
Plague Warlock

In the world of Argon. Tribes fought wars for territories, food, and rights to hunt. There were those that prospered and those that fail. The ones who failed will be assimilated by the winning tribe. The bigger the tribe the more warriors and more land they get. A family that has went through four assimilations now has left a widow and children. The family now only consist of four children and one mother. Although they are living in a poorer condition than the other families since their manly figures either died or went missing after many tribal wars. These family still held on and beat every problem and survive. Even when they're poor the children didn't gave up on their ambitions, but rather they they work hard even more than their other peers. The eldest son, who was the strongest in the family wanted to become a powerful warrior so that he could elevate the status of their family. The second son wanted to become a powerful hunter to hunt and not let their family be hungry again. The third daughter wanted to become a powerful demon hunter just like their uncle Dong who went missing after he went to pursue a evil creature named Spring Mantis. that had slaughtered a team of hunters near the village. The last son wants to be just like their valiant tribal chief. He wanted to make his own powerful tribe that will be better and more peaceful than their current tribe.

Demon_uprising · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Ancient Demonic Beast Black Roc

On a mountain range many kilometers away from the wooden fortress.

The mountains that was home for different types of beasts now was nested by a massive amount of flying demonic creatures. Eagles, Owls and other types of birds made their nest on the mountain range. On the peak of the tallest mountain, a giant bird enough to cover the tallest mountain of the mountain ranges was currently sleeping peacefully.

Every breath that came out from its massive beak could sweep massive boulder like stones and create tornados. No other living creature was near it for fear that they maybe eaten and because of the ancient but terrifying aura can make any one of the thousand year old demonic beasts fear it.

The bird was so big that its wings have covered the peak down to the bottom while it's body flattened the origanal rocky peak down to the middle layer. As black as the night, yet massive enough to cover the sun. Yes this is a terrifying Ancient Demon, and one of the oldest beings walking and still breathing on the planet, the one who alone killed all five Silver dragon elders and the Silver Dragon King, The ancient Demon Black Roc.

With his Horde he can roam the world freely but he didn't. Black roc was just lazy enough to not care about anything since the terrifying battle on the Tree of Life. Also because it suffered some heavy injuries it didn't dare to arrogantly move out of its territory. But every single move of his Horde was enough to make the whole Continent feel threatened.

The only thing that can rival its Horde was the Demonic Crow Emperor that's lair was never found even when thousands of years have past.


A Giant brown feathered Eagle flew slowly towards the direction of the sleeping fossil, it had a huge body that is as huge and tall as a hill, but compared to the sleeping fossil, it is far cry. The Brown Eagle slowly landed on the foot of the mountain and bowed as a sign of respect to this massive sleeping beast. " My lord... some of my scouts have found a snack for the Horde."

The massive eyelashes in the feathery head of the beast suddenly opened and a massive eyeball as big as a bus looked at the Brown Eagle calmly. Because of its natural black color the eyes looks like giant moons on a starless night, Beautiful yet terrifying to look at. "Just send those younger ones." Closing its massive eyes again, the living fossil went back to its sleep not caring if the brown Eagle heard him clearly.

The massive Brown Eagle just nodded its feathery head before it flap its wings and went back to the Horde that was waiting for the command of the demon emperor.

Although he is also a very powerful lvl8 demonic beast threat, he never dared to disobey or questioned what the almighty Demon Emperor said. He is strong enough that he, if not number one then surely one of the strongest flying demonic beast. Just with raw strength and weight alone it could make many demonic beasts at the same tier surrender.

But against those beings that have survive and prospered since time immemorial era or the first era,he is still just a fledgling that just knew how to hunt its prey.

He doesn't even want to come near the Black Roc as he felt the oppressive and majestic aura that is unique for this living fossil. Although Black Roc have never resurfaced and made big commotion since the fall of Tree of Life, those who knew and seen the Ancient beast would be anticipating its next course of action. He is one of the most unpredictable living fossil, no one knew what was going onto its huge head.

