
Picked up a book in a dungeon and became strong.

The story of a weak guy who became strong because of a book and starts to have fun with a lot of female lovers.

Random_Stuff1 · Ficção Científica
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28 Chs

Chapter 3.

One week has passed since the day we became rich. The house is now complete with amenities, appliances and designs. Kris and Jack are beginning to feel comfortable with us. My family is quite friendly towards them.

It is now time for me to investigate the books that I have. The corpse literally had these book when it died. So it must have a value of some kind.

I understand the first book for it is just a diary written in our language. And I started to read the first page.

"My name is Khen Krah. This is my diary starting when I became a powerful. For these are one."

Hmmm. What does it mean by " these are one"? I wonder.(Continues to read..)

"If you want to acquire power, then your mind can easily remember everything."

Hmm? What? This doesn't make any sense. What does the mind got to do with acquiring power? Is it a mind control power? (Continues to read)

"Now you will feel strong in your mind. And after a week, you are done."

Done what? Done as in dead? Or completed something? I can't understand this. Hmmmm.

He continues to read the book but the pattern of sentences are always the same, they don't make a sense in any way.

Looks at the other book.....

Huh. If " these are one " are the pertaining to these two books. I think I should need to understand the second book first. But I don't even know that writing. Maybe the librarian can help me.

I copied one sentence in the "not my language" book and I will also bring the diary. I think I should keep the book first in this house for safekeeping.

I went to the library with Jack Chan. Arriving in the library. The very first thing I noticed is the lack of people. It it literally deserted. I can't even find an employee. (Finds a bell ang rings it.) Odd. I think bells are too loud in a library for people to read. But who knows. maybe it's becuse no one is here.

Then a pretty lady came to us in a hurry and a clumsy way. She is very sexy combining the cuteness with her round glasses, you literally looking at a type of a girl that a lot of guys fantasizes about when they are in the shower.

"Hello Sir. Good morning. What can I do for you Sir?"

..."Hello. I'm just wondering if you have these kind of book here. These language, I can't seem to understand it. Do you have any reasonable ng material that looks like this. (Shows the piece of paper)"

"Let me take a look at it. (Receives the paper and reads it) "Jiakakula Kirataza" Ahhh. This is the spell language that the healers or mages used in their battles. They chant these kind of words when they attack, defends or heals. But they don't really understand the meaning behind those chant. They just memorize the chant and the spell will work."

..."So you say that they use the language but they didn't know what does it mean, just the effects? So if I show this to them, they won't know that it is the spell language that they use?"

"Yes. Teachers or masters of those mages don't really need to teach the language because it is very hard to understand that language. It will take them a lot of time learning it. Just for example is your note right here. "Jiakakula Kirataza". It means "You should have both of these book."

..."Wait a minute. You can understand it? I thought no one can?"

"I didn't say no one. There are some who does. Actually there is only two knows it. An adventurer named Ling Mea and me. By the way, My name is Chi Lie. "

.."Ling Mea? That is one of my teammates. "

"Teammates? Oh! You mean you are a member of the treasure company?"

(Treasure company? I think that what people calling us now.)

..."Ahh yes."

"It is an honor to meet you Sir."

..."Just call me Kang. I am still new to this stardom. "

"Okay Mr. Kang."

(She added Mr. Hehe. Well I think I will need her to translate everything in the other book. But translating it here would be dangerous. I need a secure location like my house. And maybe I can take her If you know what I am saying. 😁)

..."Ms. Chi are you single?"

"(Blushes.) Ah. No sir. Why did you ask?"

..."Cause I want you to come to my house."

"(Still blushes and surprised) Ahh. Sir I'm flattered and I think you are handsome and you are totally my type but I think you should ask me on a date first before asking me to go to bed with you."

..."(I think I heard her say that I am her type) Huh? What are you saying? I'm just wondering if you can translate a book for me. And it is in my house. I just asked you if you had a boyfriend because it would be not right to ask a girl that has a boyfriend to come in my house. And I would like this to be a secret. I can even pay you for translating it. "

Chi Lie now totally blushes like a hot tomato. She remained silent at first but then she responded.

"Sorry Mr Kang. I misinterpreted what you said. Yes. I am willing to translate it to you sir during my day off. If it is okay with you Mr. Kang?"

..."Yes. Absolutely. Thank you. Here is my address. Come anytime. I am always at home."

And he left the library leaving Chi Lie that is still blushing.

..."Jack, we should stop at the bakery and buy sweets for our guest when she will visit the house."

'Yes Sir.'

Now that I have a way to understand it. I think my days will be hectic. And It is gonna be fun.

(Hi readers. I hope this story still interests you. Sorry for my poor writing skills. )