
Play for life, if you dare!

A child hated by his parents, unwanted, is still young, but even so, he is already lost in the choices he has made in life. He is summoned to play a VR game, who summoned him? His own mother, who had previously abandoned him. The reason is to save the lives of the mother, grandfather (maternal) and all the human beings who have already died in the game. The stakes are high, the prize is to revives the players that deceased, but if, our young player loses, he also loses his life. Leaving the soul with the wizard king, the owner of the game. Summoned to play against his will, his son's own mother, who hates him, asks for his help, summons his son's presence when he realizes she has no more options, and dies in the game. At first she dies in life too, her only chance is to hope that his son wins and chooses as a prize: saving the lives of the players who died. The problem is that the player does not believe in himself, does not want to play and does not recognize his abilities. With a stroke of luck he advances with the first tasks, but is caught between the fear of losing and the desire to win. Classic! The opponent... The witch king, owner of the game, also known as death. The game is a virtual reality that simulates life and each person has their own mission assigned by the cruel and disingenuous king. Typically the mission involves facing our hero's biggest fear: being sober for a week. Faced with the adversities planned by the wizard king. To help our hero he has as his ally the spirit of his grandfather alongside the spirit of the only player to win. Acting as the protagonist's ID and Superego. The story takes place in the not too distant future! In our reality, the world around us. The witch king has traps prepared along the way, but he doesn't suspect that our hero has an opening.

Dunhyll0147 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

September 28th...

"September 28th...


The Monster have overtaken the city.


I'm still alive...". VALENTINE, Jill, from Resident Evil (this qoute particularly is from my second favourite game of the franchise, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, the orinal, not the awful remake). 

She is the north of the first quest. One of the bestest games ever made of ALL THE TIME (i was inttend to use a strong language word, but let's keep this clean, not because a fake shame, but i don't want to be someone who incentivate this behavior, i don't need this here). Continuing... Resident evil is one of the bestest game ever made, even the terrible last ones and the worts remake ever. 

My humble opinion as a big fan. I haven't play the RE 4 remake yet, but i feeling that this is a masterpiece as the original was, and still are. 

One of my favourite parts is: the mercenaries. So... the task for you today is... Face your nemesis and scape for five minutes, survive and you reach the second day. Just a simple detail, you can't defeat him, as Obi-wan said: "don't try it". 

Just scape...

What the only winner has to say? 

Don't look back in anger... 


If you have chosen...


Then... You flied away. Great job! Stay still... Floating and waiting for the second quest.


"You're beautiful... It's true... The nemesis can't figth with you because your pretty face is not threatening. You live for the second quest. Congratulations. 


You always were too weak to fight, and this time you survive, because you just run away! 


You are seeing stars now. And, he (nemesis) hates the stars, he have killed you. You lose.


You are safe in the house. Wait till second quest.


You run free. Wait till second quest.


I still "don't know".


This is not a problem for you. Wait till second quest. 


Yours powerfull allies safed you. Wait till second quest. 

You found a letter, it says:

Why that? Why always this, as if it were a possession. You are not master of your home. The soul inhabits a house that sometimes and often acts by autonomous will driven by desire, thirsty, irrational, harmful, self-deprecating, inconsequential, which only aims to satisfy the desire for immediate pleasures.

After the abuse, after the momentary satisfaction, he becomes absent, hides I don't know where and leaves his mind poisoned. A parasite that doesn't care about the pain and suffering it causes in its host.

Where you go? If it is flesh, by reason the soul, or spirit or mind is the one who should command and direct the body, in this case, it should then be the driver, but not the vehicle, however, and whoever suffers from the unrestrained behavior of the animal, which is He heals and punishes himself, he feels absolutely everything in an uncontrollable way and even though he exists on his own and has automatic, continuous, and independent movements, such as pulse, hunger, digestion and other functions...

He only lives in search of fun and does not suffer from the emotion that dominates and prevails. Weak body that avoids pain and after the mess, leaves the mess for the guest and remains distant, even though he is the host.

That which will certainly perish, does not worry about the imminent illness and lives in search of sick pleasure. He does not pay the price for his wishes and leaves the consequences to those who in principle knew what would happen and tried at all costs to avoid the damage, in a biological and social state;

The animal body does not care about the soul, spirit or mind. Likewise, the social individual does not care about his surroundings, that is, the society he lives in.

In fact, it is in NO WAY negligence or recklessness, nor lack of consideration for the consequences. In NO WAY he wants to cause harm or harm, but even so, he cannot control or avoid it.

He feels guilt, not the hungry one, but the one who pays the bill, who would like, as a passenger, not to have acted in a disorderly way, even without total authority, at some point, he takes control of the situation and is left in total agony and loneliness.

This whole situation is ironic, the soul suffers from an imposed and non-essential condition. Bearing the result of a unilateral decision, he finds himself the subject of an irrational mammoth that follows the path it wants, but somehow indifferently, abandons the passenger in control before the final collision.

Hey, hello there,

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Hope you're doing great!

This chapter is dedicated to: My sister!


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