

A loud bang going into my head it seems like i am getting hit by a stick like object.I can't feel anything it seems like i have lost my sense of touch.

I tried opening my eyes but all i could see is red, red, red, red why the hell am i seeing red.I shaked my head and realised that the red thing i am seeing is blood.

"My heads bleeding? What the hell,"

I wiped some of the blood running through my eyes and saw my girlfriend holding hands with her. She is my girlfriend at 3rd year highschool and she looks really cute, but not at this moment.

I am furious and broken seeing her flirting with her ex. It almost feels like they planned all of this all along. Could they? I asked my self but i didn't come up with any answers.

"Love? Why are you holding hands with your ex?, and whats wrong with me? What the fuck happened?!" I tried shouting as loud as i can but i couldn't.

"You mean why am i holding hands with my boyfriend, and why are you bleeding the guy who is obsessed with me? Wahahaha" She said.

As i tried to stand up someone punched me in the face. And i dropped to the ground, it was my best friends the 4 of them must have planned all of this. They planned to betray me from the start.

My heart was breaking at that time and my trust for humanity is all gone. That cold windy night is the nightmare to my life.

"Beep, beep! Beeep!" My alarm clock rangs and rangs furiously.

"Ohh it's just a dream, why do i still get flashback of that terrible day." said to myself

"Wait didn't i just got a brand new phone when i was walking?, And why the hell i am back at my room and what happened?" I started asking questions to myself but i couldn't remember anything at all.

I looked at my desk and saw the box where the phone is.I immediately took the phone out and unlocked it.

" What the hell it doesn't have any apps?, and whats this wishing genie app?" said by me with an annoyed face.

I immediately pressed the wishing genie app and it said that it can grant any of my wish. But it also says becareful what you wish for it might come back biting you. So i wished for something really great something i wanted for so long.

"I wish to be famous"