
Plague Warlock

In the world of Argon. Tribes fought wars for territories, food, and rights to hunt. There were those that prospered and those that fail. The ones who failed will be assimilated by the winning tribe. The bigger the tribe the more warriors and more land they get. A family that has went through four assimilations now has left a widow and children. The family now only consist of four children and one mother. Although they are living in a poorer condition than the other families since their manly figures either died or went missing after many tribal wars. These family still held on and beat every problem and survive. Even when they're poor the children didn't gave up on their ambitions, but rather they they work hard even more than their other peers. The eldest son, who was the strongest in the family wanted to become a powerful warrior so that he could elevate the status of their family. The second son wanted to become a powerful hunter to hunt and not let their family be hungry again. The third daughter wanted to become a powerful demon hunter just like their uncle Dong who went missing after he went to pursue a evil creature named Spring Mantis. that had slaughtered a team of hunters near the village. The last son wants to be just like their valiant tribal chief. He wanted to make his own powerful tribe that will be better and more peaceful than their current tribe.

Demon_uprising · Fantasia
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11 Chs

Master Mei

In a cave at the outer region of the Blue Mist Valley.

Pooch secretly met up with the other sorrounding tribe leaders on a secret cave at the outer perimeter of the outer region of the Blue Mist Valley.

In a long table filled with food, fourteen men and one woman were discussing something in a solemn manner.

" We're not having a direction on what we're discussing for! Why not just send some delegates to the three powers of this regions." A middle aged brown man slammed one of his rough hands on the table. On his face were written clearly the sings of agitation.

Another middle aged man refuted his statement with a sneer. " We can't just let them deal with all the matters in our territories! You knew what will happen if our tribesmen lost faith in us! "

" But we can't just sacrifice our people, we don't even know what level the guy stirring up these beast is! I agree with Ivan. Why can't we just send those more powerful and experienced in these kinds of situations than us? " A white haired old man said in a serious tone.

" Nope I don't agree with that. " Before the other men could refute again. A calm and melodious voice sounded out as the only lady in the table said finally said something. She and three others were the only ones silent the whole time, while these people argue what their going to do.

" Mei! We knew that you're tribe was the most powerful and prosperous of the region, and we respected that. But can't you see! If a green threat level beast is just stirring up trouble, then these bastards won't be that agitated!" A black haired white guy said in a mocking yet serious tone.

Mei or much known as the Flying Serpent Master. The master of the strongest tribe of the region, the Misty tribe. With the attainment of peak level of the Master realm , and a grandmaster level mastery of her Wind Serpent Art a high grade martial art technique that doesn't lose to those peak ones.

In fact if the grandmaster level was attained the hidden potential could be unlocked and it can be more superior in qi than other peak level manuals.

Master Mei was almost invincible when fighting off with this cunning idiots asid form those powers. Though aside from her, there's also two other master class warriors in the Misty tribe. And misty tribe was the only that that's inside the Mist!

Since they themselves could fend off against green threat level beast easily. Though they're still located at the outer regions, not being excessively arrogant, as an inferior crimson threat level was enough to destroy the three thousand men tribe.

Master Mei just sneered, before looking right at the black haired guy. " You never change. Just still being dependent, as always for the Magic Sheep tribe."

" Motherfucker!" The black haired dude a angrily slammed the long table heavily, almost snapping it to two and making a mess with the remaining food on it. His eyes were staring at miss Mei angrily before looking at Pooch.

Take note that it's just raw and physical strength of his not counting out the black haired dude's martial prowess. He was the current chief of the Magic Sheep tribe. Ren or much known as the Battle Sheep. (it sucks I know)

The only sheep that's almost an headache to those who're gonna fight the battle sheep. It is also the only sheep that's not easy to slaughter.

Ren or much known as the Battle Sheep [;)], had some bad blood with one of the three master level practioner in the Misty tribe.