But one thing is for sure for every flying demonic beast. No one wanted to challenge its position unless the challenger was also some hundred thousand year flying demon. But most of the flying demons that had made their own Horde couldn't even match up to the Golden Eagle's massive and tall body much less expect some random flying bird to match the sleeping fossil.

Unless the Dragon King, or the other Beasts neutral, Saint, or demonic ones purposely try to challenge the sleeping fossil. But against the one of the most fastest living creature only the Golden Crow Emperor who've not surfaced even before the Fall of the Tree of Life can match its speed. Also because of it and its horde's disappearance, there was no one else who could hold down the Roc emperor. The Dragon King could but it was also guarding against another fearsome creature and if the dragon King went out to pursue the Roc emperor then the beast that was just waiting for it to make mistake might again see the light of the sun.

At some point many ten thousand and hundred thousand year old demonic beast tried to wrestle and snatched the billion Horde throne. Many were confident that as long as they band and attack the Ancient Black Roc then they could take it down.

Unfortunately they were mistaken with just its massive claw alone it teared everyone who joined on that coup. Since then almost half of the ten thousand to hundred thousand years old flying beasts were submissive towards the command of the Black Roc.

The Brown feathered Eagle was an Offspring of two, hundred thousand years old Heavenly Eagle and Soul Stealing Hawk. Both birds are also quite powerful and loyal towards the Sleeping fossil so their offsprings could directly meet the living fossil itself.


At the wooden fortress many miles away from the Horde...

While Ares was still telling the story that amazed the crowd, a loud and piercing cry of an Eagle sounded out. Startling those who were enchanted and deep in their own thought soldiers. They looked at one another, the time has come!

They saw nervousness and fear but they still held their weapons tightly, they'd rather sacrifice themselves for those who retreated and die tragically than to see more blood being spilled again. Almost everyone here knew that it is impossible to break out of this fortress dead or alive, but still they stayed even though they knew it is certain death.

They have to stall for more time!

They can't let the Alliance not knew of this Massive threat! This Horde's strength is enough to cripple any sector even if it's central regions where many famous wargods, archmage lived. If an successful attack and the alliance couldn't react immediately then hundreds of millions of lives were going to be wipe out!

Anthony have already sent ten of the fastest messengers the day before. So even if the army couldn't really escape their doom atleast the Alliance will be notified on time. He have anticipated that he'll have to make two decoys to make more chances for the messengers. He even deliberately separated them but all of them was going into one direction, the central regions.

Anthony took a deep breath before he looked towards the soldiers below. " I Anthony Swordhaven son of Jax Swordhaven, Commander of this army will fight to my very last breath! Although I know that even our bones may not be handed back towards our homes, but maybe our tales of stopping hundred million size Horde can be pass down to the next generations! Today we fight for honor, for our families and for peace of the whole continent! "

The thousand or so soldiers clamored as morale went up." Yeah!! "

Ivan just rolled his eyes, while Ares also talk to the 400 elven rangers in elven language.Trying her best to keep the morale high.

It didn't take long enough. Flying demonic beasts showed one up to another some are huge with the wingspan of 18 meters, 20 meters while some are smaller but much bigger than average human beings. One thing is common they are not here to have a friendly chat with the remaining soldiers on the fortress.

They looked at the wooden fortress as a predator look at its prey, they will let these foolish humans know that a threat enough to make all powers tremble in fear has resurfaced again!

Seeing that the flying demonic beasts have appeared and are fast approaching, almost all of the range units got prepared, waiting for Anthony's command.

Upon hitting the three kilometer mark, Anthony gave the command to fire at will and immediately a rain of arrows greeted the flying guests. Upon the first barrage of arrows many small size beasts fell down one after another at a moderate pace. They never stand up again upon hitting the grassy land. But the flying demonic Horde didn't even flinch, it even made their blood boil in excitement as their preys are trying to fight back. It has been a long time since almost all of their preys were too afraid and just escape with all their might.

Ares also started to shoot way before the demonic beasts could approach the three kilometer mark. Because of some skills a three kilometer mark is the longest elite archers could accurately hit, while some more "gifted" people could hit accurately four or more kilometers. She have already took down a flying bird that is 20 meters long, and it didn't stop as another one fell after she shoot back again.

