
Pirate Chronicles

Arranged marriage? No way.... Controlled by nobility? Certainly not... I will not yield... no one can stop me. I will create my own adventures and no one will dictate the way I live! ***** Meet Lady Editha Allysse Carmen of the house of Pardue, a noblewoman arranged to wed Prince Eric of Beckforth. She refused and ran away. On her voyage to freedom, she was taken by the roguishly handsome Jacob, a pirate and captain of Labyrinth... He calls her Darling... Thus begins her adventure... join her as she chronicle her voyage and got to know the pirates’ secrets and the corruption she never knew existed. ***** Cover by: Emil Valeza and Paul Japon Paloma

Izavelle_Brielle · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
138 Chs


"Where to next?" Lowen asked as we finished treating and bandaging his wound.

"I'm not sure. Do you have any ideas?" I replied honestly.

"Where is the largest room in the manor?" Jacob asked me. "They might have been holding the hostages there."

"The Grand Room is this way," I responded and led them to the right. It made sense since we have more than twenty personnels in the manor.

We met our other crew members halfway. Some of them have cuts and bruises, evidence of the encounter they had with Beckforth's soldiers.

"We checked most of the rooms from the back and the servant's quarters. No one was there," Neville reported. "Where's Paco, Gondro, and Elgo?"

We told them about the secret room where they were resting. When we neared the Grand Room, the door was blasted with repeated gunshots. Good thing all my crew members have quick reflexes and we were able to dodge the bullets. As usual, since I do not move quickly just yet, Jacob assisted me.