

Deflecting a blow from Yoruichi with his hand, Lacero counter with a punch. Quickly and easily bending backward, Yoruichi dodges the strike than spinning around upside down while using her legs to attack.

Lacero Jump back to get away. With her target not in range anymore, Yoruichi flips herself back to her feet using her hand for a push.

The minute they touch the ground, they both rush at each other and start to trade blows.


Seating on a rock in the training ground blow Urahara's shop beside her, Lacero eyes were on Yoruichi who has her chest review but not all the way down to show her breast as she wiping the sweat off her body with a towel. Just a minute ago, they sparing and working up a sweat so they decide its time for a break.

Looking at Lacero staring at her chest while she was cleaning the sweat off it, Yoruichi's lip carve up,

"Do you want to see my breasts?" she teases while she slowly, further pull down on her clothes.

"Really, do you mean it?!" said Lacero with joy, her boobs might not be as big like Nel was but it still a boob. A guy who refuses because he feels embarrasses and flusters is clearly gay in some way or form.

"No" Yoruichi replies and cover her chest back up.

With his head down, Lacero says, "I can't believe you got my hope up just to crush it."

"Aw, don't be down, maybe I let you see it next time."

Hearing what Yoruichi said, Lacero cheer up and speak up,

"Hey, do you want to go on a date, you been hiding from Soul Society for almost a 100 year now, it got to be boring. I want to spend time and do something fun as human do with you, want do you say?"

Thinking about it, it has been a long time since she did anything for fun. All the business with Soul Society and Aizen, it kind of getting to her. It may do her good to get her mind off thing and she can also find out more about Lacero,

"Yeah, let do it" smile Yoruichi.

"Sweet! Come on, let go see Urahara and get ourselves a gigai" say Lacero excitedly, he one more step closer to getting to her heart.


After they both got a gigai so a normal human can see them, they change an outfit. Lacero put on casual clothes of black jean and white shirt with a black jacket over it while Yoruichi has on tight black jeans and an orange loose shirt with the sleeve roll up, showing off a bit of her cleavage.

"Argh, those Gigais are uncomfortable," said Yoruichi while moving around.

"Ah, don't worry about it. You look good in those clothes, come on let go " compliment Lacero.

"Later douches" Lacero say bye to Urahara and Tessai who was standing in front of the shop and walk away with Yoruichi.

"See you, have fun!" Urahara wave them off.


While they were on waiting on a line to an amusement park, Yoruichi hear people talking about her and Lacero. Like how they such a perfect couple and stuff, making her a bit her fluster seeing people talk them like this.

There are also men compliment and ogling at her while their female companion was whispering about Lacero like, (Oh my god, he is gorgeous. Augh, I want to kidnap him and do sensual things with him).

Stuff like that make her wonder about how girls these days are scary about the things they want, she knows he is good looking but they don't have to go that far in saying stuff like this.

"We're here," Lacero call out, getting her out of her thought, "now, what is have you so lost in thought?"

"Nothing," Yoruichi quickly replies and enter the gate.

First, they went on a roller coaster, car race then all sore of rides, which were a lot of fun.

Walking through the hunting house, "the stuff the human come up with are interesting, don't you think?" said Yoruichi looking around at the dark and gloomy surrounding and think back on the thing they saw.

Not getting any response, Yoruichi turns to Lacero who walking beside her a bit stiff.

Now that she thinks about it, he doesn't say much ever since they enter the hunting house.

She got in front and smirk at him, "oh my, are you scared?"

"Uhh...what makes you said that?" Lacero asked in a shaky tone.

"Oh, you are, that is funny" she giggles, "I didn't think you would be scared of anything with the way you act".


"But how can you be scared, when ghost and hollow are a common thing in the world?" question Yoruichi still laughing.

"Those things are monsters and human shape soul, they nothing like a severed old lady head coming at you, flying and screaming!" said Lacero shivering at the thought and the place they're in is not helping his heart rate at all.

"There one time while I was alive, I saw an old oldy lurking in the wood at night like she was stalking me. It was scary as shit and I just know one day, an old lady severed head will come flying toward me to eat me but I wouldn't go out without a fight!"

"Wow, you got some wild imagination" she chuckles.

After that, they went to eat. Surprising everyone in the restaurants with how much they can put in their stomach. All people stop eating and just look at the spectacle in front of them.

They then go around riding other rides, play games. Laughing and enjoying each other company. Yoruichi was glad she came, it funs doing what human do for entertainment and not has to worry about Soul Society and Aizen.


Now midnight, all the light turns on, making the park quite the view with all the colorful light.

"It's quite beautiful," said Yoruichi looking at the scenery inside the Ferris wheel.

"Yeah, beautiful"

Turning around to face him, "humph. How would you know, you not even looking at it," she pouts, "all you been doing is staring at me for the past five minutes"

Lacero got up, move to her side of the seat and sit down. He suddenly lifts her up and set her on his lep gotten a cute flinch from her, "Ah!..."

"You're all the scenery I need," Lacero grin with his arms around her, "you beauty shine brighter than all the light combined."

Yoruichi cheek got red a bit as she wasn't expecting for her to be seating on his lip like a little girl

"So, did you have fun?"

"Yeah, it was a lot of fun," she replied with a small smile.

"Me too"

"You know, this is just like those scene you've seen in a movie, two teens riding a Ferris wheel in the night after the date is almost over," Yoruichi giggle a bit with how cliche is seen that they're in the same boat.

"Why you don't like it?" asked Lacero.

"No. I do, it kind of nice," it cheesy but it's kind of romantic.

Yoruichi leaning her head down and put her lip on him, kissing him. All the while the Ferris wheel is still ever moving and the night light shines beautifully as ever.


FlyingPeacockcreators' thoughts