Though not as powerful as the Misty tribe, the Magic Sheep tribe are also no pushover. With the number of two thousand men small tribe.

Their a local powerhouse, that many tribes don't provoke. Since aside from their large number, the magic sheep tribe also have two master realm leaders, four hundred servant level practioners, and most of their tribesmen are all apprentice level.

Though because of some misunderstanding three years ago, these two powerhouses wage war that lasted for half a year, of course the Magic Sheep tribe lost.

But the Misty tribe also couldn't really be left unscathed. Almost four hundred apprentice practitioners were killed in action, and another fifty or so servant class were killed. That's just from the Misty Tribe alone.

The Magic Sheeps losses were five hundred apprentices, forty servant class practioners, and one of the master realm martial artist of the tribe, was heavily injured.

Also because the fight involve master realm artists. The other tribes like the Tiger Saint tribe and Silver Fang Snake tribe diffused the situation.

Ms.Mei also explained the misunderstanding, which was of course the rights of hunting ground. One of a Misty Tribe's prodigy accidentally injured one of Magic sheep's prodigy.

That became the excuse for Ren, and Dan to vent off their discontent against the most powerful force. Of course this ploy was seen by Ms. Mei and she didn't let the opportunity slipped.

She needs to make the Magic Sheep tribe as an example for other tribes to not fuck with their Misty Tribe.

Till today the bad blood was still not cleared, and everything that Mei tries to say are immediately opposed by Ren, in more ways than one.

And the situation right here is a perfect example. Though bit childish and irritating at some point, it doesn't matter as long as Ren could vent out some resentment even though he looked like a fool.

Of course almost everyone of the tribal chiefs wanted to point that out. But no one has the courage to do so.

Ren snort coldly before turning his head away from Mei.

Mei and the other tribal chiefs just smiled, before Mei continued.

" As you know... Silent Sanctuary, and Earth Pavilion, are coveting the lands sorrounding the outer region of the valley. If you gave a chance for them to enter our lands then those, cunning bastards would heavily profit."

Many nodded their heads, except of course Ren. But he couldn't help but secretly agree.

Those two powers were not from the five regions, that the Calm Paradise and the other sects held. They were from another region, for many years they've coveted the lands near the border of the Blue Mist Valley.

As some rare herbs that couldn't be find in the wetlands could be found in the inner and outer region of the valley. Just like the Jade Orchids and Iron Trees.

Just these two rare materials could make a killing if sold in the southern central powers. Since only some unique and special environment could grow them.

But because of the Calm Paradise, and Jade Monastery and the other three sects. The Silent Sanctuary and Earth Pavilion couldn't really push in and occupy the land.

These two sects were allies and they found out that the valley could produce these kind of materials, they've secretly sent many martial artist to infiltrate and get some of these herbs and materials.

After finding that it's an abundant land their greed came on top against their rationality. They invaded the Blur Mist Valley, with the intention to make it their personal property. Which of course made the sects of the sorrounding area very angry.

Dispute happened and by far til' date, there's already fifteen master class martial artist killed in action, while thousands of apprentices and servants became coprse. Within the span of five years.

Of course most knew that Miss Mei, also killed one master from the Earth Pavilion. That's not a secret and that is also why many people respected her.

But of course most of the tribesmen don't know that. The only thing they knew are, warlocks were the cause of the deaths of many of the elite martial artists of their tribes and some demonic beasts.

Many tribes chief just sighed in frustration before one couldn't help but laminate. " If only, it's just back In the past were we could just trade and their not that overbearing, then maybe we have all prospered!"

Another middle age man drank some water. " Heh. Those greedy people dares to step in the lands of our ancestors?! Dream on! You guys are becoming more cowardly instead of being braver. Why can't we just go and investigate there by ourselves! "

It was immediately greeted by approval of many others. Pooch who was drinking beer silently at a corner couldn't help but smile a little. Although he was in his early forties, and one of his hand was crippled.

