
First meeting

Aa re and Angel first' went to their room for getting ready for going out as " AA re" said it's a secret so "Angel" didn't ask about this to her second time.after that they went to the pub .

Aa re: here we are .

(when angel saw the place she take her hand going outside because she didn't like to go that type of place )

Angel:No we are not staying there in pub we can go to any restaurant or anywhere els but pub no way .

Aa re: I know you won't like that type of place but let's try one time to enjoy am sure you will like it.

Angel: but.....

Aa re: No but we are going

Angel: (in mind: what I will do about this girl )

when they entered they saw in one side all kind of drink are put in the selves and one of pub boy is giving to all and other side there is palce for dancing and by side there is way to go to the vip private rooms , ofcourse it's very new place for her she's never saw that' Type of place form inside

?? : hey baby u are here we all are waiting for you to join us

Aa re: am sorry am late , ( she hugs him when i saw it was her one & only boyfriend "su-chain" ) angel meet by boyfriend su chain ( ofcourse they never meet she only saw her bf in picture in her phone)

Angel : Hello ( with small and warm smile)

su chain: we finally meet angel nice to meet u please come with us

( su-chain is not only there his so 6 or 7 friends are also their)

Su-chain : please have a sheet ( they went to vip private to because Aa re bf is very rich )

Aa re : I missed you so much baby ( to his boyfriend)

su-chain; i also. missed you a lot ,but sorry I can't come to meet you in this day because am busy with my worka

Aa re: no problem chain I understand.

Angel : ( in mind: wow great am only single here all have their boyfriends and girlfriends with them)

After some time

Angel: sweetie am coming form restroom ok you wait here

Aa re: okayyyy m my sweetipie ( she is drunk)

su chain: actually sis I was thinking she is very drunk I should take her with me and i will drop her next morning to u because she is drunk she can't go there

Angel: No problem .

su chain: so u also come with us i will drop in foront of drom.

Aa re: yess come w with uss.

Angel : no it's ok I will manage. you go take her and take care for her

su-chain': ok good night.

( Angel is in restroom, and in next room our 5 band boys are also enjoying theri drink with each other.)

moon: gusy let's take selfie for memory.( with drunked voice)

[ they all are very drunked]

they all are enjoying with each other.

min hai: guys u wait I am coming form restroom .

other members: okkkk okk bro.

after some time angel coming out form restroom and she noticed she forget her purse in private room )

Angel: oo angel how carelss u are not go and take your purse ( to her self)

[ after that min hai is also going in private room were his friends are theri but because he was fully drunked he can't visible room no perfectly and he went to side room where our angel is theri]

( after taking her purse she is going out side when she bumped into some one strong person ]

Angel: what the hell.( when she saw that person she forget about all thing and staring her continuously) mi min hai kpop star min hai .

min hai: yessss I am famous k-pop star min hai ( without seeing her face he was face) but am sorry I think I came in wrong room.

Angel: it's okk tell me in which room u want to go i will take ( with big smile , ofcourse she is so happy to see her dream boy with her alone)

min hai: okk( but before that he open his eyes and saw her and he got lost in her beautiful eyes his heartbeat is racing to see her ).