Ivan just thrown many fist like fire balls but their fire have a bluish color and it is more distinct and hotter than the other fire balls that the mages fired. He have already took down a large bird of prey and wounding another one after they were hit consecutively.

In the middle of thousands of demonic flying beasts, a massive blue feathered Eagle was flapping its wings calmly not bothered on those underlings of his that was killed one after another by the long range attacks of their preys. On its sides were also three giant blue eagles with some red feathers on their chest area were flying close by with it. Although they were giant on their own but comparing it to the Blue Eagle then its like comparing a teenage boy to a five year old kid. The blue Eagle have a wingspan of 50 meters it is a giant itself,while the other were just 35 meters, but they were considered child in the real Horde. The elder ones are even bigger and have ferocious auras that could make others feel oppressed and fear.

It didn't took long enough the demonic beasts faster and more nimble d flying demonic beast have landed and started to have a melee fight with the defenders but some clever birds pick up people and eat them in satisfaction in the sky.

They take the safer and easier route but when they decided to take soldiers up the sky they have to watch out against being swarmed by spells and arrows that could is quite penetrative even against their feathers.

Anthony slashed a giant bird into two, saving a soldier who was unaware of his impending doom. The soldier thank him but immediately went back to fighting as another smaller size bird attack him relentlessly. Fight after fight, soldiers were being killed, but many beasts were also killed. Th iugh this couldn't change the fact that the hundred million Horde jsut sent a thousand size Horde while the main one just sits in the mountains idly.

While Anthony tried to support the soldiers Ares, Ivan and another Earth type Grand mage have thrown everything they've got just to last longer. A piercing and awe inspiring cry suddenly rang out and a massive body with blue feathers landed on a clearing, making huge gales, sweeping demonic beasts and human warriors at the same time. While another three smaller blue feathered birds also landed on the Wooden walls.

When they felt the aura that the silent bird, they were immediately tensed, it is a red threat level. Although the blue eagle's cultivation is not that high and powerful, but because of the innate power and bloodlines it could even fight humans with higher levels than itself and not lose.

Anthony looked at the other seven remaining commanders and they simultaneously nodded their heads, and silently channeled their strongest techniques to fight against this blue Eagle, completely forgetting the other three birds on the wooden walls.


Before anyone could react two of the crimson level eagles glided towards them, while the other attack Ivan as it deemed him as one of the dangerous prey.

Ares and the other two elven commanders intercept the other two immediately, while Ivan dueled the last one. Anthony briefly loomed his gaze to them before focusing it back to the giant blue Eagle.

Taking a deep breath he held his sword firmly and red flames started to appear on the blade of the sword as a terrifying aura was coming out it. The other seven also started to advance towards the Eagle although their powerful techniques is not as flashy as Anthony's, it's still a threat that couldn't be underestimated.


The Eagle cawed and suddenly disappeared from its position, and blood was sprayed on the position of one of the commanders as he disappeared. On the eagles left claw blood started to leaked out. Upon seeing this everyone on the defending sides were alarmed.

It took down one of their commanders effortless while they couldn't even react! The remaining other six commanders broke into cold sweat, only Anthony saw it clearly though, the eagle was swift on its attack, and it clench the commander forcefully before he could even react!

That's just how powerful it is. It is showing its strength to intimidate them, he also couldn't save the commander, the Eagle is faster than him.

Anthony channeled his battle aura and his entire person started to leaked out a formless pressure. He dashed towards the Blue Eagle using his one of his most strongest attack!

The Heavy Slicer Sword Technique (its lame sorry)

The Eagle immediately flap its wing and flew away and Anthony could only redirect his attack towards a huge hawk like beast ten meters away. The hawk like beast was immediately sliced in half, while the ones on its back were also killed.


Ten minutes have past, from the thousand soldiers four hundred were left, and from the four hundred elven rangers, two hundred also were remaining, one of the elven commanders got his left arm sliced by the sharp talons of one of the three birds, making him unable to draw arrows and could only retreat.