Many still do not dare to touch his tribe. Since aside from his treasure blade that made others envy him, he's the only one who couldn't be trick, by the propagandas of the two opposing sects.

Even though most of those at his area aside from wo other small thousand man tribes, were all slaughtered overnight by the two sects. Pooch didn't yield, and just made a tight security alerting most of the people that could fight in his village.

He decapitated seventeen peak servant warriors by himselfwithin ten moves, using his treasure sword. Blue flashes appears and heads rolled.

That's what people whom had seen it describe the scenario. Just heads flying out of their respective bodies and rain of blood. After that magnificent sword attack, the battlefield quietened down.

The Jade Palace warriors immediately tuck their tails and ran away completely opposite of their majestic entrance.

Of course the plot of lands that was once the owned by other tribes are assimilated by the four still standing tribes.

Though many casualties, people still celebrated the win of their tribe and their survival albeit you could still feel the sorrowful appearance of some people.

Miss Mei just looked before sighing, " We can't change back what was gone. If only Master Jade believed us.

Many also sigh with pity. Grandmaster Jade and hundreds of his loyal followers were the original Palace leader of the Jade Palace but because of the successful coup, leaders were changed.

Elder Moon, the leader of the coup and also an influential vice leader of the Jade Palace became the leader. The problem is that, the new leader of the Palace was greedy, vicious, and arrogant womaniser.

While the Earth Pavilion, even though denied almost everyone knew that they gave some "helping hand" to Grandmaster Moon. Not just small help but a big help.

Because one, after Moon's ascension to leader Grandmaster Harlem the Earth Pavilion's Grand Elder made an alliance pact that thrown off their enemy factions.

Two, the Earth Cores that the Earth Pavilion masters need to harness more and understand the Earth Matrix could only be find in Earth Mound Terrace.

A protected property of Jade Palace, in fact it is one of the seven most protected properties. Since the profit they nailed to Earth Pavilion is very huge.

With just one core fifteen thousand gold coins already is in the pocket, or thousand and five hundred magical stones, spirit stones, alchemy stones. But no matter what stones they are it's valuable.

Three, they gain powerful ally, that's leader is easily instigated to do something. They can do the bidding while Earth helps a little at the back.

Four thye can easily invade other regions, no one could stop them from that sd they themselves became powerhouses already after two years of constant battle in their regions.

After the two allied, three powerhouses in the sorroundjng regions were eradicated, while the remaining powers are either powerhouses that even their alliance couldn't do shit or their own puppets.

The second one is that the others also made an alliance with each other.

The third one is a hidden sect, powerful but the most annoying is that only the elders and leaders of the sect really knew the exact location of the real sect.

After fighting with the Calm paradise and Jade Monastery and other four more powers the two alliance really couldn't maneuver very well. Besides that, this place is not their own territory, and their enemy no, just the Calm Paradise could tie down three of the five grandmasters of their sects.

But because of greed, small scale wars happens now and then. Most of the time of course the ones who really suffer are those that isn't powerful enough, just like the sorrounding tribes near Blackstone and Earth Bear.

Fourteen of the most powerful figures of their own tribes, of the vicinity of the Blue Mist Valley were treading the path silently. Only Miss Mei and Ren are carefree, strolling at the forest as if it is their own backyard.

A loud hiss suddenly sounded out and the bushes rustled before a giant head of a python poked out of a huge crowned tree. It's head alone is already 16 inches big, much less it's body hidden in the foliage.

At the same time, on trunk of the tree a yellow long body of a snake started to move and its head started to poke out of the leaves.

The group stopped before continuing, the python was known as the Giant Armored Python. Three different colors, also the measurement of their threat level, this one was already orange. The teenage one. Since this badboys could grow up to fifteen meters long if adult and their skins also change km colors after they molt.

Their skin molt was also a valuable treasure. Because not many metals couldn't cut this easily, and their light. Just a good material for light armors.

