
Plague Warlock

In the world of Argon. Tribes fought wars for territories, food, and rights to hunt. There were those that prospered and those that fail. The ones who failed will be assimilated by the winning tribe. The bigger the tribe the more warriors and more land they get. A family that has went through four assimilations now has left a widow and children. The family now only consist of four children and one mother. Although they are living in a poorer condition than the other families since their manly figures either died or went missing after many tribal wars. These family still held on and beat every problem and survive. Even when they're poor the children didn't gave up on their ambitions, but rather they they work hard even more than their other peers. The eldest son, who was the strongest in the family wanted to become a powerful warrior so that he could elevate the status of their family. The second son wanted to become a powerful hunter to hunt and not let their family be hungry again. The third daughter wanted to become a powerful demon hunter just like their uncle Dong who went missing after he went to pursue a evil creature named Spring Mantis. that had slaughtered a team of hunters near the village. The last son wants to be just like their valiant tribal chief. He wanted to make his own powerful tribe that will be better and more peaceful than their current tribe.

Demon_uprising · Fantasia
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11 Chs

A Planned Visit

Anthony and the others looked at each other. Fear, confusion and too much bitterness. Who've thought that after finishing one, another bigger and more mean thing came out of the mountains.

Anthony grinned ruefully, before he gazed at the bird with determination. He again circulated his battle aura as he prepared to cast another Cloud slashing technique.

Thoygh it'll take a very large toll on his body, atleast they'll have a chance to fight off this giant Red Demon Bird. It's better than dying without doing anything.

While Anthony was circulating his battle aura the others also were not idle. Ares with her long bow chanted out a elven scripture, immediately her bow began to radiate with golden hue color.

Beautiful yet terrifying as a tingling sense of danger was being felt by those who were near it, much less its foes. Unfortunately their enemy was a five hundred year old demon bird that was widely known as extinct.

Ivan also was casting a long spell as syllables

after syllable of a different language came out of his mouth, the fire particles that was roughly at the two hundred meter area was being sucked at a fast pace, towards Ivan.

The others also were trying to bid their time to execute their fatal attacks.

But the Red Demon Bird just looked at them coldly as of oblivious to the fact that almost seven powerful high realm warriors, mages and other professions were casting their most destructive spells and techniques, trying to take it down with them.

After thirty seconds Anthony charged out while his sword was glowing in white. On his left side also another high level commander, hundreds upon hundreds of small swords were following the commander on his side, they glow at white radiance.

Ares also shot at the same time a golden giant arrow to the massive beast. Meanwhile Ivan and the other earth mage were also done casting their spells. Two massive elemental attacks were hurled towards the Red Demon Bird. One was a giant blue fireball that's large enough to be called a house and a giant boulder the size ten buses.

Every powerful attacks immediately hit the bird one after the other. Dust immediately scattered as tens of different explosions sounded out. The most violent ones were Ivans Blue fireball and Ares Golden Arrow.

After the dust settled, a perfectly fine Demon Bird was coldly looking at them, but now its gaze was filled with mock and redicule.

It suddenly moved out, so fast that only the silhouette was senn before a tearing sound rnag out. An arm flew by before lifeless ly landing on the ground, the once perfect conditioned guy was turned into coprse by the beast even before they could react.

Then not long screams of agony and despair sounded out in the fortress as the remaining warriors were butchered helplessly. One after another sharp calws after sharp claws. The most lucky and unlucky ones were those that were eaten alive by the Giant rampaging demon that couldn't be stop. Even if they could cast another barrage of owoedfuk techniques.

Anthony tried to fend off another attack of the beasts his whole body with his decent armor was turned into sliced meat by a wind created by the Red Demon Bird.

Not long the once noisy fortress was left with nothing but ruins and blood. A giant red flash out of a giant hole and returned to the mountains. Leaving the bustling fortress with earie silence, that could make one shudder in fear.


Sleeping Demon's Mouth...

On a steep mountain, filled with different sizes of large holes and ruins. A large and tall tori(jap. Gate) was still standing still, giving off a majestic, but lonely vibe with a ruined golden colored like pathway (picture the road of wizard of oz), leading directly to the top of the steep mountain.

Because of how many years it was abandoned, tall grasses that is as tall as a seven footer man, have grown at the edge of the pathway. Upon looking afar you could only see the tall Tori but not the pathway.

It looked desolate, lonely and its sad to see the fact that this tori once saw an abundant amount of people before. Now it was the only thing standing. Waiting for those people who once walk to the top to come back again.