Because of many were injured the remaining ones made a circle formation on the center of the fortress.

Many arrows and spell were being thrown upwards trying to ward and kill any daring bird, it looked like a firework desplay in the distance, but the only different thing is that they were spells that were made to kill enemies and not for fun and leisure.

A commander again killed two more flying demonic beasts before he went back to the circle formation, saving a wounded soldier that was snatched by a red sparrow.

The sparrows may look cute, but not this one. It is a five meter sparrow with red like eyes and sharp beak that could put a whole to an iron heavy calvary armor, wtih just a poke from it you'll have the time to visit the gods.

Albeit quite heavily wounded the soldier picked up his axe, then channelled his battle aura and fought against the birds that tried to snatched another one, not caring about his bleeding arm.

Four of the commanders held the circle formation while Anthony, Ares, Ivan and the others tries to kill the blue egales and other bigger birds.

A sorrowful yet full of pain, bird cry suddenly rang out near the southern wooden walls. One of the three birds were hit in the head with a flowing arrow, the Eagle immediately went limp and fall down the high wooden walls. Upon seeing the one of them died the other two eagles were enraged, but with just a caw of the bigger one their rage was immediately placed with wariness.

They stared ferociously at the beautiful golden haired elf who shot that glowing red arrow that killed their brother. Though some of them have arrows stuck on their huge body it isn't fatal enough to make them immobilise.

Another cry sounded out as a twenty meter long, giant seagull looking bird. It have white feathers and the head of a seagull, but the body of a vulture. Ivan took down the second most powerful flying beast on his own!

Upon seeing this the giant Blue Eagle made a piercing long cry, before diving towards where Ivan was. Seeing that they have baited the giant thing down towards the ground, Anthony, Ares, and Ivan made an eye contact before grinning.

Before the beast could fully dive down with its sharp claws, three shining arrows were fired by Ares and dozens of meteor like fire balls were fired by Ivan. Only Anthony held back, upon closer look his battle aura was being sucked at a fast pace, as his sword glowed more distinct.

Being hit by the attacks of the two the Blue Eagle was boiling in rage, but it knew that if it didn't dive and made all of their attention come to him then his plan couldn't be complete, two of the remaining eagles and some other bigger birds also attack them.

Seeing that many flying beasts were going to attack the trio, many elven rangers shot those giant beasts wounding many in the process. When Anthony was finished channeling his sword has already glowed just like the afternoon sun, it could make one not see anything if they stared at it.


A long sword slashed suddenly came out from Anthony's sword, breaking it and making Anthony kneel down. The Blue Eagle immediately felt its animal instinct ring bells of certain death!

It tried to avoid it at all cost but the sword slash was just so fast that it sliced the body of the giant eagle into two and still slice those at its back.

Upon seeing that their leaders have died the flying creatures immediately turned and tuck their tails away.

But before the Anthony, Ares, Ivan, and the others could rejoice, an angry, and full of bloodlust, cry sounded out. A huge and fast Red silhouette came out of the inner mountains heading towards the direction of the fortress, gales were created and the giant tress were uprooted on its wake.

Anything that it pass thru were turned into a messed.

While the other birds retreated, it went to the opposite direction on where the retreating birds go. Every beasts that it flew by they fall down, with blood coming out of their mouth. It looked like there was a rain of birds from heaven, but no bird got up when they landed.

Before anyone could really see what the giant flying creature is, a loud...


Dust filled the northern wood walls. The whole section of walls were demolished.

A hundred meter, red scaly bird with an Eagle head, was looking at the them with coldness, rage and a never ending bloodlust!

Anthony knew what kind of bird this is, as one of the Library elders always talk to them in the past about the different creatures of the wild.

An ancient creature that was deemed to be extinct after many Horde fights in the Eastern, flying mountains. A creature that roamed and is notorious for the bloodlust that, could almost physically be seen wrapping its whole massive body. Red scales, Eagle like head and the sharp and menacing claws, with its huge body size. The Red Demon Bird!