
Lost control

It has been 10 years she and her friends were on the run and hiding from Soul Society. She wonders how her apprentice doing right now, she must hate her, feeling like she abandoned her but it can't be helped since her childhood friend in trouble. Thought a dark skin beautiful women with a long purple tie in a ponytail as she was making her way toward her childhood friend shop via the rooftop of buildings.

She wonders if anyone awake right now since it pretty late in the night than suddenly she feel a weird rise in reiatsu making her stop, the reiatsu feel like it fluctuates between a normal human and hollow.

Facing the direction where it comes from,

'hmm, it looks like it coming from the outskirt of town where the river is' she jump to another rooftop, making her way toward the source.


As she got to Karakura' river, she found a shocking scene. A soul was pulling on his chain of fate, screaming as his whole body start cracking.

No, it too late for her to stop it, he already becoming a hollow. The crack on the Plus body starts to glow, lighting up the whole body then suddenly explode in white smoke making her unable to see what goes on inside the smoke.

As the smoke clears, it in place stand a small car size white salamander with black spot covering the whole body. It has white fur around the neck and it masks have two round eyes hole and a thick black line for a mouth.

The hollow open its mouth, releasing a hot breath and show her many small sharp teeth that look like it can bite off anything.

Knowing her present, the hollow gives off a sharp screech and rush at her with its mouth open try to bite her.

She jumps into the air dodging the hollow. As she turns her head to look down, she finds the hollow just a foot away from her, 'it fast...'

Just as the hollow about to tear her feet off, thinking it gonna its food. The women disappear making the hollow bite the empty air.

The orange wearing dark skin girl reappear on the ground with 8 small knives, 4 on each hand,

"Ha!" she swiftly throws the knives at the hollow.

The hollow hopeless watch as the knives getting closer to its body. As it was in the air, it couldn't dodge the attack.

The sharp knives found its mark, penetrate its target body. The hollow cry out as it falls down with blood gushing out from the wound and crash into the ground.

The purpler hair women watch as the hollow thrash around on the ground, trying to remove the small knives from its body.

She wants to save the soul, let it rest in the Soul Society but she doesn't have her Zanpakuto and there isn't any shinigami around. If there was they already be here fight the hollow instead of her.

'Guess, I ask Urahara' she feels bad doing this since she saw the Plus face before he turns into hollow, he was quite handsome and her type but it can't be helped.

Taking out a wire, she was able to instantly connect the wire through the small hole in the knives to another knife that in her hand in the blink of eyes.

She throws the knife to the ground and shoots a bolt of small white lightning at the wire, the lightning quickly travels through the wire and shock the hollow making it fall down.

With the lightning continually shocking the inside of its body. The hollow couldn't move much, let alone getting up.

She just needs the hollow not moving around and causing trouble to the town while she goes to get her friend help so she only uses enough power to keep the hollow down but not enough to kill it.

With the hollow contain and she about leave to get her friend, a voice sound behind her,

"Oh. Hey, Yoruichi!"

Hearing someone call her name, she turns around to find two men walking toward her, one is a tall man that has a hat and a cane while wearing a dark coat. The other one is a muscular, tall man with glass and a handlebar mustache.

"Oh. Kisuke, I was just about going to your place and get you" Yoruichi say to the man with the hat, she then turns to the other one, "It good to see you too, Tessai."

"You too, Yoruichi" the muscular man reply politely.

Seen the hollow being fried behind his childhood friend, Urahara question,

"We felt an unusual reiatsu in the middle of the night so we came to check it out, it was a bit surprised to see you. So...do you know going on?" Yoruichi than start to inform them what has happened.

As they were talking with each other, a hoarse voice suddenly interrupted their conversation,

"Thanks to you, I'm me again"

Turning around, Yoruichi's eyes widen as the hollow that was on the ground, being electrocuted. Now, standing on four legs with its tail holding the wire knives like a hook while its wounds are healing.

They were shocked to find that the hollow has the intelligence to use its tail to remove the knives but let alone the intellect to talk when the hollow just came to being a moment ago.

With the wounds healed, the hollow throw the wire knives away and say to Yoruichi,

"I see you again when I get my good look back" the hollow than jump back to the air as a Garganta open up and swallow it, leaving the three people lost in thought, especially her.

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