
Pervert reincarnate to MHA

................................................................................................................. Being a perverted, anime otaku hakuto died in the most pathetic way. "pffft! he died while jacking off!" a person who found him dead on his room laughed During his funeral people were laughing at him as well. His family tried to endure their laughter as this was supposed to be a sad occasion. soon he got reincarnated into deku's body, but he was not completely reincarnated........ "huh?" ................................................................................................................. fanfic on my hero academia where mc reincarnated as deku... read till chapters 10, since I don't want to spoil the story in the synopsis. there is gonna be so much drama, so for those who doesn't like the mc getting beaten up don't try to read. warning: English is not my first language, so for those who can't stand wrong grammars....sorry I guess. Also if you are impatient and don’t like character developments don’t read this. The mc is pretty dumb at the start and cringe. Please write a review that is fair...if my geammar is bad don’t leave a one star.

Shamelezzz · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

End of gambling arc 1/2 (32)

A/n: this is the end of first volume I guess....

Time passed by, we are able to get a total of 400 million yen. In case that we lost to him we figured out that we need a lot of extra money.

Getting my suits ready and my mask on to not be called as a kid. I went to his house.

"Izuku! Where are you going in that suits?"

"Its for my swag, we doing business with the game company. So I figured I better suit up" I answered, while praying to god that this reason works.

"Okay! Just be careful out there!" She said with a smile, she doesn't know that under this suit is my p.e uniform, so when I needed to fight I can literally kill them all.

"Thanks mom! Love you!" I said sweetly then resolved myself for the incoming fight.

I have been visiting momo in my spare time, but it's all just me comforting her. It seems like his dad has lost his memory and needed help to remember some of them. If only I could have helped her I would have done it already, but I have no skills like that.

Getting in his house, I was met by this guy. Wearing a fake mustache, and a sunglass. The shirt he is wearing is a white shirt like he is elvis, his leggings are tighter than a motherfucker.

"What are you wearing?" I asks him with a retarded expression.


He puffed a smoke on me then said "it's my style!"

Getting pissed off I slap the shit out of him. He flew across the apartment building.

"What are you doing?" He asks me while holding his cheek.

"You are wearing that shirt like we are gonna go to a joke party. Are you even seriously trying to get your wife back?" I asks him with an angry tone.

"I thought this is a pretty cool outfit man!" He said while standing up.

"Tsk! Anyway, let's just go. Embarrass yourself if you want to..." I said then went down the apartment building.


Getting inside the casino we are treated like a vip and a big guy guided us towards a room while people around us found his outfit to be cool.

"Look at that guy! He looks so good!" A beautiful trader said, hearing this I'm confused why they like this guy.

"You see that chibi, next to him? Why is he wearing that weird mask? Is he trying to act cool?" The same girl said while looking at me.

'What the fuck? How do they found this guy to be cool looking?'

Looking at him I couldn't help, but get pissed off at his smug face. Like he is saying 'I told ya!'

'Fuck is with their fashion sense? Isn't this fashion like from the 80s?' I muttered while looking at him.

"We're here! You remember the rules, right?"



The rules were simple, first we can't cheat, second we can't touch any of his woman, third no accusations of cheating, fourth don't get angry.

Soon we got inside a room, getting there I saw kajino around him is a women that is embracing him. Looking at the expression from the woman they are clearly drugged and was addicted to sex. Memita sat down, while I stood up like I'm a bodyguard.

"Haaa! Nice to meet you, memita! It's been a long time, since we saw each other! Here, I have a gift for you..." kajino said then ordered someone to bring something.

"Yes sir!" The guy said then went towards the back room. He brought a box that seems to be heavy looking.

"Here sir!" The big guy said then gave the picture to memita. Opening the box, it was filled with pictures.

Looking at the picture carefully, it's his wife. She is sucking on a fat guy's cock while getting railed from behind.

I gritted my teeth as I fight the urge to beat the shit out of him, but knowing that there is gonna be someone powerful around this ten bodyguard of his. I might not win...

"Did you like it? Her pussy was the best!" Kajino said while laughing maniacally. Hearing his laugh I couldn't help myself and was about to land a punch on his face, but I felt memita's hand trying to calm me down. I look at his face and saw that he is about to cry and he seems to be angry at this kajino.

"Hehe...you really like to play this games, huh? You will lose today, no matter what!" Memita said then exchanged his money for chips.

Soon a pile of it came out, thena. Big screen showed up. Looking at it there is a lot of people already watching and the bet is almost all on kajino.

I pulled out the table that he gave me and started to bet all the credits I have on memita.

"Let's begin!" Kajino said with a big smile.

"You know...I already know your quirk, kajino"

"Hee~! So why dis you came back here? You think you can beat me if you knew about my past? You are wrong..." kajino said as he look at his cards.

"Let's just say....I'm not gonna use my quirk" he said as he pulled a unneeded card. He pulled out a card and showed no emotions at all. Looking at it, it seems like he already formed his royal flush.

"I'll fold..." kajino said then fold instead of making a bet.

The round ended with no one winning. It seems like kajino knew that he would lose at this round so he folded.

This continue for a long time, kajino kept folding as soon as memita formed a royal flush..this kept going on and on until he felt frustrated.

"Hey! Guard! Check him if he is cheating!" Kajino said angrily, looking at him it seems like he is angry that he can't win no matter what he does.

The guard checked on memita, but found nothing.

"Are you gonna give up, now? Kajino!" Memita said with a huge smile.

"Hmph! I won't lose!" Kajino said angrily.

