
Persistent Little Girl

"Where were we before we got interrupted? Oh I remember. Your ears." Blood started to build up from the cut.

"Do you mean this corpse?" The sword lunged into the corpse of his father.

"No! No!!" His mother's words echoed in his ears as he saw her being taken over and over again.

The lifeless body of his mother dangled from the ceiling.

"AAARRRRGGHHHH!!!!! Motherrrr!!!"

Otto woke up in cold sweat. Lying on the makeshift bed surrounded by the darkness. How many nights has this been? Every time he closed his eyes, he saw the same nightmare. Over 2 years had passed by, yet he could not stop thinking about the events that unfolded in those days.

Looking outside, there was a faint blue visible on the horizon. Not being able to sleep anymore, Otto stood up and made his way outside. These past years, he had been living in the house of the village chief. He dared not to return to his parent's house anymore.

Picking up his bows and axe, he exited the house. The only place where he could feel at ease was in the forest. There at least he would be left alone and could spend his time in peace and quiet. And maybe, by luck, he would get attacked by a wolf and get killed. Then he could finally reunify with his family again.

Walking outside, Otto felt a chill. Even though the cold weather had recently passed, there was still a certain chill hanging in the skies. Taking a deep breath, he started to make his way towards the woods.

"Wher yu goin?" a small childish voice asked.

Looking back, Otto saw that Mira was standing there, with her arms on her hips. She was staring at him with narrowed eyes. The blue color in her eyes was slightly visible through the gaps. She was the daughter of the village chief and almost four years younger than Otto. Her light brown hears touched her shoulders.

Ignoring her, Otto turned around and continued his path. As he was walking, he heard quick yet small footsteps following him. The little girl passed him and blocked his way. There was a bright smile on her face as she looked up to him. "Can Mia go wit yu? I too want magic training." Having difficulties with speaking at her young age, she was calling herself Mia.

Otto looked down to her, as she was quite a bit shorter compared to him. Yet Otto decided to ignore her again and walked passed.

The girl was persistent and kept on following him. "Broter! Broter! Broter, plese teach Mia magic." The same sentence was repeated with different variations. Yet the childish voice was circulating through the area.

Otto did his best ignoring her, however the repeated childish voice was slowly creeping up to him, as it started to ring in his head. Getting frustrated, Otto stopped and turned around to face Mira. With a red face, he angrily yelled with a loud voice, "Enough! Leave me alone already!"

Expecting sadness to consume Mira, Otto was surprised when he saw a smile on her face. This face was even growing bigger as she said, "Mia new, Boter can talk!"

Feeling defeated by a little girl, Otto turned around and started to run to his destination. This was the first time he spoke with someone after two years. Even he himself was shocked that he spoke up after such a long period of time. And it was all because of that annoying little girl.

Not looking back, he started running towards the forest. Arriving at the outskirts of the forest, he started panting as exhaustion hit him. As a feeling of guilt was lingering on him, he looked back to see if the girl was still following him. However Mira was nowhere to be seen.

She never had ill intentions towards him. She was even one of the people that were straight forward to him. The only one that he felt remotely close with. However, as he did not saw the little girl behind him, he shrugged the thought out of his mind and continued his path.

Arriving at a small shack in the forest, he walked towards it. This was his little place that he started using in the past two years. As it was abandoned, the walls were partially rotten. The small openings were amateurishly fixed with the wood that he had cut. Occasionally to vent his anger, he usually used his axe to hit on the wood. This was also apparent in the area, as the cut wood was spread through the area.

Putting the items he brought with him into the shack, he walked to a small clearing at the front. Not knowing many methods of training, the schedule that he tent to keep was the one that he learned from Iarra. So in the morning times, he usually trained with the bow. And the noon was filled with magic. Occasionally he would swing his axe around. This was something that he continued doing for over a year.

Picking up the bow to start with his straining, he put an arrow in it and aimed at a distant target. There were some makeshift targets which he made from the logs there were lying around. Aiming with his short bow, he loosed the arrows. After repeated training for over a year, he got rather familiar with using the bow. As he shot the arrow, he imagined the face of the person that killed his father on the target. It was a goal to reach and overcome his fears.

Feeling confident about his shot, he nocked another arrow and started to aim. During his session with Iarra, she showed him a method to infuse magical power into the arrow. Without the help of Iarra, he had to learn the process on his own. It was something that took quite some time. Only yesterday was he able to lit the arrow with magic.

