

"You want us to go to Las Noches and pretend to join a Shinigami captain who is building an army of Arrancar to take down Soul Society, just so we could become an Arrancar, are you crazy!" scream Apacci, not liking how absurd the idea was. They, working for someone was not something she likes, more so when is it a Shinigami.

"Yeah, I don't like it either" Mila Rose agree with her, even Apacci think it stupid and that hard to do.

"What do you think lady Harribel?" Sung-Sun asks her leader on her opinion. She with those two but she wants to know what their lady think, If it a good idea or not.

Harribel was deep in thought on what is the best option. If she joins, she and her friends will become stronger but there is a lot of downside with it.

From what Lacero said, the Shinigami captain Aizen is someone who wouldn't hesitate to cut something down if they are no use to him anymore and there also Baraggan who she has a bad history with. But the problem is Aizen ability of Perfect Hypnosis, where he can control all your sense and you can't ever escape it, the only saving grace is Lacero was able to trick Aizen into thinking he was under his hypnosis control.

The most disappointed part of this whole thing for her was, Lacero tells her even if she becomes Arrancar, she'll still no match for Aizen so after turn into Arrancar and she wants to forcibly leave, she couldn't.

She wants to let her friends get their human look back, knowing they'll be very if they could but with the bad out outweigh the good and Harribel about to refuse the suggestion,

"Sorry but we-"

knowing what she gonna said, Lacero put his hand up and stop her, "How about I show you my power and see if it can change your mind."

"What do you mean by that?" Harribel and the other look at him a bit confused, wondering what Lacero means by showing them his power when they already saw how strong he is when he was fighting Harribel.

Instead of getting any response from Lacero, they suddenly feel an immense amount of reiatsu pressing on them. Harribel fall flat on the sand, she tries to resist and move her body to get up but the pressure was proving too much for her to do anything.

The shark Vasto Lorde feels like she was sick and about to pass out any moment now, never in her mind did she think that there could be something monstrous of this level were possible.

If this was what she feeling, Harribel couldn't imagine what the other is going through right now. Worrying about Sung-Sun, Apacci and Mila Rose, she moves her head with difficulty to check on them and found them unconscious with drool coming out of their mouth.

Fill with extreme anger and how powerless she was to not able to do anything to prevent it, Harribel move her head back and look up at Lacero with all the strength she has.


Harribel than pass out, losing all the strength she has left.

With the shout of his future girl, Lacero stops releasing his reiatsu while at the same time draining his Reiryoku so he can get them under control as soon as possible.


Opening her eyes with blurred vision, Harribel stars at the night sky for a second before she abruptly seats up while sweating as the memory of what makes her blackout come back to her.

"Ah, you awake?"

Harribel's pupils dilate, hearing the familiar voice. Turning to the voice, all her muscles tighten when she sees Lacero walking toward her.

"Are you alright?" said Lacero as he bends down and holds out his hand for her to grip but instead he finds Harribel move back to get away from him.

Seeing the fear in her eyes, Lacero retreats his arm and reassure her, "I'm sorry if that scare you but you got nothing to fear from me, I only did that to show you that there is nothing to worry about if you go to Las Noches."

Hearing the comfort of his, Harribel start to calm down a bit. Never in her life did she ever feel so frightened and small as she does now.

looking around she found her friends laying unconscious not too far from her, worrying about what the status they in, she quickly got up and make her way to them.

"They just unconscious, they wake up soon," Lacero tell her but Harribel still nonetheless check on them to make sure.

After done with her inspections, she stands up and stares at Lacero right in the eyes and tell him,

"I'll do as you said, I want more strength."

She don't want her or the other to ever go through that again and feel like they were just an ant that can kill at any time. The only way she seems for her to overcome that is for her to grow so strong that the experience she just went through was nothing more than a child play.

Suddenly the mask around Harribel faces start to crack and broke off while at the same time the rest of her body armor start to fall off.

With all broken white hollow skin on the ground, stand a Harribel in her human form, just as beautiful and busty as he knows her to be.

She was completely naked with the only thing covering her was the remnants of her hollow mask that start from her neck and gone down to cover her nipples.

"Oh my, you become Arrancar and every pretty one at that" Lacero compliment her but she wasn't paying attention to him as she was busy checking her body and how strong she became.

Harribel frown when she compares her new power to Lacero when he releases his reiatsu and found she not at his level.

Lacero take off his top and offer it to her, "Here, cover your self with this"

She takes the cloth and put it on, showing her long and smooth legs.

Seeing her still a bit down, Lacero got closer and caress her face, "Don't worry, I'm sure this isn't the limit of your power and you'll continue more powerful."

Lacero step back and tap at the air, opening Garganta, "I'll be waiting for you in Las Noches" he said as he enters the pathway.


Does it feel right?

Sorry for the late chapter, I was sick and feel like shit the past few days, even now.

FlyingPeacockcreators' thoughts