

The top war, Roy looked at the already dead Ace, yelled: the supreme holy light ah! Give me strength! Resurrect, my warrior! Oh yes, I forgot, there is a tough trick: Abracadabra! Roy accidentally crossed into the world of pirates...

SHADOW_J_ · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
128 Chs

Hunting begins

Soon, Marin Fodor's internal sounded a violent alarm, the whole staff into the search state, however empty first thought, is after him, and cp0 that person meeting with the Vegapunk, immediately looking for people to go over to him for questioning.

The chief of naval staff A crane quickly rate to find the Bergapunk, when the other people away, not waiting for A crane to speak, Bergapunk first asked: "not about the cp0 who just came here, right?"

"You actually know?" Tsuru asked, hugging his chest.

If it is said that Bergapunk is the world's first person in intelligence, A Crane is undoubtedly more adept at the human condition, emotional intelligence is definitely the first person in the Navy.

"He's a little weird!"


"Ah, I also counted and cp0 played engage in several dealings, although I dare not say and they are very familiar, but this bit of eyesight or have, just come here cp0, and the previous feeling completely different ah!"

Bergapunk is very smart, he deliberately revealed some problems, so that you can perfectly avoid suspicion.

"What things did he say to you?" Crane asked again.

"Some questions about the failure of the Seven Waters Capital CP0 mission, much of the rest is of a confidential nature, I will not say much!"

A crane asked some more questions, and finally under the cope of Bergapunk, really can not ask more, only to end, return to the air to report.

"Report, the above is the result obtained from the Bergapunk!"

After Crane reported to the air, another Rear Admiral came out, holding the document in his hand and said: "Report, the monitoring room shows that about four hours ago, in the Institute of Science west of an inner street, monitoring the phone bug was suddenly destroyed, we suspect that this is related to the disappearance of cp0 time!"

"This kind of thing, why did not report up earlier!" Empty fumed: "There is definitely a reason for such a coincidence!"

The tone is very serious, the phone bug in the normal cycle out of order that is very rare things, but happened to break once, and at the same time happened to encounter the cp0 thing, how to think it can not be a coincidence.

It seems that everything has to start from monitoring this piece.

"Where is the phone bug that was destroyed?" Air asked in a deep voice.

"Report! A16 position!" The Major General replied.

"Crane, you go with Major General Butler to investigate, as fast as possible, come back and give me the results!"



After calling out, Air didn't hear the response he should have, and turned around to see Karp with his arms wrapped around him, his nose already bubbling, and occasional grunts coming from him.


Empty roar, the snot bubble on Karp's nose roar break, Karp a shock, hurriedly looked up, wide-eyed, "A crooked, not well, actually fell asleep!"

"Did you hear what I was saying to you?" If not for the shortage of personnel, coupled with the time constraints, empty absolutely a punch to blow this fucker into the sea.

Karp snorted and wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve: "Ah ... very serious, the situation is very serious, after all, the government's ace agent, ah, very serious, serious ..."

A crane on the side can not help but black lines all over the face, but she has long been accustomed to the style of Karp.

"You and Sakaski and Kuzan lead their respective squads to search, and arrest all the people who can!"

"Good, good!" Karp perfunctory, what about the government, he does not care!

"Hey!" Empty looked at Karp hanging look sighed, and finally said to Warlord: "Warlord, let all the ships sailing stop, I suspect that the other side has a very high level of hidden hand break, including disguise, maybe he is waiting for our warships to set sail and take advantage of the departure!"

"I know!"

Warlord nodded to accept the order, suddenly could not help but remind: "But marshal, two hours ago, there are already two warships have sailed!"

Empty pupils gaze, as much as the egg color: "Which two ships?"

"The two warships of Rear Admiral Bradley, who went to the North Sea to investigate, and Lieutenant General Saius, who went to the Water Capital to investigate."

"Immediately transfer back, inform them, keep a good eye on every person on board, take a good inventory, no one is allowed to run away!" Air said.

"It's just a government agent, what's the point of alerting the entire Navy Headquarters? Anyway, this matter to the Sakaski boy and Kuzan boy is, I want to go home to eat donuts!

Karp bored waved, turned around and pulled open the door to leave.

If replaced by the usual, at the very least will be empty scolded two, but this time empty suddenly feel that Karp said some sense!

cp0 again important, it is not to let the whole navy headquarters are busy for the level, the key behind there is a world government.

Now is the time to lick the government, or the government promised the position of the Commander-in-Chief of the three armies to fizzle out can not be fun! At least to make the top feel: look, I tried!


"Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru ..."

On a warship bound for the Water Capital, the top commander of the warship, Saius, suddenly received a contact from his second-in-command warrant officer from the headquarters!

"Lieutenant General Saius return to the headquarters immediately, lead your entire ship immediately and return to the headquarters immediately!"

Saius, who received the phone bug, heard the call from headquarters from the other side and frowned, "Did something happen?"

"I don't have time to explain it to you now, but you should return to the headquarters immediately!"

Opposite is indeed the headquarters of the phone bug, Saius can only order to turn back under the helplessness, and about fifty meters away from him, standing at the bow side of the patrol building of the soldier heard his words after the pupils twitched slightly, "finally feel it? But it's already past the gate of justice, so I guess it doesn't matter!"

First stop this ship from returning to the headquarters, no, it should be returning inside the Gate of Justice!

After finding an excuse to leave temporarily, Roy went to the control organ room inside the ship.

Saiusi, on the other hand, entered a room alone, redialed the phone bug back, and asked, "Senior General Senseki, there is no one else near me now, can you tell me what is going on?"

Warlord's voice was very cautious: "Lieutenant General Saiussi, you must be careful, your ship, there may be soldiers who are pretending to be the enemy!"

"Now immediately check your people, this matter is too complicated to say, there is no time to tell you the whole thing slowly, in short, your ship is likely to have naval impostors, and the strength may be above you, must be careful."

"I got it!" After hanging up the conversation, Lieutenant General Saiusi was silent for a few seconds thinking.

Blended into the enemy, if that's the case, that means the other party first infiltrated the naval headquarters, and then blended into their own ship?

But first of all, you have to enter the naval headquarters of Malinfodo first, what is he? How can he have such ability.

But no matter how he thought, he could only follow the orders of the headquarters, stop sailing for the time being and return to the headquarters!

Saïus hurriedly left the room, walked into the center of the deck, waved his hand and ordered the midshipmen, "All hands prepare, turn the direction of the ship and prepare to return to the headquarters!"

The nature of the military is to obey, not to mention the Navy headquarters after a rigorous education of these people.

None of them said any unnecessary questions and hurriedly prepared to turn around and return to the headquarters.

However, at that moment, outside the control room under the deck of the ship for maintenance, a soldier entered the place and was quickly stopped by the soldier in charge of the guard, asking, "Crooked! Crooked! What for?"