
Chapter Nineteen ~ Tournament of Pride(4)

The next day, it was his mission to stabilize his dantian. But how he would approach the matter was still up in the air. Going to the back garden, he was greeted by an open area that was personally built in the preferences of Song Meihu and the now dead core disciple. A half and half; one side was covered in ingredients for an alchemist, while the other side was open and contained dummies for martial and cultivating.

Picking up a wooden practice yuan dao, with a single swing downwards. A gush of wind slices through the air; creating a snapping sound. Wei Jian knows that he cannot rely too much on Long Wei's legacy and that he should get strong by himself. So he began from the basics of all basics. The roots all master swordsmen went through to reach greatness.

For that reason, he picked up two swords manuals the previous day. He did not want to bring up too much suspicion by using the ghostly blade and any other techniques of Long Wei. By picking the [Cicada Larvae First sword] and [ Silver Clad Cicada Soaring ] two essential techniques to hide his true strength.

Opening the sword manual he was aghast, the drawings were horrible; how did they even learn from this? The figures were crude, fortunately, the writings were neat, so he was able to read them.

{ Like a larva eating to survive, crawling and eating day in and day out. Twisting and turning as they climb trees and plants. You must do the same. When holding a jian or a dao; your blade was not waiver, swing it! For it hungers for blood. Swing it hard and precise; for that will allow your blade to break clean through tendons, muscles, and bones; that is what the path of a golden cicada sect disciple must take.}


[ First Form: Larvae Thrash ]

A technique that required Wei Jian to drive forwards with his sword while twisting and turning, blindsiding the enemy. A fundamental move of the Golden Cicada sect's sword techniques. It was a way to replicate the way that cicadas flew and strive to survive.

Gripping his dao sword tight, legs spread out; to stabilize himself. Wei Jian lifted up the blade, continuing the same action over and over again. After his hundred and fifty swings, Wei Jian could tell that the weight of the dao had dropped. At first, his swinging was sluggish and unbalance; with his final swing, the downward slash became fast and precise just like when he used the ghostly blade.

Slouched over with his dao propping him up. Wei Jian was breathing heavily, his vision becoming more blurry and yellow. He was severely fatigued, his forearm and bicep; his entire arm was throbbing in pain. His wrist and hands too were in pain for maintaining the grip on the sword consistent for seven hours straight.

Coming out of the house was Song Meihu, covered in sweat too.

" Wei Jian!! I did it. I can't believe all I needed was to use more of the last two ingredients and change the order of mixing in the major conductors!" Lunging forwards, arms open, she would fall onto Wei Jian. Both fell to the ground with a thud. Looking up he could see the sleeping face of Song Meihu. It seemed like she too was exhausted and passed out on his chest.

Carefully laying Song Meihu down, from his spatial ring, he took out a single incense stick. When it was lighted, the aroma it gave off, instantly drew a smile on Song Meihu's face. By her side, was Wei Jian sitting down lotus style. As minutes flew by, streams of sweat poured down his face. But that did not stop him from continuously pushing his manipulation of qi past his limits. With Long Wei's legacy he was able to do things that were incredible; like producing sword qi and will. But that was not something he put effort into.

Pushing his qi through the remaining gates in his body was dreadful. The closer he was to his gate near his heart, lungs, and brain; he could feel qi expanding and moving about. When Song Mehui came to, in front of her was Wei Jian sitting still, whilst his body release a nontstop amount of steam.

From head to toe, his skin was as red as a red yaoguai. Dripping from his lips was blood that drew from his teeth clenching down onto his lips. Wei Jian was at the point of reaching his next stage of cultivation. But again the two clashing qi in his body would not make it easy.

Seeing this Song Mehui knew of only one person who could help Wei Jian. Soaring through the sky she would rush towards her master's house. Elder Dong by his cauldron still studying the mysterious pill that Wei Jian was created. Until his process was interrupted, when Song Mehui barged in urging him to follow her.

Flying back, the two would stubble upon Wei Jian, who was not in a good shape. From his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth; blood dripped nonstop. Any more and he would be dead. Seeing Wei Jian's condition, Elder Dong immediately sat down behind him. Placing his palm on Wei Jian's back.

Injecting his own qi of a superior realm, in doing so Elder Dong became the mediator of the two qi. Wei Jian's body relaxed and was not as tense as before. Slowly the two qi started to finally harmonize. When the moon finally awoke from its slumber, illuminating the three. Elder Dong was sitting sipping tea, whereas Wei Jian again swung his dao.

A while ago, he thought it was the end of him. He was surprised when a foreign qi entered his dantian without his permission. But instead of harming him the unknown qi instead helped him surpass into the first stage true spirit realm. Swinging his sword, it left behind after images.

" Core Disciple Jian thanks the elder for his assistance in the disciple's cultivation!"