

Daikons_Shadows · TV
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2 Chs

character,weapons,rides,and familiars

(Ghost rider forms)

Regular(normal rider powers)

God(only available when fighting godlike beings and has godlick powers)

Rage(loses control and is pissed off)

Justice(loses control and all he knows is judgement)

(Ghost rider photos)

(Ghost rider rides)

(Phantom armor and outfits)

(Shadow armor)

Shadow manipulation and travel

(Red armor)

Fire and earth manipulation and travel

(White armor)

Light and wind manipulation and travel



Character is name is (zack ryan) age:19 looks like spectra phantom(aka) Kieth because his father is spectra who gives him the masks and powers of a phantom is chosen by the previous rider named Rizer lynn at the age of 16 because spectra his father getting murdered but after seeing a message left behinf by his father he trained and gained the full power of the rider and this is his story through the multiverse of judgement