Two tall men were currently standing at the path, their faces were covered by a demon mask. Once mask design was a smiling face(😊) that was covered in red, while the other one was expressionless (😑)and it was also red. But instead of the vibe that indicates anger, resentment and etc(dk how you describe demons). Their figures looks very desolated, sad and remeniscing the past.

They just stood there but within their eyes, upon looking closer, you could see grief, sadness, and a never ending ocean of hatred. Without a doubt they're the two remaining known figures and powerhouses of the Warlocks.

The Smiling demon and the Gloomy devil.

The smiling demon mask guy looked at the other Gloomy one. " You remembered the times when there's still many warlocks going in and out of this place, I still remember those idiots, flaunting their new spells, techniques to their personal desciples."

A cold, gloomy but nice to the ears voice replied. " The two lovey doves, and their naughty kids. Every year... every year, they call us uncles so that they could learn free spells from us. " At the end The gloomy demon actually laugh heartily, but was immediately replaced by sadness as those days will never come back. Of the three children only one was barely saved by Smiling Demon that time.

Now that once naughty, kind, loving and happy boy wa gone, what replaced it was the neve ending hatred, vengeance, and bloodlust that couldn't be suppress even when the child was trying to contain it within his body, it just radiates naturally.

It didn't take long enough they move towards the grassy pathway made out of bricks. While walking slowly they told each other the precious memories that they have seen, and have experience. They'll never forget those days, where they lived by making spells, and body techniques, new things. That's just all, help those that they deemed that needs help, it was peaceful, they've never even wanted to create a rift between the other professions.

They just lend a helping hand to the supernaturals as they've had huge favors to them. It's like helping a friend, never expect that war was brewing... They were mixed within that stew.

Because of them the taste of the once balance stew became more chaotic, that the cook needs to add something to eliminate the cause of the unbalance.

A war that almost killed all of them. The once powerful force was left with the wounded, by heart and body. Two of them knew many once who retreated with grieving hearts, and vengeance.

The hatred have clouded most of the survivors judgment, they have became those people who have no porpuse but to just get their revenge and nothing else. This made the two worried, only two of them could make proper judgement on situations and not be carried with their emotions.

But if the other warlocks talk about the most revenge driven and insane, they'll no doubt point their fingers towards three people, and apparently two of them were talking about how calm they were when thy judge.

Of the most vengeful people, in the whole continent, then the two could be labeled as two of the most. They couldn't sleep in peace if they couldn't repay many folds the grievance. Even if its just some some small incident, they'll remember it till their grave as long as they could still not have their revenge.

Now that their home was wrecked and their big family, was left with meager number. Their hatred to the world was burning so much that if it could physically be seen by naked eyes, then it would have incinerate the whole world.


Walking slowly to the top of the mountains, the two twins, have a silent but very oppressive vibe. They still remembered the places where restrictions were made by them for the little warlocks to not trespass. But those kids did the opposite, they will sneak out every night to the forest, trying to find some trouble with some warlocks assigned to guard the forest at night.

They'll scare the crap out of them, then ran away while giggling like little girls. After many years this became a tradition, and it left the guards of the forest with a big headache.

This were just the one of the many beautiful memories that the past settlers of this place made. Now... the once beautiful and peaceful forest, was left with dead charcoal like trunks.

The beautiful and majestic landscape made by earth elementalist warlocks, have many different sizes of holes on it. It was destroyed beyond repair.

After an two hours or so slow walking, they've made it to the middle part of the mountain where, a massive ruined city was silently forgotten by time. At the end of the ruined city ten paths leading ten different places. One led to a temple like structure while the other led to a Palace and many other more. (picture out some jap castles that's like stretched bigger that is ruined by cannon shots)

This were the home of the ten warlock grandmasters, and in between this ten was a massive tower like fortress. Spanning hundreds of kilometers, this is where the last stand of the warlocks happened in the past. Now... There's only one thing in common, and that's their ruined beyond recognition.

Cracks, holes, vines, missing parts but still it stand tall. Entering the city sadness, desolation and quietness were the only thing you can feel. It also somehow affected the mood of the hundred years of age guys.

Only their loud footsteps were heard on this miles and miles huge ruins. Yes not even birds or any other insect or animals lived here.

Because of some kind of territorial species of animal have decided to build a nest here after the siege have happened, The Soul Seeing Crows.

Crows that are five foot tall, and as black as the night without a moon of course, this crows lived in flocks. They were named Soul Seeing crows as every war, a flock of them would noisily caw and just landed on top of the corpses of the dead, they don't eat them like vultures but just looked at dead.

