
Pick up a killer as a wife

On a dark and windy night, he picked up a beautiful, charming, sexy and coquettish beauty, so he lived a completely different life through his girlfriend's counter attack on life

lucking_grass1 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 17 leaving

After these things, Li Nai Na decided to leave Liaocheng. There was no way. If he didn't leave, it would mean that he would be charged with murder. The four bodies in the house were the best proof.But he had to dispose of the bodies first, so he had the courage to bury them all in the back mountain.After simply disposing of the body, Li Tian sat outside the house alone, took a miscellaneous cigarette from his pocket, took a deep breath in his mouth, and the smoke came out of his mouth.I really want to leave Liaocheng tomorrow. Suddenly thinking of these, Li Tian suddenly finds that he is reluctant to give up.After all, he has lived here for nearly 20 years. Now he suddenly wants to leave here and arrive at another completely strange place. Thinking of these, he has some strange feelings in his heart.He took a few deep breaths of cigarettes in his hand, threw them on the ground and walked into the house alone.Situ ningbing recovered quickly after Li Tian finished taking drugs for her. In addition, she was already in good health. Now it seems that she is almost all right.Li Tian, who came in, looked at situ ningbing."Are you really leaving tomorrow?" Li Tian asked with some disappointment.Situ ningbing said faintly, "well, the organization is chasing me now, so I have to go, and I can't go with you.""Are you afraid I'm a burden?" Li Tian said slowly there.Situ ningbing didn't nod or shake his head.But Li Tian knew that he was really a burden for situ ningbing at present. The group of people she had to face had a big gap with herself. With Li Tian's current ability, it was not enough for others to crush him with one hand.So Li Tian didn't ask again, but he was inexplicably lost when he thought of separating from situ ningbing... When can he see her after this separation? Li Tian doesn't know."But don't worry, I will never go back on what I promised you. I never go back on what situ ningbing said." She said with a smile on the corner of her mouth.Listening to situ ningbing's words, Li Tian was immediately excited."Daughter in law, wait, I will marry you soon! 100 percent."So, someone has a huge dream in his heart that he will go to Kyoto. He doesn't know how to go in the future and what he can do when he goes to Kyoto, but he has an eternal goal in his heart.That goal is to protect his wife and situ ningbing.The premise is that he must become stronger.Li Tian fell asleep with a beautiful dream, so that when situ ningbing quietly got up in the middle of the night, the guy was still sweating at the corners of his mouth. He didn't know what dream he was sitting in. Looking at Li Tian, situ ningbing murmured, "I hope you can have a good time..."Then she gently opened the door and walked towards the black night alone.It was dark outside, and her figure soon disappeared in the streets of Liaocheng. Like a ghost, mysterious woman and mysterious killer disappeared in an instant... There was only a promise that might not be realized in a lifetime, that's all.When Li Tian woke up, he found that situ ningbing had quietly left. Looking at the empty house and the fragrance still left on situ ningbing, Li Tian had unspeakable loss in his heart.But he cheered up because he believed that the next time he saw her again, she would be his wife.And yourself? We should also strive for this goal.He packed up some decent clothes and put them into a shabby travel bag. Then Li Tian was ready to leave Liaocheng.He doesn't know what the road ahead is? I don't know where I'm going, but it doesn't matter.The key is that he will leave here and live another unknown life.Liaocheng's railway station is sometimes accessible and sometimes impassable.Why? Because few people go out in this small place, Liaocheng residents, who have been used to living in the mountains for hundreds of years, have long been used to such a life. For them, the life outside is incompatible with them.So even the railway station is sometimes open and sometimes not open.When Li Tian arrived at the railway station with a broken bag on his back, he found that there were only 67 people at the railway station with snake skin bags, clothes inside and bedding waiting at the station. Fortunately, today's railway station is open, otherwise Li Tian is really depressed.The so-called waiting station is just a small place built with an iron shed. Inside, there is a fat woman who buys tickets.Li Tian glanced and walked over."I'll buy a ticket." Li Tian went to the window and said to the fat woman inside.The fat woman who almost fell asleep there opened one eye and glanced at Li Tian: "where are you?""Kyoto."The fat woman swished a ticket nearby and handed it out: "468 yuan."Li Tian took some crumpled 100 yuan from his pocket and stuffed them in. Then he took the ticket and began to wait.This wait is to wait for three hours, from the morning until more than 1:00 noon.A black iron headed express train stopped at the station with a thunderous roar. It stopped for only five minutes. Li Tian quickly got on the train with a small bag on his back and looked for a seat.There are few people on the bus, because there are mountains all the way, and there are few people. Of course, there will not be too many people on the passing train. Li Tian was relieved when he got on the bus and found his seat.Finally started a new life.But he didn't know what he would face next as soon as he left.The seat he sat in was empty, but there was a sleeping old man opposite. The old man looked poor from his clothes. He was estimated to be of the same grade as Li Tian. At the moment, he was sleeping there.After glancing at the old man, Li Tian put his luggage on the upper shelf, and then sat down quietly. Looking at the continuous green mountains passing by, Li Tian couldn't help muttering: goodbye, Liao Cheng, goodbye to his previous life.What about yourself now? If you want to go to Kyoto, you have to find a guy named Qiu Si. Of course, these are told by your "wife" who hasn't been through the door.As for whether there is really hatred for the fourth person? Where to find him? Li Tian has no clue at all.With more than 1000 yuan left in his pocket, Li Tian began his legendary career."What kind of person is Qiu Si? Is he my family? Or a friend? When I find him, he won't know me again, what can I do?" Li Tian, who was thinking about it all the way, suddenly heard a cough.It turned out that the old man opposite woke up.He stretched out a long stretch, his mouth open like a bloody mouth, revealing a mouthful of smoked rhubarb teeth.