
The Beginning

In the middle of 1710 at Bahamas land, there was a long hair woman with plain face and about twenty seven year old walk at crowded place. She just arrived and suddenly got hit by one from group of man. She got yelled by the man who got hit with woman's shoulder "hey watch you're walking lady, you hit me. How can you take responsible for that?" The woman said "I'm sorry, I don't see you. Are you alright?"

That man then grabbed the hand of woman and said "you have to pay for this!" The woman got scared. Suddenly show up a cool handsome man about twenty three year old in front of them then rescue that woman. He hit that man and beat up the others who come to hit him. After know that they lose to that man, they run off and leave the woman behind. The woman said to that man "thank you for saving me, Mister. If you don't save me from that group of man, I don't know what will happen to me." That man then said to her "don't think I help you will free, you will work for me in my ship. I think you will useful to me because I look at you wearing a glasses just look like a smart person, so come with me now." That man just grabbed the woman's hand and led her toward the dock. The woman said "hey Mister please wait ... please." But that man ignored that woman said, he just walked forward and still grabbed the woman's hand to the dock.

After arrived at big ship that had skull flag, at the top of the right flag they draw a little green leaf. There is mermaid statue in front of the ship and had a square topsail that can be useful for windy weather. Square topsail could be hoisted to give a ship a top speed that could occasion exceed eleven knots and the ship had six cannons. The man said to that woman "this is my ship, her name is Diamond Dash. My name is Captain Jack Pearl and The Revenge my crews name with just 8 people. From now on you will work for me, you will belong to me." The woman got shocked and said "what ... I can't do that!" Captain Jack said "yes, you will! Aa I forgot to ask your name." The woman replied with a frightened face "my ... my name is Anne Louise." Jack said "Ok Anne from now on you will start for mopping that deck, after that go to kitchen you will help Billy prepare for the meal. Go now, start to work!" Jack pushed Anne to the front. The ship started to leave the island, Anne can't do anything to stop the ship, so she just obey what Captain had said to her. The Captain left her to go to the steering place. Anne took a knife that she hid it under her trouser. That knife is useful if she need it. She cut her long hair to short with that knife to make easier working in that ship. Anne then put her knife again under her trouser. Anne's journey begin, the ship take her to East side.


This is my first novel so maybe have a lot mistake for the writing and the content. My English not really good so I hope the readers understand what a story i just wrote and I still can't descript the posture each characters, sorry about that. I drew the ship roughly using a pencil for the cover illustration. Book cover makers enhance my images with colors and additions really helpful. I done wrote this novel at year 2017 and now I just edit again in here. Thank you for reading my novel hope can enjoy it.

Felina_Yetialcreators' thoughts