
God And Birth

I could only see black, pitch black... i started thinking about my life as i knew this was not a dream, my life was quite good i guess, by my standards, if any other person saw my memories they would scream...

Anyways after remembering about my past life, i was dragged into a white room, the change in scenery hurt my eyes a little bit because of the brightness.

"You are jack, correct?" i heard a being say, i looked up and saw a blur, but i could make out a humanoid figure, once my vision was restored i saw a old man holding papers.

"Y-yes, i am jack...and who are you?"

The being looked up at me and said, "I am what you humans call God, i manage the reincarnation cycle and all other things in every multi-verse, i have chosen you because you were the strongest in your world, and i admire your life, you lived through only a fraction of what hell would be like, and that alone would be enough to cause most humans unable to survive, let alone be completely fine and able to think straight like you can...i am impressed."

"jee, thanks! i really got a praise like that before!" i smiled and the god continued.

"anyways, i have chosen you as a particular case because of your life and feats, i will grant you 3 wishes and a new world with you being reincarnated into, chosen by me of course hehe..."

I thought for a moment before questioning, "Can i wish for anything?"

"Yes you can, but not on the level of my power, anything below that will be acceptable."

I thought for a moment, 'I was always hindered by my limits and could never get drastically stronger because human growth potential is not very good, so...', "i wish for unlimited growth potential, what i mean is, my body can adapt to basically anything, be it cold, heat, body abuse, strength training,my body will adapt atleast 1 million times faster than the average human!"

"oh my, thats interesting... so you wish to grow stronger? well i can grant it, but i'll make it a nerf, i think i have the perfect world, i just need to add more worlds to combine it and make it even more difficult to survive and add even more martial arts and stronger people. otherwise, i'll grant your wish and make you born in the most powerful bloodline currently in that world, added with the wish, you will grow into a literal demonic being, aka i will only grant you the 10000x adaptability of a humans body instead of the unlimited one, and add that with the bloodline i'll make you born into, you are gonna be a monster..."

I nodded my head at this and felt excited, he was going out of his way to prepare a world just for me...

"alright, my second wish, is to have my strength that i currently had just before i died, aka when the steel beam had not hit."

"hmm, thats incredibly strong for a baby, gonna have to modify your fathers mood at the time to not make him kill you..."

I felt a little shocked at this, 'my father, will be even stronger than me when i was alive?! just how strong is that guy?!'.



After a while of thinking i chose my third wish,

"For my third wish, i want to be able to have a sharp mind, aka i'm calm under pressure of any kind, i think of solutions in a fight faster, i can analyze a opponents fighting style quicker than anyone in the world i'll be sent to, i can understand most things quickly as well, it also gives me a plus, uhm, what ever you want the number of intelligence i get from it, i don't wanna be to greedy."

God smiled and said, "you will get a plus 50 IQ boost of your already 118 IQ"

I suddenly felt smarter after god enveloped me in a golden glow, i had felt way smarter than i actually was.

"Thank you god! i hope to not disappoint you and make my dreams come true as being the strongest once again is my dream!" god smiled and waved his hand, i instantly saw darkness and felt moisture, i couldn't hear anything.

After what seemed to be about 9 months i could hear muffles, they were probably my mother groaning in pain from giving birth, as i already figured out i was in the womb, the other nosies were most likely the doctors trying to help.

I was forcefully pushed out and i could barley hear anything, i could only make out, "healthy boy!" before i passed out...

Cliff hanger! well howd ya like the chapter before the cliff hanger hehe!!...

You Will see his third wish in the next chapter.

RAAAHHHHHcreators' thoughts