It's like they can sense the dead souls. That's why their named Soul Seeing crows, there's also an alternative name for them Resentment Crows, or soul ferrying crows.

Since most Battlefields and ruins have many resentments from people who died. They are alsoneutral beasts. Ever since they were found they've only attack five different large settlements after some cooked their Brethens. Most of the time though they never went out of their nest. Unless some big battles happened that put up hundreds upon hundreds of bodies.

No one manage to tame them or got the acknowledgement of this crows, except for one and only... the dead.


Caw! Caw! Caw!

Flapping of wings and the sound of crows suddenly sounded out of thin air, as thousands upon thousands of crows flew out of the dark places in the ruined city. The twin brothers stopped walking and just calmly watched the crows.

They converge, then with a fast speed they've sorrounded the two. A smaller Crow but instead of black eyes, it was white! Their leader but the aura that this Crow leader gives a bit of pressure towards the twins, surprising them much. The crowd have sorrounded them in a large plaza.

Everyone knew that this crows never ate anything that the people of this Continent knew or offered. Some beasts taming idiots even tried to enter one of the most well known nest of the crows. Ancient Burial Grounds of the Southern sector. They thought that if they can enter the nest they'll be able to see if there's any type of food they stored in there.

Instead of a courteous and polite welcoming they were swarmed and eventually heavily injured. The thing that they only saw was the leader, a white crow like bird. It have almost all the parts of the crow except the color and the strength. With a flap of its wings it created a gale strong enough that it injured and killed many of the commander stage beast tamers, tamed beasts.

Now seeing an white eyed one was surprising but not shocking to them. They've seen more bizzare looking bastards in the Mountains. The two of them once seen a huge frog, with the eyes of a snake and have a tail of a scorpion.

While still thinking and marveling the beautiful crow, a voice of a child suddenly sounded beside their sorroundings. " Why have you come back?"

They turned their head and looked around but no one was there except of course the thousands of crows perched up on the rooftops of the buildings, and the white eyed Crow landed near them, looking at them as if questioning them.

The smiling demon looked at the Gloomy one who just stared at the Crow. " Apparently this thing also knows how to speak!"

The Gloomy devil just nod it's head.

The Crow suddenly transformed into a ten year old boy with silk clothing. Skin whiter than snow and a handsome face with white hair and his eyes have a black pupil and brownish iris. If any women would see him then they'll fall in love or be jealous." Of course, what do you think of us? Underworld Crows? Low lives?"

As if wanting to approve on what their leader said the crows cawed with excitement, before quieting down.

"No my... Crow friend, what I'm saying is that I've never expected that you guys to have a white threat level guys." Smiling demon said in an amused tone while he looked deeper into the shadows of the buildings. Out of the corner of the dark shadows a blurry action was made. Though couldn't be seen clearly in the naked eyes, to the eyes of Smiling demon it's a child's play. He had already notice another terrifying presence, that's on par with this child on their front.

Raising an eyebrow, the child was surprise before smiling. " Hah... Looks like we can't surprise them anymore brother." Sounds of footstep rang out in the dark shadows. Not before long another child with long white hair walk out of the shadows, identical to the "human" child. " Why would the banished from the lands come back again?" A cold smile was plastered on the face of this child as he walks slowly.

The silent Gloomy devil said in a manly voice, while craning his head towards the slow walking kid. " And why would crows squatter our home? "

Upon hearing that the two kids laugh before the first child answered. " Because of the resentment and abundance of souls here of course."

" I told you brother, your question is just totally useless, why do you think a flock of this birds would be here even before that thing was done?" Smiling demon said in an amused manner before he turned and look at the two children." Since you guys, knew who we are then, do I have to make things difficult for you guys. "

The two kids talk at the same time." Who do you think you are! " They unleashed some pressure to Smiling demon, unfortunately he didn't even flich and the Gloomy devil looked at them with a glint of his eyes and a pressure two folds stronger than theirs excluded out of his body.

Cold sweats started to form on their backs as they shudder in fear, the crows that was sitting on the buildings were also trembling in fear.

" I will let this thing pass, as a magnanimous host." Smiling demon said as he walk slowly towards them, he took out a yellow curved knife. " But as an illegal settlers, you'll have to pay a certain price."

" Fuck you!" The two birds said at the same time before charging towards smiling demon. The other crows also luached themselves towards the two.



Two wings was left on the ground, that was littered with many corpses of crows. The culprits were gone, the serene and quiet atmosphere again regained.

