
Phoenix Within: Charlotte Del Rey's Odyssey

What is life?, What is success?, Is life like a fairy tale?, Can success be achieved with a flick of a finger?.

Flowerlover · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


Someone's POV

I was cooking dinner for my family while humming a song when i heard the door opened. A wide smile bloomed in my face as i took off my apron and greet the newcomers with overwhelming excitement.

A little boy 10 years of age runs to me and hugs me while crying causing worry in my heart.

"What's wrong dear?". I asked kneeling down to reach his height.

"Im sorry mommy, i failed you and daddy". My little boy sobbed.

I caressed his cute chubby cheeks gently and smiled.

"My baby can never fail his mommy and daddy, no matter what happen, we will always be proud of you". I said in a soft voice.

"But...i got low score in my exams again mommy, even though you taught me many times, i can't do it right, i am sorry mommy". I feel bad but I can't gelp but giggle at my cute little Boy's cries, he heard me and i saw his soft little lips turn into pout that i can't stop myself and squeezed him in a tight hug.

"My baby, its just exams, you are just elementary student, you dont need to force yourself to get high grades, because no matter what you achieved me and your daddy will always be proud of you". I said genuinely as i wiped the tears falling down on his cheeks.

"But, stilll....you and daddy both are well known smart people all of the people knows that, daddy is a CEO of a great and well known company, while mommy is a well known expert doctor, I don't want to stain your good names because of my dumbness". I was shocked at my son's statement, I felt thousands of knoves stabbing my heart knowing how a little 10 years old boy is already hiding this much pain in his heart.

I promised myself never to let him feel that way, I promised myself that i won't let him think the same way as i did in my younger days, I feel like I am a failed mother as I heard his words full of pain and shame.

I looked at my husband and I can see the same pain in his eyes, we both hugged our son lovingly and tightly letting him cry on our arms, once he calmed down, my husband spoke.

"Don't ever think that way again dear, because you will never be a stain in our names, our little boy is our pride and joy, you are our one and only real and precious treasure".

"That's right baby, do you know how much pain it gives us when you think that way, we love you so much". I agreed.

"I am sorry mommy, daddy, but still I....". I sighed as I looked at my husband before carrying my little boy and sitting him in my lap.

"Baby, do you wanna hear a story?". I asked, my husband looked at me, confusion clearly visible in his eyes but i just smiled at him.

"What story?". My little boy asked.

"About the struggles, hardship, suffering, and finally success of a little girl, a little girl named charlotte". I smiled, chuckling as i saw his and his father's confused face at first before they got it.

"Mommy/Wifey's story!!". They both said in unison and i nodded.

"Do you wanna hear it baby?". I asked and my little boy nodded eagerly.

"It will be long so let's eat dinner first, then i will tell you". I said.

"Mommy!!". My cute baby whined that pulled out a giggle from me.

Together we had our dinner, this moments are one of the best moments in our life, the way we eat with each other happily and peacefully, me and my husband teasing our little baby.

After done eating, my husband washed the dishes while me and our son went to our bedroom.

"Mommy tell me the story now please".

A chuckle left me as i heard his persistent plea to hear my story, as i was about to begin the door opened and my husband went in.

"Dont start without me, i will just wash up". My cute and adorable hubby said with a pout that caused me and our baby to giggle.

"You heard your daddy". I said teasingly, and my little boy.....he started jumping up and down on our bed whining.

"I wanna hear....i wanna hear already".

As he keeps jumping on the bed, he almost fall off on the edge of the bed, i was about to catch him but his father who just came out of the bathroom caught him before he fall down.

"Easy boy, you almost fall down". His father scolded him.

But this little brat just giggled that made his father sigh in defeat. Both father and son laid down on the bed, our son in the middle of us, while my head are laid on my husband's arms.

"Ok, so... let's start with my story". I said and our baby boy squealed in excitement.

"We will start with Alesandra Perez, Charlotte's mother, so are you ready now?". I asked and both of them nodded.

"So this is how it goes".