Concentrating on the arrow, nothing happened directly. Closing his eyes, Otto felt the magical essence in him building up. Creating a path for the essence to flow, he lead led a path that want through his arms to his hand and exited towards the arrowhead. Sensing the arrow head, he released the magical essence. Opening up his eyes slowly, he saw that the head of the arrow was engulfed in a small flame.

He slowly started to understand the basics on infusing an arrow with magic. However, as the situation currently is it took quite a long time to achieve a proper result. He had to improve this process.

Releasing the arrow, the fire stayed constant and did not go out through the friction. As it hit the target, the arrow made a small explosion as the fire spread through to the target.

Wanting to increase his understanding and improve the process, Otto nocked another arrow and aimed at the target. Closing his eyes again, he started to concentrate on the magical essence and lead it towards the arrow head. As the essence was passing through his arms and making its way towards his hands, Otto's concentration got broken by a loud scream.

Opening up his eyes, Otto felt his hands sting a bit. The essence got release too early and slightly caused wounds on his hands. Shaking away the burning feeling, he looked towards the direction that the scream came from. As his face turned, another scream could be heard from that direction.

The direction that the scream came from was in the path that he took when coming from the village. There was a bad feeling that tingled him, especially because the scream that he heard sounded rather familiar.

Taking his quiver and bow, he rushed over to where the scream came from. As he made his way, the scream started to get closer. "Help! Help me! Som one help!"

This time, Otto was certain that he knew the voice. 'This voice. It belongs to Mira. But what is she doing all the way over here?' he wondered to himself.

Quickly passing a few trees, he saw Mira running in the distance. She was closely followed by a small wolf that was chasing her. Otto was initially surprised that the wolf did not catch up to her, as she was rather small and the wolf could easily outrun her. But after taking a closer look, it was clear that the wolf was just playing a game with her, as it was bullying a defenseless prey.

'That crazy girl. I have to save her.' Otto thought as he slowly took out an arrow. Having never shot a moving target, Otto tried to calm himself as he aimed an arrow towards the wolf. Feeling confident that he would hit it, he loosened the arrow. However, the arrow barely missed the wolf. Because of this, the wolf got spooked and looked over at him with angered eyes. Sensing a strong hostility, the wolf started to change its target and rush towards Otto.

Quickly nocking another arrow, Otto concentrated on the movement of the wolf. Closely following the movement of the wolf, he loosed the second arrow. Because the wolf was rushing to him at a straight line, the trajectory was easier to aim at. Therefore, time, the arrow did hit the wolf. Being shot in the leg, the wolf lost its balance and fell down to the ground.

Looking down on the wolf, Otto readied another arrow and aimed at the defenseless wolf. Looking into the eyes of the wolf, Otto saw that the wolf had a hint of plea that was hidden within his eyes. However this was behind a sharp and hateful gaze aimed at him. Closing his eyes, Otto loosed the arrow.

As the arrow hit its target, the wolf let out a small whimper, before slowly losing its power.

The forest was silent at that moment. Otto felt something change within him after killing the wolf. It was a mixed feeling of sadness with understanding.

The peaceful silence was broken by the gasp of a little girl. Opening his eyes, he saw Mira standing there, both her hands to her mouth.

Quickly scanning her, he saw that there were some small wound and cuts on her cloths. However as they were not that deep, Otto guessed that it was from the branches instead of the wolf.

"Tank yu broter." Mira said after a small moment. Walking over to the wolf she knelt down and petted the wolf as she said, "Mia is sory litel wolf."

Seeing this, Otto waited patiently for the girl to approach him. As she did, he started to talk to her with an angry tone, "What are you doing in the forest all alone?" However there was a faint worry on Otto's face, which he tried to hide.

The girl looked at Otto. Her look turned serious the moment her eyes met with Otto's. "Mia folowd broter. Mia want magic." There was a clear determination in her voice as she said it. It was clear that she would do anything to achieve her goals, even if it meant that she would risk her own life for it.

Giving out a deep sigh, Otto turned around and made his way towards the shack. Noticing that Mira did not follow, he stopped. Without looking back he signaled Mira to follow him, and continued his way.

He did not hate Mira. It was even the opposite, between all the people in the village, she was the only one which he remotely even liked. There were even moments that she tried to improve his mood. Even though ineffective, Otto still appreciated her attempts.

The girls face turned from seriousness to a huge smile as she started to follow Otto while skipping.

