
Play for life, if you dare!

A child hated by his parents, unwanted, is still young, but even so, he is already lost in the choices he has made in life. He is summoned to play a VR game, who summoned him? His own mother, who had previously abandoned him. The reason is to save the lives of the mother, grandfather (maternal) and all the human beings who have already died in the game. The stakes are high, the prize is to revives the players that deceased, but if, our young player loses, he also loses his life. Leaving the soul with the wizard king, the owner of the game. Summoned to play against his will, his son's own mother, who hates him, asks for his help, summons his son's presence when he realizes she has no more options, and dies in the game. At first she dies in life too, her only chance is to hope that his son wins and chooses as a prize: saving the lives of the players who died. The problem is that the player does not believe in himself, does not want to play and does not recognize his abilities. With a stroke of luck he advances with the first tasks, but is caught between the fear of losing and the desire to win. Classic! The opponent... The witch king, owner of the game, also known as death. The game is a virtual reality that simulates life and each person has their own mission assigned by the cruel and disingenuous king. Typically the mission involves facing our hero's biggest fear: being sober for a week. Faced with the adversities planned by the wizard king. To help our hero he has as his ally the spirit of his grandfather alongside the spirit of the only player to win. Acting as the protagonist's ID and Superego. The story takes place in the not too distant future! In our reality, the world around us. The witch king has traps prepared along the way, but he doesn't suspect that our hero has an opening.

Dunhyll0147 · Urbano
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4 Chs

The only exception

The only exception

Our hero advances the first task, and finds the only exception, he finds the one who survived, to receive instructions. He just ran away from the nemesis, as I imagine you also managed to run away. But his feat was no big deal, he just ran.

- "You are the only exception!", Said the hero.

Still scared, he had run for minutes, until he lost track of time. Minutes could easily be actually, several hours. He never looked back during his marathon. His phrase made the only winner smile and comment in response:

- You're the one who says that. He responded calmly.

The only winner wore a simple outfit, no shirt, just shorts and a cap. He was wearing flip-flops. Had long hair and a beard. He looked like a hippie.

- How do I win? asked the frightened hero.

- Do like yesterday. Follow my words. Follow divine commandments.

- But which one?

Our hero hadn't even thought about the winner's words, he just tried to run away, but coincidentally, his instinctive idea, was exactly what the winner had advised, don't look back (in anger), which our hero did, at the same time that ran.

- Follow me and you will win. I guarantee.

But our hero was too scared, he refused help and preferred to hide. Until he thought of a better alternative, he would stay there for as long as necessary. After all, in the game the characters don't die of hunger, they don't need to go to the bathroom and they stay awake for as long as they can.

Knowing this, the coward, for the moment, chose to continue running, instead of pursuing the second task, which by the way, was actually quite complicated:

The second task is to kill a God of your choice.

What do you decide now? It is not necessary, nor even advisable, to choose the same character. For each mission there is a more appropriate response.



I live many like you, I know your future, you die. Do not count on me.


I know an old friend who can help you.


Changing the circumstances will not change the outcome, you will always be the same, until you prove me otherwise!


I beg you, even if pain is your end, fight as if you will win, and you will win.


You can win, but obviously you can lose. In your house you don't leave the game, but you don't die either. What could be worse: a heroic end or a false life?


Your disbelief is disturbing. Fight as if you were a slave and your freedom depends on it. After all, you are a slave to the owner of the game and your only way out is to win, until you win, you will remain defeated here.


I have a sword to lend you. Kill the thunder god with it and move on.


Time flies when you have fun. Train hard for a thousand years and you will defeat anyone. Each day of training will be a step closer to victory, if you want I will wait for a thousand years or a thousand more if you want. I will be brave.


What is a god? I know vampires who can help you or maybe werewolves.

Hey, hello there,

What's up?

Hope you're doing great!

This chapter is dedicated to:

Hayley Williams

Billie Eilish


Dunhyll0147creators' thoughts