
Phoenix's fated half

Because of her ancestors, Mi Rong’s lineage has been cursed. She was born a princess, but neither was she saved from it. Like a ripple effect, her family line must atone for their actions. On every 100th full moon, a candidate is chosen to finish a mission. Being the chosen one, Mi Rong must finish her task sent by the heavens. She was sent to modern time with a sidekick wolf that had many hidden secrets beneath his paws. He was one of a kind, a spiritual beast from way before Mi Rong was born. As Mi Rong works her way in this modern world, she crosses path with a cold-hearted young man, Feng Jun Kai. Jun Kai was once a well-known superstar but abruptly retired when he had lost his wife in an accident, leaving his heart shut away from others. What was thought to be an accident turned out to be an intentional act by someone behind the scenes. Henceforth, he seeks for the culprit that lurks in the darkness. He returns back to his family business roots where he returns as the infamous young master Feng. Mi Rong’s only clue to her mission was to find a spellbook. While searching she establishes a company, the Xuan Group, selling ancient goods which later becomes one of the most influential underdogs in the business world. The group became known to the world, but very little was known of them, especially the mysterious leader of the pack. As Jun Kai seeks for his answers and Mi Rong goes through her trial in the open, an undercurrent stirs roughly beneath them. Although two with different goals, both collide in the same paths as the string of fate leads them to meet. Entering his cold rigid heart was as dimmed as the dark side of the moon, but an ending to the twisted connection had to be made. In the end, what was to come all fell on her choices... ... Jun Kai did not let her run away from him any longer and forcefully pulled her in. His hands then quickly pulled the mask away from her face. Mi Rong was not ready for Jun Kai's sudden move and was unable to stop him. The black cloth that was wrapped around as her mask was pulled off, revealing her face beneath it. The cloth flew away along with the wind. Jun Kai's eyes widened. It was a blow to Jun Kai. He was taken aback with shock. Different kinds of emotion were rushing inside him. It was stirring up all at once like a hurricane. No words could describe how he was feeling. His hand slowly reached out to the face he had known all along, "Why?" Jun Kai's voice began choking up and could speak no more. It was her all along?

cha_cha · Geral
Classificações insuficientes
222 Chs


Once Mi Rong returned inside the room, Qing Qing who had been waiting, joyfully called out, "Rong jie, you're back!"

"Hmm." However, contrary to Xiao Qing's bright smile, Mi Rong only slightly smiled back.

Qing Qing had a bad feeling creeping up her spine, she knew that Rong jie must be moody about something and this time it must have involved her papa as well. She didn't like seeing Rong jie gloomy as it seemed quite scary for her, but nevertheless, she gathered all the courage she had and softly asked, "Rong jie, what's wrong?"

"Qing Qing, I..I have something I must tell you." Mi Rong was, in fact, hesitating about telling Qing Qing that she would be leaving tomorrow for she didn't want to hurt the little girl's feelings, but she'd still have to. Sigh.

"Jie, you can tell me." When Qing Qing called out 'jie'; her voice was still audible, but her last few words were so quiet that Mi Rong nearly couldn't perceive what Qing Qing had said if it weren't for her good hearing.

"Mi Rong looks like you're about to break this little pumpkin's heart." Xiao Bai, who had been watching everything going on was out of words as he had seen and experienced many partings, but this was just a little too emotional. This Xiao Qing could express her sad emotions too well.

"Xiao Bai, keep quiet and don't disturb me!"

"Finee~~" Xiao Bai simply had to bother with his own business then.

"Uh, Qing Qing. Tomorrow, jie must leave."

Qing Qing was slightly startled, "Ah? but but can't you stay for some more days? Was it because of my father?" Qing Qing had her head hung down and has lost her joyfulness. Although she didn't know if it was about her father or not, it was something terribly bad; her jie was leaving!

Seeing Qing Qing become sad, Mi Rong reached her hand out to stroke Qing Qing's small head while saying, "No, I have to leave. Besides, your father cannot tell me what to what? Let's do this then, let's write letters to each other, okay?"

