
Cairo & Magic

What does this medallion do, anyway? Yuna…hey…Yuna?

Ah…I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. The medallion is dangerous but powerful at the same time. It makes me travel the future or the past to help or correct it, somehow, I lost it somewhere here, when I was running so I won’t miss your coronation rights!

It’s okay, don’t worry, we will find it!

Both girls went in and out of the rooms in the palace and they are now in the hall way to look for the necklace.

Aha, I found it!, Yuna shouted out and then the medallion lighted. Soon they found themselves along with the rest of Jaur’s family, friends and allies in Thebes. Thank the gods! We are back in Thebes!

But…Yuna? What the hell is this? Where are we, Yunaaaaa!!!, Jaur cried seeing flying ships and motor powered vehicles surrounding Thebes. She ran out to the gardens and surprisingly amazed of the new Thebes not as they know it but will be in the future.