
We get persecuted by the police

A/N: If you reach 400 powerstones in 24 hours I'll upload another chapter. Also, if you want to support me and read up to 10 chapters in advance and secondary novels go to my patreon.

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{Winsconsin, 14th of June 2006}

Thalia POV

Two days. It had been two days since our lives went from "demigod crazy" to "full-on apocalyptic." The bus incident, as we'd started calling it, had spiraled out of control faster than Hermes on a caffeine high first we got blamed for the turning off the bus, and the destruction on the bridge, then we got chased by a few police cars, news got a handle of us, and even interviewed Percy's mum, yeah they knew whom Percy's mom was, that was how bad this shit was going.

We were huddled in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of some nameless town, our faces plastered across every news channel and social media platform. "Teenage Terrorists," they called us. If only they knew we'd saved their sorry mortal butts from being trampled by murderous unicorns.

"We should have stayed and explained," Grover mumbled for the hundredth time, nervously chewing on an empty soda can.

I resisted the urge to zap him. Barely. "Yeah, because 'Sorry officer, we were just fighting some man-eating unicorns' would've gone over real well," I snapped.

Annabeth looked up from her laptop, her face illuminated by the screen's glow. Dark circles under her eyes betrayed her exhaustion. "It's getting worse," she said grimly. "They're calling for a nationwide manhunt now."

Percy, who had been pacing restlessly, stopped and ran a hand through his messy black hair. "We need to get back to camp. Chiron will know what to do."

"And how exactly do you propose we do that, Kelp Head?" I asked. "In case you haven't noticed, we're kind of public enemies number one through four right now, and the deadline for the whole godly war is getting closer, we can't go back now."

"Five and six," Annabeth corrected, nodding towards Lailaps and Swiper, who were curled up in the corner. Even the magical animals looked dejected.

I sighed, feeling the weight of our situation pressing down on me. Some daughter of Zeus I was turning out to be. I couldn't even keep my friends safe from mortal law enforcement.

A sudden wail of sirens jolted us all to attention. Red and blue lights flashed through the grimy warehouse windows.

"How did they find us?" Grover bleated, his eyes wide with panic.

"Doesn't matter," I said, grabbing my spear. "We need to move. Now."

We burst out of the warehouse's back door, only to be met by a wall of police cars and officers with weapons drawn.

"Freeze!" one of them shouted. "You're under arrest!"

Percy uncapped Riptide, I didn't know why it wouldn't do much good against mortals. "Any bright ideas?" he muttered.

I felt the familiar tingle of electricity coursing through my veins. "Yeah. Duck."

I raised my hands to the sky, calling upon the power of my father. The air crackled with energy as storm clouds gathered overhead. With a primal yell, I brought my hands down, and lightning exploded from the heavens.

The police scattered as bolts struck their vehicles, setting off a cascade of explosions. In the chaos, we made our escape, running as fast as our legs could carry us.

"This way!" Annabeth shouted, leading us down an alley.

We emerged onto a busy street, blending in with the panicked crowd fleeing the explosions. Sirens wailed in the distance, growing closer by the second.

"We need a ride," Percy panted.

As if answering his plea, a delivery truck screeched to a halt nearby, its driver jumping out to see what all the commotion was about.

"Sorry about this," I muttered, then sent a small jolt of electricity at the guy. He yelped and stumbled back, giving us the opening we needed.

We piled into the truck, Annabeth sliding behind the wheel. "Remind me to take actual driving lessons if we survive this," she said, gunning the engine.

We tore through the streets, weaving through traffic with all the grace of a drunken cyclops. Police cars gave chase, their sirens wailing like angry harpies.

"Can't you make us go any faster?" Grover yelled from the back, where he was clinging to a stack of boxes for dear life.

"You want to drive?" Annabeth shot back, taking a turn so sharp I was sure we'd end up on two wheels.

I leaned out the window, summoning more lightning to keep our pursuers at bay. One by one, police cars spun out or crashed, creating a trail of destruction in our wake. I tried not to think about the property damage we were causing. Or the fact that we were probably racking up enough felonies to keep us in jail until the next Great Prophecy.

Hours passed in a blur of high-speed chases and narrow escapes. As night fell, we finally crossed another state line, now surrounded by somewhat dense forests. A sign welcoming us to the next state flashed by, barely visible in the truck's headlights.

"I think we lost them," Percy said, peering out the back window.

We all let out a collective sigh of relief. Annabeth eased off the gas, and for the first time in days, I felt like we might actually make it out of this mess.

That's when I saw it. A sleek black car, appearing out of nowhere in our rearview mirror. It moved with an unnatural speed, closing the distance between us in seconds.

"Uh, guys?" I said, my voice tight. "We've got company."

Annabeth's eyes widened as she spotted the car in the mirror. "Oh, Styx," she breathed. "That's not the police."

"What do you mean?" Percy asked, leaning forward to get a better look.

The black car pulled up alongside us, and I saw what had Annabeth so spooked. Emblazoned on its side in blood-red letters was a single word: FEUD.

"It's Alastor," Annabeth said, her voice barely above a whisper. "The god of blood feuds."

My blood ran cold. We'd been so focused on escaping the mortal authorities, we'd forgotten an important fact: non mortals would probably be gunning for us too.

"Why in all the gods, is dude gunning for us?" Percy yelled, the stress of outrunning a manhunt getting to him, though I wasn't much better off.

"What do we do?" Grover whimpered.

For the first time, I was at a loss of words, we couldn't use the Mist to escape this guy, the pnly choice we had was a head on fight, but I wasn't exactly itching for that with how tired I was, in Hades I don't think I would be able to pull it off normally.

Before I could say anything to come the satyr down, we heard it.

A screeching sound like chalk being scraped on a chalkboard, we quipped our heads back. Alastor's car began to transform, metal twisting and reshaping into something decidedly not of this world, that was when it happened out of what ever it was in front of us, it's mouth opened and then it fired.

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