Our plan was to make him lose composure, if he loses composure he would got his prediction's wrong. That was what memita told me, if kajino kept getting frustrated the less his prediction work. But as his opponent get more desperate or frustrated, his prediction ability becomes more powerful.

Originally, kajino wanted to be a hero. But he failed to become one, because one, he is a little bitch and was afraid of pain. Two, he is not a good person overall. He just wanted to be a hero to get a lot of females, but since this didn't workout he decided to be a underground boss. Gambling while using his ability he was invincible. No-one could win against him.

"All in!" Kajino suddenly said loudly.

"I'm gonna all in as well" memita said then put all his chips in.

"Reveal you cards!" The trader said....

"Hahahhaa! I won!" He said while revealing a straight flush

"Pfft!" Memita laughed and revealed a royal flush.

"Huh? You are cheating! There is no way! I predicted it right! I'm sure I won!" He said angrily while he scratch his neck.

"You lost, this round but it's alright....because you still have a lot of money!" Memita said while pulling all the chips towards him.

"Tch! I will get all that back!" Kajino said angrily.


Time passed by, kajino started to get more frustrated as he kept losing more and more money.

"Attack them!" Suddenly he yelled out an order to his guards.

"Yes sir!" Soon a lot of the guard surround me and memita. Hearing this the trader run out then hid herself.

"Hehehe, you have the nerve to defeat me, huh?" He said while getting all his tokens.

I started to run 40% of one for all, I'm feeling nervous but if I messed up now. The time I spent training is gonna be in vain.

I kicked the guy in front of me then launch myself towards kajino who is about to escape. I broke both of his legs, making him scream. I jumped towards another guy with a headbutt, making him flew across the room.

"Guuh! Don't underestimate him! He just injured our boss!"

"Come here kid!" A guy said then launch a punch towards me he is wearing a spiky knuckle. But he wasn't that fast so I was able to defeat him by kicking him on the chin.

Soon I was able to defeat all of them except for this guy, kajino.

"Wait....izuku, let me do something to him first" he went up to him then grab his head. Looking at him, it seems like he is using his quirk on him.

"Tsk! This piece of shit really did something to my wife!" He said then suddenly held his head, he seems to be in pain and was about to collapse.

"Did you found where she is?"

"She is in a warehouse located here.." he said then hand me a card over.

"Let me contact someone to help....I need to do something here first" i said then contacted all might.

All might and I had an agreement to not do anything about kajino, but I still went here.

"Midoriya shounen! What is it?" All might said

"All might! I found out where my friend's wife is being held hostage to.....can you go to this location?"

"Yeah, but where are you right now? Don't tell me you are!"

"I'm inside my house don't worry"

I ended the phone call then send him the location. I look towards kajino and smiled.

"Time to serve your crime...hehehe" I muttered then strapped him on the chair.

"N-no please don't" he begged while I hold his finger. Memita looks at me and smiled with agreement.

"Let's do it..." memita said while he held kajino's finger. I nodded to him then slowly force it to go side ways.


"AHHHHH!" He screamed loudly as he felt both of his finger bent sideways.





We bent each one of his fingers followed by his scream every time we bent it sideways. Looking at him, his cock is erect.

'Is this what happens when you know you are in the verge of death?' I thought while remembering what happened to umibozu when he was fighting that op bastard.

A/n: you guys watch gintama? I recommend it

"Please forgive me already.." he muttered while tears drop on his face.

I grinned then started to use my corruption to him. I was wondering how this works on someone's mind so Touched his head then waited.

"GAAAAAHHH! STOOOOOPPP!" He screamed out while he is in a mess already.

-3rd person-

Looking at what izuku is doing, memita agreed.

'He needs to be more cruel, so that he can survive against that guy' he thought while looking at izuku in agreement.

The torture continued until they broke kajino's mind. Of course memita joined in on this.

A/n: I can't write torture 😭im not good at it...

Soon kajino's body looks like a decayed body. He is still breathing and is begging to get killed already.

"Let's stop here izuku....let's get our money then leave" memita said while stopping izuku.

Soon they got their money in a suitcase. Leaving the casino place, they sent back to his house to put their money inside.

Soon, they decided to go to his wife's location. Getting there, they saw a lot of females that is wrapped with clothes around them. The police and the heroes guides them towards a car.

All might is standing there while guiding all the females. It seems like he immediately went here to help them.

"S-sex....Drugs.....I want more!" The females muttered with a mesmerized expression as if they can't see anything, but drugs and sex.

'Fucking piece of shit kajino!' Izuku thought angrily while looking at the girl's expression.

"Where is my wife?" Memita muttered then started to look for his wife. He went towards the policeman

"Have you seen this girl?" He asks them while he pulled out a picture of his wife.

"Is this someone you know?" The policeman asks him.

"Yes, she is my wife!" He said with a desperate voice. Hearing his words the policeman expression turned to a sad one.

"Sorry.....she is not here" the policeman said with a sad expression.

He went up towards the woman inside and touched everyone to check their memory.

"Hey! What are you doing!? Get out of there!" The police man said then pulled him out of the big car.

After using it in multiple people his mind started to get jumbled and he started to scream in pain as informations about the girl's experience floods his mind. How they got abused, the drugs that they used, and every thing what the guys did to them..

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" He screamed in pain as he grab his head.

Izuku went up to him then kneeled down in front of him.

"Are you okay?" He asks him with concerned expression.

"I-I'm okay.....let's get my wife back!" He said while struggling to stand up.

A/n: I think I wrote this chapter so badly lol.....give me powerstones pelease..... I thought I could wnd it in one chapter, but I guess I couldn't....