Gin continue to watch as Lacero got up with a dark expression on his face while the hole in his shoulder begins to get filled back up.

"Well, he has regeneration just like Ulquiorra do, that is useful. No wonder he's not afraid of getting cut," said Aizen.

"He does look anger, doesn't he, captain Aizen?" asked Gin in a playful way.

"Yes, I wonder if what Ulquiorra did hurt his pride"


"You bitch! I can't believe you did that to me, you're so gonna pay for that!" Lacero curses out, he was very unhappy with being on the other side of someone putting a hold in his body and in a cool way too.

Pointing his sword upside down, Lacero calls out while letting the weapon fall, "Grow, Célula."

The instant it touches the sand, it releases a huge burst of white and black energy. The Spiritual energy then starts to envelop Lacero in a perfectly white sphere with black smoke coming out it.

After a moment the sphere burst open, reviewing Lacero in a new look. His skin turns completely white and gone was his clothes, both his hand turns black, all the way up till his elbow. There white fur growing on his waist and down to his knee with the rest of his legs is black, he also has fur cape around his waist.

Lacero in his release form, slam his both his hand on the ground, "Campo Oseo!"

After a moment of nothing happening, Ulquiorra begins to feel uneasy and his instinct screaming at to move away. The instinct was too strong to ignore so following on its advice, he flaps his wings and flies up just in time to not get skewer alive by a field of sharp white spikes shooting up from the sand.

Hovering above the field of spikes and observing it for a bit, Ulquiorra look at Lacero and stated,

"So, you can use your bone as weapons."

Removing his hands from the ground and pointing his open hand at the hovering Arrancar, Lacero replies, "that right."

He then fires a thorn shape bone from within his palm like a bullet at him.

With a swing of his javelin, Ulquiorra easily knocks the projectile out the way.

He then immediately hurl the energy javelin toward Lacero, the attack hit its mark and detonate in a huge dome.

When the blast dies down, it reviews large bones shape rib cage that shields Lacero from the impact of the explosion.

Lacero looks up, not seeing Ulquiorra where he was supposed to be as he was ready behind him, swinging a new javelin at Lacero.

Just as his strike was about to land, Ulquiorra's eyes widen as he suddenly feels pain from his shoulder and lost control of his arm. Looking at his shoulder, he finds a bone coming out of Lacero back piercing it.

"How did you know I was here?"

"Take a closer look at the back of my neck" Lacero tell him.

Ulquiorra looks the location and was surprised when he was met with an eyeball staring back at him.

"You didn't think bone was the only thing I could use, did you? I could use all part of my body" said Lacero and cut off his connection with the bone piercing Ulquiorra, leaving the bone stuck in him.

Without giving Ulquiorra any time to recover, Lacero spins around and kick him hard right in the face, sending him hurtling through the air.

Lacero than point his right arm with the other one act as support toward the still flying wings Arrancar as bones start to grow on it and forming into a massive lance, the size of his body.

Lacero then launches the lance forward, "Misil De Hueso!"

"I hope you like a hole on your body just like I did, you asshole!"

As the lance made out of bone was gaining on Ulquiorra and ready to impale him, Aizen appears in its flight path, blocking it with his Zanpakuto as he getting pushed back.

With him being push back further and further, Aizen starts to frown, even if he not using his full power, he still finds it displeasure that he can not stop something like this easily.

Giving up on stopping the lance, Aizen option to deflect it out the way, sending it flying to the side.

Done with saving his subordinate, Aizen Shunpo in front of Lacero,

"My, that was a strong attack, now I'll ask you again. Would you join me if not I have to hurt the people behind you or I can also go to the human world and harm Yoruichi Shihouin? I hear you two have a feeling for each other" Aizen was a bit impatient after what happen and not in a mood for long talk.

Clenching his teeth, Lacero replies, "find, I join you."

"Ah, wonderful. Now look at my sword, this is just precaution" Aizen smile, getting what he wants.

Lacero did as he was told and watch Aizen hold his Zanpakuto facedown and said it Shikai command

"Shatter, Kyoka Suigetsu."

so long

FlyingPeacockcreators' thoughts