

Shopping. The very thought filled us both with dread. It was a totally necessary, but absolutely awful task that had to be endured. It wasn't the danger of other people anymore, that was over some time ago. Or even the sickening sight of the scavengers at work. It was the smell. You never got used to it.

I wrapped the scarf around my mouth and nose and pulled the hat down over my head. 'You ready?' I asked Sophie, who silently nodded. I patted the back of my jeans, comforted slightly by the solid weight of the gun tucked away. Sophie glanced my way and shook her head. Hardly necessary anymore, but still a precaution without which I wouldn't leave the house. 'Can we bring Jasper?' Sophie asked looking hopeful for a moment. 'No. You know that's not a good idea' I replied, 'You never know what's out there'. 'Nothing is out there Mom. Nothing and no-one. Except for THEM and they aren't going to hurt you now.' I paused. Sophie, knowing exactly how to manipulate me said 'he makes a good look-out and if there was anyone around, he'd be sure to let us know'. I sighed. 'Ok, you win. But you are responsible for ensuring he eats nothing'. She nodded and raced to grab our dog before I could change my mind. Grim faced and determined, we headed for the door. Jasper excited by the idea of a venture past our four walls, was full of a lively spirit that neither of us shared. Hunger and only that, would drive us to leave our sanctuary.