
Meet Yoruichi again

"So, what this I hear about you helping a Shinigami captain and a Quincy while I was gone, Kisuke?"

spoked Yoruichi while biting down on a grilled fish with a chopstick.

Right now, She, Urahara and Tessai are having breakfast. She just got backs to Urahara shop yesterday and Tessai told her a little bit of the topic.

"Oh that, it was a year ago. I help a Quincy girl who has hollow poison but at the cost of the captain losing his Shinigami power, right now he opens a clinic for business" Urahara explains the events to her.

"I-" Yoruichi didn't get to reply as a voice call out from outside of the shop cutting her off,

"Hey, anybody home?!"

"Hmm, who could it be, the shop hasn't even opened yet" murmur Urahara.

Neatly putting his chop down, Tessai got up, "I'll go have a look"

Got to the shop entry and open the door, Tessai was met with a scene that he would never forget. On the other side of the door was a black-haired man standing there in broad daylight completely nude with the morning sunlight shining down on him, illuminating his body, allowing him to get a clear picture.

The only thing he has on himself was a sword sheathing on his back.

Tessai almost yelps out but stop himself, it wouldn't do for him to be seen yelling like a girl.

He a calm and intellectual guy, he can handle this in a cool manner.

Readjust his glasses and gotten himself together, Tessai ask, "how can I help y-"

He stops his sentence when he finally notices the hole that was showing itself on the guy body.


As they continued eating and waiting for Tessai to return, Urahara and Yoruichi hear him shout out,

"Hollow! Hado #4, Byakurai!"

They immediately stop eating and rush to the front door. When the two childhood friend got there,

they were stupefied. In front of their sight were a guy jumping into the air, dodging a bolt of blue energy while he was naked, letting them seem his family jewel.

Yoruichi blush as her eyes follows the stranger fully exposed body, more explicitly his lower half as he landed on his feet.

There's not a lot of things that can embarrass her but this is one of them. Even she don't have the nerve to come to someone place who she never met before, completely without clothes.

'He looks familiar' she thought.

On the other hand, Urahara was taking it much better and already got himself under control and thinking of, 'how did we not sense him'

He doesn't know how an Arrancar can enter a human world without alerting anybody but when he tries to sense his reiatsu more closely, his eyes widen at the answer. The hollow reiatsu level was low, pathetically so. The Arrancar reiatsu, it gives out was the same as a normal human, which puzzle him greatly because there no way a hollow who remove it mask could be as weak as a regular person.

Putting his hand up like a stop sign, Lacero speaks up, "calm yourself, I'm not here to fight, I'm only here if you could give some clothing."

Yeah, the reason he here was to get something to cover himself with. It a bone that he also got to see Yoruichi again. It's not the best way to let a girl meet you while you naked for the first time but on the other hand, it gives an impression of him that she may never forget.

"It kind of hard to believe when a hollow said it" Urahara replies, he was having a hard time believing that he here just to get a cloth, even if he needs it, he could just steal some before when he came here but no.

"Fine, don't believe me but I'll stand here naked if I have to till you come around, I will ruin your business."

The answer Urahara got almost choke him. If the guy goes through with what he said, he'll be out of business with no way to support himself and Tessia. He was so caught up in his thought that he forgot normal people can't see Lacero.

"Alright, I got it"

Lacero gives out a smirk, seeing things go his way, "by the way, I'm Lacero. You guy were having a meal, right? Let all go inside, eat and talk about it"

"I don't think I can eat anymore," said Yoruichi. She usually can eat a lot but she completely lost her appetite after what she just witness.

"Yeah, me too" add Urahara than turn to Tessai, " Tessai, could you go get some clothes for him to wear?"

Tessai nods, "got it, please wait a moment, I'll be right back."

this was a bit hard to write, action on the next chapter

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FlyingPeacockcreators' thoughts