
Again Yoruichi 2

Leading his Zanpakuto again a rock beside where Urahara and Tessai were standing, Lacero went back to his position of facing Yoruichi who is standing on the opposite side of him.

Right now they are in the training ground below Urahara's shop with plenty of space for their spar.

"You guy ready?" asked Tessai, acting as the overlooker of the match. Both fighters nodded,

"Alright begin!"

Immediately after Tessai declares to fight, Yoruichi disappears from her spot and quickly reappear with a kick to the side of Lacero head.

"Ouch, my face!" Lacero got send flying without being able to avoid the kick and crash.

Looking at him got up while holding the bruise of his cheek, Yoruichi decides to tease him,

"I thought you said you got stronger so you could protect me. If you can't even handle some of this level then you can forget about me and better off looking after your own self."

Removing his hand, she can see the bruise of his cheek is gone,

"Oh, you have some kind of self-healing," stated Yoruichi.

Lacero nod, "why you try that again and we see how it go."

Just like before Yoruichi disappear with Shunpo but this time she appears overhead of Lacero with her right leg coming down on him.

She was a bit surprised when Lacero was able to catch her leg with his hand and retaliate with a punch of his own. Using her other free leg, Yoruichi blocks his strike with her feet and push herself away from him.

Backflipping in the air, Yoruichi safely landed on the ground, then she immediately dashes forward with a punch.

Crossing his arm, Lacero blocks her attack. Yoruichi than jump back and disappear with a Shunpo than instantly remerge with a kick from the back.

Lacero was able to dodge by crouching. With her attack not hitting again, Yoruichi Shunpo away to try again.


Urahara and Tessai were watching with keep eyes as a bunch of their childhood friend were attacking Lacero from all angle.

"I'm surprised none of her hits are connecting" comment Tessai

"Yeah..." agreed Urahara, even he who has trained with her the most would have a hard time avoiding all those stricks with the speed Yoruichi going, "by the way, did you notice Lacero's reiatsu which was so weak before is continually rising, even now?"

"Now that you mention it, yes. It reaching captain level" Tessai replies.


Yoruichi stops with her assault on Lacero and jump back to get some distance between them while all her speed clones are disappearing.

She was starting to get tired and need to catch her breath, she was impressed with Lacero being able to keep up with her and even more so that he didn't let her get a hit on him that whole time.

Done with her little break, Yoruichi thought, 'let see how he do again this?'

Without wasting any more time, Yoruichi crouches down to take up a running pose, pushing her feet on the ground a bit and than charge toward Lacero at fast speed.

"Huh?..." Lacero blink when the Flash Goddess who was coming at him, suddenly come to a stop like she was frozen in time.

"Oh, shit," he noticed too late as another Yoruichi surface behind him and swing her leg backward at his cheek and send him through the air again, then the after-image of Yoruichi starts to vanish.

Backflipped, Lacero use his feet and hands to stop himself as he was being pushed on the ground from the force of the kick.

After coming to a stop, Lacero look at the dark skin women and question, "why do you attack my face, are you trying to make me look ugly so you would like me less? If so, don't bother, see" pointing at the location she struck, already heals.

Yoruichi didn't say anything back and just smirk at him.

"You want to play with speed, fine"

Right after Lacero said that, Yoruichi eyes widen when she suddenly feels a hand touch her cheek from her back.

Acting by reflex, she swings her arm while turning around, the former captain of the 2nd Division was shocked when she cut through Lacero like air and he starts to fade like a mirage, 'After-image!'

She then felt someone hugs her from her behind and hold the limb that she just use to attack.

Spinning her around, Yoruichi comes face to face with Lacero who is simpering, feeling like he outdid himself.

"how?..." she asked.


"Is that Utsusemi, The technique that Yoruichi developed?" question Tessai, hardly believing what he seeing. He and Urahara were amazed to say the less by what they just witness.

"Yes, I wonder if he picks that up when she uses it on him earlier" if what he just said is true, it kind of frightened Urahara of Lacero's potential if he can learn a technique by seeing it just one.


Releasing her arm, Lacero said, "I don't know if you know it but my reiatsu is returned to normal and so is my speed. I was quite fast even when I was a normal hollow, you know."

Now that he said it, Yoruichi can't believe she forgot how fast he was as a newborn hollow. She even experiences first hand, guesses something like Utsusemi is not out of his reach.

"Now, how we about go eat some of Urahara's sweet that he has in his store" suggest Lacero while grinning.

"Yeah, let do that" Yoruichi smile back in agreement.

As they walk off, they hear Urahara shouting, "Wait! If you guy does that and cleans everything, I'll be out of business!"

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