
Two on One

lying on the ground, Yaiyo growl inside as he looks at the two people speeding toward him,

'Why couldn't things let me get what I want without any trouble?'

Looking at where his target was, Taiyo sees him start to get up. With no time to wast, he starts to break the ice on his foot, using his tail.

With the ice broken. Taiyo quickly got up on all fours and jump toward the Shinigami who trying to get away from him, closing the distance in one leap.

With his arm stretches and about to grasp his prize, an ice dragon suddenly cut in front of him.

Quickly, slamming his tail at the ground. Taiyo forcibly stops his momentum so he wouldn't run into the ice shape dragon and sends himself, crash landing a couple of feet away from the dragon.


Using Shunpo. Toshiro and his captain got in front of the guy, he saves twice. With his Zanpakuto already in its Shikai and his attention fully on the hollow that on the ground, Toshiro says without looking back,

"Stay back and don't move away from us."

Then his captain Isshin with his sword draw also tells the Shinigami academy student,

"We don't know why it's after you but it best if you stay close to us so we can protect you."

After a moment, the Adjuchas got up and open its mouth, "You! The weak Shinigami hiding behind those you two. Why don't you come with to me willingly, if not I going to kill your family."

Knowing he couldn't beat both of them, hell he not even sure if he could even beat one them so Taiyo resort to bluffing.

He don't even know if the guy has any relatives but looking at the pale face of the guy when he mentions his family, he right on the mark.

"Don't listen to him! He could be laying, we'll kill it before he could do anything" Isshin try to calm the student behind him down.

Hearing the captain's word, he starts to get his hope up, "yeah.."

"You don't believe I can kill his family?" they watch in surprise as a face starts to grow on the side of the hollow face than an arm. After a second, a full half body that is identical to the lizard Adjuchas starts to separate from the hollow.

The newest bore hollow than start running toward the District where the soul lives.

Seeing the people live will be dangerous, Isshin tells his subordinate,

"Toshiro. go and stop it, leave the original to me" nodded, Toshiro speed after the clone.

With Toshiro chasing after his clone and out the way, Taiyo full turn his attention to what in front of him and put more pressure on the wielder of this prize,

"See? With my ability, I can kill your family right now if I want it to. I already have my clone, watching your relatives right now. I just have to send him a message through my head and he'll start killing."

After his evolution to Adjuchas. Taiyo discovers his ability to regenerate by letting him regrow lost body part not only let him heal himself but it also let him fully grow and create a body of himself.

The clone has the same ability as him but it can't help itself or clone itself.

With fear and concern for his beloved one, the Asauchi owner question Taiyo,

"How do you know where my mom and grandmom are?"

He was so scared and didn't think things through with a level headed. he accidentally spills who his family member is without even knowing, giving Taiyo more information to threatens him with.

"I have followed you ever since you left the Seireitei and visit your mom and grandmom, all the way till you were playing with the kids here. Now, why you come to me so you can save them" Taiyo was lying, of chouse. He just found the dude by chance but he doesn't to know that.

"Don't believe a word the hollow saying!" Isshin shouts at the person with a frightened expression, behind him. He still doesn't know why the hollow wants him but he has to kill and finished this now or the monster will get what it wants.

Just when he was about to attack, the tip of a sword suddenly appears from the inside of the hollow stomach and start to freeze him in ice.

With the hollow completely covered in ice, Toshiro steps up from the hollow back.

Isshin gives a sigh of relief and sheath his sword, seeing as it all over, "good work Toshiro."

The hollow wasn't too strong by the feel of its reiatsu but it sure gives them a lot of problems by it wordplay and it almost got what it wants if it wasn't for Toshiro.

"No! I was so close' trap in the ice. Taiyo couldn't move his body at all. He didn't think Toshiro would take care of his clone this fast. At this rate, he'll be killed without getting what he wanted.

Why can't they just mind their own business and let him do what he came here for, he wasn't hurting them or their friend but no, They just have to get in his way and make his life so much more difficult.

Feeling so angry and frustrated about things not going his way, Taiyo starts to howl, even if the people of outside couldn't hear him.


"You did it, my family is saved!" the Shinigami in training start to cheer, thinking that his mom and grandmother are now safe.

Then out of nowhere, they feel that hollow that is frozen in ice, reiatsu pressing down on them.

Looking the block of ice that has the hollow inside, Toshiro eyes widen and gasp as the ice start melting, "How?..."

With his tail free, Taiyo smashes the side of Toshiro face hard and send him flying into the Rukongai, District building. With him being so close to the hollow, Toshiro couldn't dodge the attack in time.

Taiyo don't know what power he uses to get out of the ice but he has to think of it later, now he needs to finish what he here to do.

With the ice Zanpakuto user out his way again, "You! I ask you to come to me more than one time but you didn't, now I have to kill your loved one!" Yaiyo state as he removes the sword from his body and the wound starts to close up.

'Shit, he has regeneration' Isshin thought while drawing his sword again. He has to kill the hollow now before the situation gets worst and also get his prodigy squad member check out with captain Unohana, he got hit pretty to the head.

"I need to go save them!" yell the person with the nameless Zanpakuto, running back toward his relatives.

"No, stop!" Isshin calls out with his arm stretches. While he was in thought, he didn't notice the start to run away till it too late.

Turning his head back to the hollow, Isshin heart start to raise with dread. The best was charging a white cero in its mouth and fire it toward the population.

'That bastard!' now, he is forced to decide who he will save. A one person lives who is also a shinigami like him that vow to protect the soul or the many lives of the District people.

"Damn it!!!" with a heavy heart, Isshin Shunpo toward to the directions of the cero.

With the father of the future orange hired, Substitute Shinigami finally out of the way and his target running with no one to defend him. Taiyo rushes at his prize with all the speed he has, he got to him in just a few moments.

Grasping him by the back of his neck, Taiyo jumps up into the air where a Garganta start to open without wasting any time at all, fearing something gonna stop him if he does.

"No, let me go!"

Tell me what you think.

Do you like the way the mc going psychology on the poor dude!

FlyingPeacockcreators' thoughts