Arriving at the previous clearing, Otto ordered Mira to take a seat across him. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. Not sure how he actually ended in this situation, he instantly felt regret agreeing to train Mira in magic. However, he had accepted the request now, and backing off would not be a good sign.

Opening up his eyes again, his face met that of Mira. Even though she sat across him, she leaned in too close. It was almost as of the two faces would touch each other. Extending his hand, he pushed away Mira to a save distant and started to speak, "How did you know that I was here? I was sure that no one knew about this place."

Mira explained the situation. Apparently she had been following him from time to time and observed his training. Seeing the magic that he conjured, she started to get a liking to magic and wanted to do the same. She also heard previously from her father that Otto used to train with a wood elf, and therefore should have the most knowledge in the village concerning magic. Because of this, she decided to follow him to this place, before she got attacked by the wolf.

Sighing about this, Otto did not know what kind of trouble he had taken upon himself. "Fine, I will help you. But do not expect much, as I am not good with it either." He finally gave in to the girl's request.

Hearing this, there was a clear excitement in the eyes of Mira visible. Jumping up, Mira didn't hide her excitement. Instinctively she jumped toward Otto while giving him a hug. Looking into his eyes, she asked, "Wen do we start?"

Pushing the girl away ones more, he replied, "First I need to get some items. But…" Otto broke off mid sentence as his face turned dark. The items that Iarra had used to determine his magical element were all in his house, however he did not have the power to enter that cursed place anymore.

Seeing this, Mira gave him another hug. However this time the hug had more strength in it. It was a mix of comfort with a feeling of protection. Taken aback by this, Otto looked at the girl who showed a cute little smile. "Not wory broter, Mia is wit yu."

Giving a faint smile, Otto patted the girl on the head and stood up, that is right. He had to face his fears.

They made their way to the cabin. There were still visible marks on the door and the surrounding. Clearly in the past two years it had been abandoned and not taken care of. Every step that Otto took towards the house got shorter and harder to take. If Mira was not dragging him with her, Otto felt that he would just freeze at the spot, staring at the house.

Closing his eyes, Otto decided to be lead in to the house by Mira. After a moment, they stopped and Mira spoke up, "Broter, we ar in front of door."

Slowly opening up his eyes, Otto saw the damaged door there. His hands shaking, he raised his hand up to push open the door.

As the door slowly opened up, Otto could hear voices in his mind. "Why have you abandoned me? Why did you not protect me? I trusted in you! I trained you!" It was the voice of Iarra that spoke up. She was sitting at the wall, bound with a gag in her mouth.

Another voice called out, "You just watch them violate me! I expected more of someone I called my son. You are a disgrace!" this time it was his mother's voice. She was lying on the ground, her cloths being thorn away. The lifeless eyes haunting him down.

Otto tried to shake his head and forget the memories, but it kept on haunting him. As his whole body was shaking, as he dropped to the floor. Tears swelling in his eyes, he grabbed the sand, as his hands formed into a fist. With a stuttering voice, Otto spoke up, "No! No, leave me alone. I did do nothing wrong. I could have done nothing. I am sorry, I am sorry!" With every word, his voice got louder and louder, until he was shouting the words "I am sorry!" several times.

"Not cry broter. Mia her wit yu. Mia help yu." A soft trembling voice called out from the little girl.

Otto felt a small hand touch his shoulder as it was going for a hug. However he could not stop shaking and recalling the memories of the past and the things that haunted him. He was conflicted as he currently was between the promise he made to the little girl and the past that haunted him.

Slowly crawling forward, Otto made his way into the cabin, eyes closed. Forming up into a ball, he slowly whispered, "Mira, there are some things that I need you to grab." With that, he explained the location of all the items and papers that were required. With that, the little girl reluctantly started to make her way towards the destination that Otto said mentioned.

Staying at the same sport, Otto could not help himself from crying constantly. The past still haunted him, as he occasionally heard voices call out to him. "Why did you abandon us? Why did I even train you? Why haven't you taken revenge already?"

The last sentence was something new. One that Otto never heard before. He knew that he had to take revenge on the ones that ruined his life. "I will! I promise that one day I will kill every last one of those pieces of shit that dared to hurt you!"

Mia is at this point almost 5, so her sentences are broken.

Please feel free to comment on the story. Do you like the current size of the story? What are the parts you like and dislike? I will try to adjust my quality accordingly.

Feedback is appreciated.

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