Qing Qing was slightly confused, "Hm? Letters? Can't we make phone calls instead?"

Mi Rong was silent. She had forgotten about phoning for a moment. She awkwardly said, "Oh, sure!"

Xiao Bai couldn't help but interrupt, "Ke ke, Mi Rong, you've nearly exposed yourself to her. You've been here for quite a while, but you're really out of date."

Mi Rong's eyes had a glimpse of sharpness before it went away, "Says to you, who's even older than my great great grandfather! Now keep quiet."


Mi Rong didn't bother with him anymore and on a piece of paper, she wrote down her phone number to Xiao Qing and passed it to the girl. Qing Qing face looked slightly better than when Mi Rong had said that she would be leaving.

"And also, Xiao Qing."


"Remember what I told you last time about your father?"

"Oh, jie are really going to punish my papa?" Now Qing Qing's voice was small once again. She thought jie wouldn't talk about it.

"Ke ke, it's just a small one, but I'll need your help."

Qing Qing became a little nervous of what Mi Rong would say, "W What do you need me to do?"

Mi Rong leaned closer to Qing Qing and whispered into her ears, "Well, tomorrow when I leave, can you cry non-stop and not talk to your father for one whole day?"

"Hmm, that doesn't sound too bad."

"But remember, you must be firm and must not give in to any consolation from your father, okay?"

"That seems a bit hard."

"But don't worry if you give in jie won't be angry at you. Try your best!"

"Okay." Qing Qing could only say sorry to her papa for this inconvenience, but she was also a little angry at her papa for moving her out of the room without even asking her or letting her say goodbye to Rong jie. Now Rong jie is really going. This would be her last goodbye gift for Rong jie. As for her father, she felt slightly guilty, but would sure make up for it later.


On the other side of the town.

The sun had set and the sky was beginning to get dark. Soon the moon would be rising in replace of the sleeping sun.

In front of a high-rise building in Korea, a sporty car had just chilled its engines. Then, a tall chilly figure walked out from it. His whole body was emitting a suffocating air around him as he was raging over what was happening. With a low deep voice he said, "Tut tut, you all are just finding a place to die." Even though his voice was not loud, but everyone familiarized with his unique handsome voice.

Everyone who had been intensely fighting with each other, all stopped and turned their attention towards the newcomer. When the people saw the arrival of the person, they all reacted differently; some eyes were sparkling, but some fearfully looked down and began to feel the chilliness creeping all over their body. Some didn't even dare look at the arrival of this person. They had thought they had been working fast enough to finish their task from their boss, but they were still slower than that person. It was none other than Jun Kai who had this ability to cause fear to these people's heart. Even their boss was not as charismatic and frightening as him.

From the opposite direction, a voice emerged arrogantly, "Well, well Jun Kai you are finally here! I have been waiting for you."

Some people's heart jumped, so their boss was actually waiting for Jun Kai to come all this time? They began to become even more desperate. When Jun Kai's men had arrived they could barely handle them, but now with the arrival of Jun Kai, their hope seemed to have dimmed.

Jun Kai squinted his eyes and said "Feng Min, Give me a reason for trying to break into my company and I'll at least have a reason to beat you up without getting told off by grandfather. "

"Oh, you're sure you'll beat me? Hmph!"

Jun Kai "You should take a good look at yourself, and properly think who is really going to lose."

"It's too early to conclude anything yet! Men, keep charging. As for you, Jun Kai..." Feng Min reached into his pocket and took a cold metal short gun out. He directly pointed it towards Jun Kai. He viciously laughed and said, "Don't worry, I won't let you die, but maybe crippled?"

Jun Kai softly chuckled, "Do you think with your skills, you would be able cripple me?"

"You think too highly of yourself! Go to hell!"

Bang! Bang!

Hi guys,

I'm so sorry for not being able to update the chapters these last few days, as I have been transitioning to many places and haven't been able to write. I'm now back and have settled myself. Hope you liked this chapter and do look forward for tomorrow's update.

cha_chacreators' thoughts