Though This one was just ten meters long. But it's already impressive that it wasn't killed.

Then rustling noises again sounded out at the same bushes from before. They again stopped and looked at the rustling bushes, this time even Miss Mei looked at it with wariness.

Then a much more bigger snake tounge poked out of the bushes. The next thing a more giant and ferocious python identical to the orange one at the Tree came out.

It looked at the group coldly before hissing. A big huffy middle aged man looked at it with contempt before smiling menacingly at it.

He is using a huge stone axe and an aura also leeked out from him. Though the Snake just hiss again at him. As if saying that's it? Not much?

This pissed him off but was held back by Ren. Ren coldly snorted before unleashing his full cultivation, to try intimidating this huge green one.

No one wanted to be entangled with an almost impossible to penetrate enemy. Especially when you're just passing by and now the group knew why no one hunted the orange one.

Looks like it have a badass guardian looking for it. Maybe those hwo tried to have already been inside their stomach for many days or have been pooped out.

Upon feeling threat of the aura Ren leaked the huge head turned and look at him before its massive eyes gaze at Mei.

It could feel more danger from this human than the other dude. Though crowned as one of the most resilient and almost impossible to kill at the same level, just a unique qi could enter from the outside can mess its organs and it'll be heavily injured without a doubt.

Mei jsut look at the snake with amusement before walking away. When they saw the most powerful one walk away the rest followed leaving a treasure behind.

Of course their not that greedy to snet themselves to their own doom. Besides that's not what they came for, they came to investigate the strange happenings.

After walking for few kilometers away from he Snakes territories, Miss Mei and Pooch suddenly sighed with relief.

This made the others puzzle specially Ren. He knew how powerful this girl is, even he could only fight with her but couldn't really defeat her even if he used all his trump cards.

Seeing the puzzled faces of the other twelve Mei couldn't help but smile. " You didn't notice their behaviour right?"

" What behaviour are you saying Master Mei?"

Mei just looked at Pooch, seeing the look Pooch couldn't help but secretly sigh.

" In the world of beasts, the stronger have more say than the weaker. Now if you look closely you'll feel the difference immediately. " He smiled with mystery, while Ren felt an ominous feeling.

" There's only two possibilities of that, either the orange one have the capability to beat the green or the orange was an offspring of a more powerful one. "

This immediately dawned on the barbaric men. It's no wonder why the larger dude just stayed down while the orange snake was looking at them with arrogance. It seems that even animals rellies on their parents.

Relief and understanding immediately dawned on their faces. While Pooch didn't continue and started walking to the deeper parts of the region.

Of course he didn't told them all. He have already seen a crimson trunk of a tree that looks to have fallen. But he kenw that there is no such crimson tree on the outer perimeters of the Blue Mist Valley.

It definitely is the mother of that orange thing. He was surprised that these things came out from the inner regions. Aside from that even if they could see the green, orange and the strongest it doesn't mean that that's all of them.

There's definitely more, and this more is also stronger than the one who greeted them. Of course maybe there's no more crimson one.

That's the trait of these species that Pooch observed, that's why he sent a secret signal to Mei using his hands. He doesn't want a meaningless engagement between the two sides. Aside from it is meaningless and just makes two sides with total useless casualties then why not evade.

Only the youngest and not powerful enough to make others do its bidding "welcomes" guests. While the other greener ones prepared themselves for the feast.

That's just how some animal society does in this world. Show them you're weakest and surprised them by your strongest.

Though secretly alarmed by what he found out. If even this crimson dude walked out of the valley and laid low to the outer regions doesn't that mean the one who's instigating was more powerful?

Then the only thing that he could think of right now is either some natural upheaval happened or war for supremacy of the three red threat level assholes is currently happening.

Which was more worrisome, since those that are affected could also affect them, more ways than one. Though lucky for them it looks like the crimson skinned python was injured.