
Again Yoruichi

Tying the sash on the kimono that Tessai brought him, Lacero put his sword on his wrist, his attire consists of a white kimono shirt with some flower pattern on the bottom and black loose pant.

Now that Lacero was wearing clothes and she got a better look at him without being distracted by his body anymore, Yoruichi remember why he looks familiar to her,

"It's you, the Plus that turn into a hollow by the river bend" she almost completely forgot about that whole accident.

"Oh, you remember. Yes, it was me, guess you couldn't forget about my look" replies Lacero as he walks toward her.

Holding Yoruichi's hand, Lacero a smirk at her, "how about you and me run away together to a faraway place where nobody could ever find us. A hollow and a shinigami, two mortal enemies who should hate each other but are in love instead and on the run because it's a forbidden love, don't you find that a great story to tell?"

Yoruichi rolls her eyes and slaps his hands away, "nice try but you gonna have to do better than that if you want to get with me."

Wanted to confirm something that has been on his mind ever since he found out Lacero turn into a hollow, Urahara speak up, "for what Yoruichi told us when she saw you pulling on your chain of fate and turn to hollow, it looks like you were deliberately doing that so you can become a hollow?"

Turing to Urahara, Lacero replied, "that right."

Yoruichi cut in front of him and scold at him, "what! are you crazy, that so foolish of you, you could have lost yourself!"

Closing the distance between them and almost touching bodies now, Lacero put his arms around Yoruichi wrist, giving her a sweet smile and lie,

"Do you remember when I say I'll see you again by the river? Ever since I was a soul, I saw you leaping through the air in the night. I was paralyzed, It was love at first sight.

Since then I couldn't forget about you and want to see you again so I go around place try to look for you. On my search, I come across people dress in black with a sword, fighting monsters with a mask. After they were done, they talk about an Arrancar, a hollow who remove it mask to gain it human self back. So I put two and two together and figure out that the monsters that are attacking ghosts are called hollow."

Yoruichi try to push him off of her but can't as he was holding her quite tight, "Seeing as I was just a ghost with no power while you were flying in the air, I wanted power so that I find you and protect you if you are in danger. So I took a gamble and turn myself into a hollow to become an Arrancar.

You save me, you know. When you were fighting me while I was just a mindless beast, it brought back my self-awareness. For that point on, I try so hard so I'll be stronger when I'll meet you again and now I am."

After hearing Lacero speech, Yoruichi already stops trying to get out of his grasp and fully let him pull her into a hug without restraining as she was lost in thought, she couldn't find any words to respond back.

leaning her head again Lacero's chest, she let the words he said, swing around in her head. Even a girl with the hardest defense will have the guard around her heart down if she found out that a guy goes through all that just for her.


"Umm...we still here, you know," said Urahara, trying to get their attention, He and Tessai felt like they were just a side character to be forgotten.

"Ah!" startle Yoruichi, finally notice the position she in and quickly pushes Lacero away with force.

Yoruichi look down of the ground, blushing, 'I can't believe I let that happen'

Lacero clicks his tongue quietly as he was interrupted, 'damn bastard, it was getting good.'

He got her right in his paw, a few more push and he might have her but nevertheless, it's still good progress of making her fall for him.

Now that was over with, on to the real stuff, " says Yoruichi, do you want to have a sparring match with me" said Lacero. He wants to see how he up again a real person, now that he has a human body. he does train with Yarihimi in his inner world when he was a Vasto Lorde but he hasn't since he transforms to an Arrancar.

"Sure" Yoruichi replied, this is just what she needs to get herself back together for what just happen.

"Oh! I know the perfect place for that, follow me" offered Urahara, wanting to see and measure how strong Lacero is.

Action next time.

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