
Life as a hollow

With the moon shining over the white sand of Hueco Mundo, a Garganta appear in the sky and jump off a salamander-like hollow.

Touching the sand, Taiyo looks around his surrounding, checking if that any hollow around that wants to eat him.

Seeing that there no hollow, Yaiyo look at the moon, it quite pretty. He wants to stay here, he probably can go alone time without meeting any hollow and stay safe but if he did that he'll never grow stronger since almost all hollow in this sand are Adjuchas and above and he can't beat them as he is now.

Without wasting any time, he digs into the sand as he making his way deeper and deeper into the sand.


limping from tree to tree, Taiyo searches the Forest of Menos for weak hollow to consume to grow more powerful.

After searches of awhile, he comes across a feeding ground with a bunch of hollows mindlessly fighting and eating each other.

'Yes!' then without a second thought, Taiyo dive into the group of hollow and attack any hollow on sight. With his speed, the hollows couldn't touch him at all. He just keeps biting them and eating their flesh.


After clearing every hollow on the feeding ground and eating them, Yaiyo swallows his last piece of


'I feel a bit stronger, nice' as he was about to leave and look for his next meal, five hollows appear in the tree surrounding him.

"Look, we got a winner and a small one at that!" one of the hollows say and give out a maniacally laugh.

'Shit! I'm so dead...' Taiyo curse inside, there no way he could beat all of them. They all Adjuchas with the way they talking, he'll be lucky if he could escape at all.

"You guy stay back and watch, I take care of this thing," a tall hollow with a thin long neck and long arm with a big hand said and drop to the ground.

Seeing that they gonna attack him one on one instead of all at once, Taiyo got his hope back, with this he has a chance of getting out of this predicament alive.

Pointing all it finger at Taiyo, the hollow fingers extend and shot toward him fast. With his speed, he was able to dodge the attack but another one immediately follows suit and he has no time to take a breather unless he wants to finger up his ass.

Dodging another one of the fingers, Yaiyo land of the ground, 'ahh! this is getting annoyed and I'm starting to get tired of running around' then suddenly a finger pierce through his body and lift him up in the air.

Looking down, he saw the finger that goes through his body come from underground, 'damn, I'm stupid, can't believe I fall for that.'

Retract his finger from the ground, the small hollow fall to the ground with a huge hole on its body.

"That wasn't much fun," said the hollow and look at the wounded hollow trying to get up but couldn't.

"Oh, you still alive" the Adjuchas than walk toward the fallen hollow to finished the job.

As it got close and about to pick it up, the almost dead hollow suddenly jump toward it neck and bite it. Since they were so close to each other, it couldn't get away in time.

The other hollow just watches as their friend have it neck completely bite off without doing anything or feeling any remorse.

"How stupid, he actually lost to a puny hollow."

With the hole on his body fully heals, Taiyo thought of how he supports to get out of this situation.

Now that he kills one of them, they'll be taking him more seriously now. His thought was interrupted as a new hollow jump from the tree and state,

"So, you have a regeneration."

The hollow stand on two legs with a buff body and a long sharp claw, the hollow like it will be fast.

Without warning, the hollow rush at Taiyo with a slash of its claw and send him flying into a tree with one of his front leg completely cut off.

Taiyo got up with a heavy breath while his missing leg was growing back, he was already really tired from all the running around with his last fight and this new hollow is faster than him.

Looking in front of him, his heart to race as he sees the hollow was charging a cero,

'no!!!' with his leg still not fully back he can't run.

The cero was than release and shoot toward him, 'shit! shit! shit!' Yaiyo yells inside and starts to get panic.

He stares in horror as the cero was getting closer, he can perfect see the cero and know he can dodge it but his legs were still healing.

With this brain working overdrive, Taiyo notices the cero was getting smaller and decrease in speed. The change in the cero was so small, the other hollow didn't notice anything.

The hollow watch as the cero destroyed everything in its path. After the attack died down, the small hollow was nowhere to see.

"Ha, look like the thing got completely incinerate!"


Not too far from where the cero was fired, a lizard-like hollow was running frantically like someone was hunting it down.

'That was so close!' Taiyo doesn't know how the cero got weaker and slow down but nevertheless, it saves his ass. Even if it was just a little, it did give him enough time for his leg to fully grow back and get out of there.

Sorry if this chapter is a bit lacking:(

but others will be better!

Also rank and reviews so I can know if the novel is good or not or if I need anything to work on

FlyingPeacockcreators' thoughts