Walking towards the fortress like tower, Gloomy devil suddenly said. " You shouldn't do that... they've guarded this place well."

Smiling demon just coldly sneered. " Of course, they'll guard this place well. Since the resentment of our fellow brothers lingered and have almost physically phase into existence. They'll harvest them, with their fuckin souls! Just to make some fuckin trees grow."

The Gloomy devil just sighed.

After entering a giant gate with no doors, what assaulted their eyes were the remains of thousands upon thousands of people. Some have no skull, while others have broken skeletal structures, and in the middle of it were some lifelike ten statues that still gives awe and majestic feeling.

They were the only ones left intact, in this whole mountain. Eight out of the ten statues have already dimmed, while the other still have radiance, but instead of a comforting and awe-inspiring, it instead gives chill, fear and inconsolable amount of hatred.

" Yet, to think of the ten people with much contribution and strength, only two guys with some heavy burdens were left." They both sighed heavily at the same time before they walk to the two other statues, and smiling demon took out a large curved sword and slashed off the ground on where two of the statues were put.

" Maybe this place will be again rebuilt and became much grander than its past counterpart. But to us, even if its more lively it'll never erase this place tragic past." Smiling demon said, as if talking to someone. But his gaze was lingering to the eight other statues.

As if all eight heard him, at the same time radiance came out of them. Some gives out an evil feeling, but others gave off a compassionate feeling, the last one was relief. Before all of the eight statues crack one after another.

The twins looked at this phenomenon calmly before walking out of the tower, not bothered going inside of it.

" Now that we have these two artifacts let's meet our friend from afar."


Two days later...

On a mountain near the Sleeping Demon's Mouth two tall men with masks was just standing as if waiting for something, or someone, these two were the twins.

Smiling demon looked at the grassy lands that have withered, at the other side. " That friend of ours really is lazy enough to keep us waiting for hundreds of years. Just to move a small portion his Horde here, it took him thirteen days."

Not long a giant shadow that covered the whole was fast approaching towards the direction of the two. It was so big that just its wings was enough to make the sunny day turned into a cold night. At its back we're thousands upon thousands of giant birds. The smallest ones were a hundred meters, while the biggest aside from the giant bird measured upto thousand meters.


The thing landed on the withered grassland almost occupying the whole land by itself. The other smaller size beasts just flap their wings not daring to land.

A majestic, yet cold voice sounded out. " Some delays happened, a group of monkeys delivered themselves for snacks."

The twins looked at each other before laughing loud. " Looks like those idiots send their "own men" to deal with us? Hahahaha, I think they've gone senile and forgotten what the words we arrogantly said back then! "

Glommy just nod his head, Smiling demon then looked at the giant bird, with some amusement." Hey old demon! Our dear friend, some people have forgotten that you guys exist... want to educate them what the word "fear" means again? "

The Giant bird or shall we say the Demon Emperor Black Roc transformed into a six footer middle age man, with sharp and handsome features. The most attractive thing about him was the literal eagle eyes of his.

The middle aged man appeared out of thin air, in front of the two. As if used to it, the two didn't mind and just nodded their heads to him before the three suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

After the three left almost every flying beasts landed at the same time. A smaller beast next to the thousand meter flying beast asked. " Abu how come we are allying ourselves with this monkeys?"

Abu the thousand meter long, Ancient Three Eyed Hawk, just look at the Serpent Bird. " Do you know that a man, have silently infiltrated and made a deal for a protection for his home to our Emperor two thousand years ago? "

The Serpent bird, who have the body of a giant three hundred meter bird and a head of a giant serpent, looked surprise as he never thought that such a human could slip past even a five hundred meter bird of prey that guard periphery of the enormous nest of their emperor.

And those that tried have died.

The Three Eyed Hawk just nodded its head. " Yeah I was there at that time, that guy even dueled our emperor but he eventually lost after seven strikes. But because of the bet that if our Emperor couldn't deafeat him in a single strike, our emperor needs to guard his home for invaders. It's just a one time request. "

" That's the only thing I knew since I was tasked to fetch some drakes. But I do knew for sure that a divine egg was exchanged also. " The Hawk continued.

The Sepent snake was now shocked, he knew what immense value a divine egg is. It's the eggs of ancient Saintly beasts that are protected in their private nests.

No one dares anger those hibernating monsters as the Ancient Saint beasts defends humans against the Ancient Demonic beasts.

A egg of that value if hatched, could get you an powerhouse companion, but to think that such value was easily gave up, by that human for one request.

But where was the enemies that they'll defend against with?