

"I'm sorry, because of us....." Nel apologizes to Lacero who has now returned to his normal form with her head down.

Lacero lifts up her chin to face him and smiles at her "Ah, don't worry about. Even if you not here, Yoruichi will still be in danger. Believe me, we'll be fine, Alright?"

Nel returns him a small smile and nods, "yeah."

"Now come, we make Aizen wait long enough"

They make their way toward Aizen who have given them some time to talk between them of a change in lifestyle with Pesche and Dondochakka walking behind Lacero and Nel with an air of depressed around them,

"why do we have to go back there, we were good just living in the wild..."


After Aizen, Lacero, Nel and the other left. Leaving the desert with a field of borns spike, where a battle took place in silent and nothing in sight all around. A head pops up within the sand,

"Finally, it over, it was getting hot down there," said Lacero, pushing himself out of the sand.

It a good thing that when Ulquiorra throw his stick and creating an explosion. Lacero, using the explosion as camouflage. Grow a full body of himself to replace him just in case of a situation like now, where he has to look at Aizen's Zanpakuto's Shikai.

Materialize herself beside him, Yarihimi question her owner, "Why did you agree to join that Aizen guy, I don't like him?"

"Come on, in the future. The guy will a have full power wish granting orb and I want that in case I have a use for it in the future. Also, it more fun to be on the bad guy side and mess with the good guy, it less boring." Lacero smirk.

The spirit sigh and said, "It that all you care about, getting what you want and having fun? You could get yourself kill one day if you keep doing stuff like that."

"You should know it best since you live there but my inner world is a theme park, that should tell you best of what kind person I am" she cares about him but that one thing she doesn't like about him.

"Now, come on. Let go look for one of the girls that I like and get back quick. I'm worried about Nel going with them and not have the real me beside her but she should be fine for now" Lacero than leave with his Zanpakuto's spirit.


Somewhere in the desert of Hueco Mundo.

"Aah...This is so boring, there nothing to do here" whine female lion-like Adjuchas. With her are two other Adjuchas, one snake and another deer, they bother female.

The deer hollow roll her eyes at her companion,

"No duh, there isn't. We're in the middle of nowhere" she finds it annoying that Mila Rose stating the obvious.

"How dare you roll your eyes at me, you bitch, Apacci!" Mila Rose yell at her.

Finding the two hollow arguing amusing and to release her of her boredom a bit, the snake Adjuscha added more fuel to the fire, "you two are pathetic, so unladylike, unlike me. I don't know why lady Harribel even bothers with the two of you."

Hearing Sung-Sun insulting and telling them, they not worth their mistress time. Both Mila Rose and Apacci turn their anger toward her,

"You're not better yourself, you ugly snake. Lady Harrbel probably just took pity on you since you so weak to take care of yourself and let you follow her!"

"You guy, stop. Something is coming here, be on your guard."

While they were insulting each other to notices anything. Their lady who is shark humanoid with a huge shark shape blade for an arm and standing not too far away from them, sense something was making their way toward them and warn them.


Finally, make it to where Harribel and her friends were, Lacero drop his sword and put his hands up,

"I come in peace, don't be alarm."

Feeling the guy was making fun of them, Apacci shouts at Lacero, "Cut the crap, who are you!?"

"I'm Lacero, it a pleasure to meet you ladies" Lacero smiles, introducing himself.

Harribel point her blade of an arm at him and question, "What are you here for?"

"Oh, I was wondering if you want to be more powerful while also getting you human look like me. All beautiful and stuff, you could fix your hair and do your makeup, what do you think?" said Lacero, trying to appeal to what he thinks girl want to do to have a good time.

Another reason he joins Aizen is that he wants to get Harribel before Aizen get to her so he can increase the level of likeness she has for him and also he not sure how to turn her into a nature Arrancar without the Hogyoku.

"That sound like a bunch of lies," said Mila Rose, not believe what Lacero since it sounds too good to be true.

"You see me, I am a hollow just like you but who has his human form back when I become an Arrancar" Lacero pull his top down to show them his hollow hole.

After thinking about for it awhile, Harribel speak up, "Prove it to me that I'll be stronger if what you said it true?" she don't care much for looks but she does if she can be more power to better protect her friends.

Lacero drops his hands down and tells her, "Alright, come at me. I show you the difference between Arrancar and Vasto Lorde."

Taking him on his offer, Harribel charges at Lacero who was stand still and swing her shark tooth arm at him without any hesitation.

Harribel eyes widen when her sword gone through Lacero like nothing, hitting his after-image than she hears Lacero call out besides her, a distance away, "That was my speed, you like it?"

'I didn't even see him move at all'

"Come at me again, I'll show you my strength"

She didn't wait a bit before she rushes at Lacero again and thrusting her arm at him. Harribel was shocked when her attack was easily stopped by a hand.

"Nice, it's it. You can have power like this if you become an Arrancar" said Lacero.


"Lady Harribel..." Sung-Sun, Apacci, Mila Rose watch in sadness as their mistress who was so strong to them, got handle like a kid.


Harribel retreats her arm and starts thinking whether to take Lacero offer or not.

"Alright, I believe you and want to get more powerful" she agreed, knowing that if the kind of power she was shown is what she has to up against, she'll never be able to protect the girls who look up to and follow her.

"I'm glad, now I'm gonna tell you what to do-" Lacero push a bit to get their attention and continue.

Sorry if this chapter see a bit weak

FlyingPeacockcreators' thoughts