
Play for life, if you dare!

A child hated by his parents, unwanted, is still young, but even so, he is already lost in the choices he has made in life. He is summoned to play a VR game, who summoned him? His own mother, who had previously abandoned him. The reason is to save the lives of the mother, grandfather (maternal) and all the human beings who have already died in the game. The stakes are high, the prize is to revives the players that deceased, but if, our young player loses, he also loses his life. Leaving the soul with the wizard king, the owner of the game. Summoned to play against his will, his son's own mother, who hates him, asks for his help, summons his son's presence when he realizes she has no more options, and dies in the game. At first she dies in life too, her only chance is to hope that his son wins and chooses as a prize: saving the lives of the players who died. The problem is that the player does not believe in himself, does not want to play and does not recognize his abilities. With a stroke of luck he advances with the first tasks, but is caught between the fear of losing and the desire to win. Classic! The opponent... The witch king, owner of the game, also known as death. The game is a virtual reality that simulates life and each person has their own mission assigned by the cruel and disingenuous king. Typically the mission involves facing our hero's biggest fear: being sober for a week. Faced with the adversities planned by the wizard king. To help our hero he has as his ally the spirit of his grandfather alongside the spirit of the only player to win. Acting as the protagonist's ID and Superego. The story takes place in the not too distant future! In our reality, the world around us. The witch king has traps prepared along the way, but he doesn't suspect that our hero has an opening.

Dunhyll0147 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

The game and their rules.

- "Forgive me God, because I have sinned and I am about to sin again." Our Hero first sentence.

I don't know what sin she paid for, but having me as her son: it was, without a doubt, a punishment. Very old karma, perhaps, accumulated from several other lives.

Who knows... a movie script? Book? At this point it is difficult to distinguish fiction from reality. The narrated adventure takes place in a fantasy world, but that doesn't stop it from being true.

In our reality it was disguised as the plot of a game, which simulates real life, as we perceive it. Virtual reality game, the ones with glasses and everything, where time is distorted.

After all, are you sure that the world you perceive around you is really reality? Couldn't it be some kind of simulation, dream, thought or even some kind of software?

Be it a story or news, doesn't matter. This doesn't change the story, what changes is which path you choose. There are nine possibilities and you control the story. Choosing the section that your character will follow.

Choose the paragraph. There are few rules, but one is very important. If you fail in the assigned mission, you continue wandering around the game, locked in virtual reality, and if you die playing, you die while alive. He loses the bet with the owner of the game, the wizard king, also known as death.

And why would anyone play this game, because in case of victory, any wish is fulfilled as a reward. Only one human being won, but curiously his wish came true in a tragic way.

He asked that all people have their most intimate desires fulfilled. And so, the world fell from grace and he fell dead. The wish of many was to see his death.

Then in terrible pain he died. In front of everyone. And no one wanted him to escape. Everyone was selfish. When the witch king collected his soul, he didn't own it in full. After all, he had lost the game, even if his opponent was dead. And he died posthumously to the game. Staying in limbo, between paradise and hell.

The wizard king decided to punish the winner, with a sad punishment, but at the same time with a hint of hope. The wizard king made the only winner continue in the game.

Not as a player, but as a guide. His soul was there for everyone, he would advise the other players.

On the one hand it was torture, with additional details. Based on the creativity and capacity of each character. On the other, it was an opportunity to lead someone else to victory. And perhaps see his resurrection carried out in the form of a request. If the person being helped so wanted.



  - I wasn't at rock bottom yet. 

- You were discover that the bottom of the well has a trap door.

Leading existence to an even worse reality and making life a true hell, shaped like one, it could get worse. Losing at the game he would also lose in life, he would die. The game was completely abstract, invented by a wizard king, the agreement was to perform a random task. 

Maybe she (my mother) held my heels. And seeing imperfection as a result, she began to hate the creation and only looks at his feet sent into shit.

Looking from her position at the shit where "I am" is all she sees, but she never dares to put herself in my shoes and see the world with my eyes, see what I would like to see; And not what I end up getting.

Sometimes we aim for the skies, but end up with an attack without any effect. We just anger the gods and draw attention to our mistakes and only manage to steal some lightning, but it doesn't have the desired effect.

- Run away with me!

- You don't understand, do you? Your presence is my biggest annoyance, you ruined my life, it would be better for me if you disappeared.

- Are you not afraid that my departure... be in fact, an abandonment on your part, when you brought me into this!

She was already gone. She fell dead in the game, bringing me into the game as her last move. What should i do now? Play? I can't go back. How i play the game? 


Choose a character and a paragraph, to continue the story, your story will be according to your choices, in each chapter, you can choose, if you wish, choose all lines of realities:

WARNING, the ending will be the same!

Hello! I am: the way, the truth and life, no one is able to win the game without me. I will be your mentor during the game, first choose another mentor to help you in your mission, choose according to the dialogue that best entertains you. Good luck, I will be with you throughout the journey, but only with words.


Choose a dialogue:


"Fly with me through the stars."


"It's impossible to argue with beauty."


"You are weak, you lack hate!"


"You will disappoint me in this mission, I'm sure of that, try to win with my help, but I don't believe in your success."


"My house is open to the obedient blind."


"Passion, strength, power and victory. I am liberation."


"I don't know".


"Boy problems, who has it? I have it!"


"Only powerful allies are allowed."

Hey, hello there,

What's up?

Hope you're doing great!

This chapter is dedicated to: My lonely Saturdays with sad endings, but hope repels sadness.

If you are here, comment something, please, just say that you passed and were here in spirit to help me, and me to help someone who maybe one day will help you.

Leave a sincere review and if you want, help me in the contest.

Thank you very much for everything, see you, hugs and good luck!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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