

shinskieee · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Wolf in a Sheep Clothing

The first light of dawn crept through the curtains of Gab's small inn room, rousing him from a fitful sleep. Today was the day of the examination—the day he had been dreaming of since he first discovered his magical abilities. He quickly got dressed, his mind a whirlwind of excitement and nervous anticipation.

Stepping out into the streets of Elwischa, Gab marveled at the early morning activity. Merchants were already setting up their stalls, and the delicious aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air. He took a deep breath, savoring the moment, and began making his way towards the examination grounds.

As he walked through the narrow streets, something unusual caught his eye. In a small alleyway, a black furry cat was struggling to free itself from a tangled mess of ropes and debris. Its plaintive meows tugged at Gab's heartstrings, and he quickly approached the distressed animal.

"Hey there, little one," he said softly, kneeling down to untangle the ropes. The cat's wide, golden eyes looked up at him with a mixture of fear and gratitude. With gentle hands, Gab freed the cat, which immediately rubbed against his leg, purring loudly.

"Looks like you're okay now," Gab said with a smile, scratching the cat behind its ears. He stood up, ready to continue his journey, but the cat had other plans. It leaped onto his shoulder, then settled comfortably on his head.

"Hey! What are you doing up there?" Gab exclaimed, reaching up to remove the persistent feline. But no matter how many times he tried to set the cat down, it always managed to climb back up, nestling into his hair with determined stubbornness.

"Fine, you win," Gab sighed, shaking his head in bemusement. "But you're coming with me to the examination. Just pls. don't cause any trouble, alright?"

The cat responded with a contented purr, as if to say it had no intention of going anywhere else. Accepting his new companion, Gab made his way to the examination grounds, earning amused glances from passersby who saw the cat perched on his head.

The examination grounds were a vast, open space bordered by ancient trees and surrounded by tall, wrought-iron fences. The area was filled with aspiring Magic Knights, each of them buzzing with anticipation. Gab couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as he joined the throng, the black cat still securely atop his head.

Before he could fully take in the scene, Gab collided with someone. He staggered back, the cat clinging tightly to his hair. "Watch where you're going!" he snapped, more out of embarrassment than anger.

The person he had bumped into was a tall, handsome young man with aristocratic features. He wore an elegant uniform, He was was holding a massive scissor on his back. The man smiled, a disarmingly friendly expression that put Gab on edge.

"Apologies," the noble said smoothly. "I didn't see you there. I'm Jake."

"Gab," he replied, eyeing Jake warily. "Nice to meet you."

Before their conversation could continue, a commotion drew their attention. David, a tall and imposing figure, entered the hall accompanied by the princess. Her presence was like a ripple of grace through the crowd, her serene beauty and regal bearing commanding attention. Beside her, David's serious demeanor and authoritative air marked him as someone of importance.

The princess's eyes landed on Gab, and her gaze shifted to the cat on his head. She raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Is that your your new companion?" she asked, her voice gentle.

"Uh, sort of," Gab replied, scratching the back of his neck. "He insisted on coming along."

David chuckled. "Interesting choice of a pet for an aspiring knight."

Just then, the cat leaped from Gab's head to David's shoulder, rubbing against him affectionately. David laughed, reaching up to pet the cat. "Looks like he likes me."

Gab quickly retrieved the cat, placing it back on his head. "Sorry about that. He's a bit of a handful."

"No harm done," David said, still smiling. "Good luck in the examination."

Before Gab could respond, a commanding voice cut through the chatter. "Attention, everyone!" Sir Aldrich, one of the commanders of the knights, stood at the front of the hall. His presence commanded respect, and the crowd fell silent.

"The examination will begin shortly," Sir Aldrich announced. "The first part of the exam will involve displaying your abilities. You will be called upon randomly, so be prepared."

The anticipation in the room was palpable as Sir Aldrich began calling names. Each contestant stepped forward, demonstrating their unique talents. The atmosphere was electric with the display of power and skill.

Finally, it was Jake's turn. He stepped forward, drawing the massive pair of scissors from his back. His demeanor shifted, a dark, almost maniacal glint in his eyes as he swung the scissors with precision and power.

"Let the chaos begin!" Jake shouted, his voice tinged with a madness that sent shivers down the spines of everyone present. His entire demeanor shifted; his eyes gleamed with a wild, almost feral intensity, and a twisted grin spread across his face. In an instant, his movements became a blur, his twin swords slicing through the air with lethal precision.

His movements became a blur, his twin swords slicing through the air with lethal precision. The transformation was breathtaking and terrifying. Jake's swords moved so quickly they seemed to hum, a low, menacing sound that added to the eerie atmosphere.

He started with the scissors as one weapon, effortlessly decapitating the examination dummies with swift, precise cuts. Each slash was met with gasps from the crowd, their eyes struggling to keep up with the speed and ferocity of his attack.

After a few moments, Jake separated the scissors into two swords, his demeanor growing even more intense. His eyes gleamed with a wild, almost feral intensity, and a twisted grin spread across his face. He executed a series of rapid, intricate maneuvers, each one more complex than the last, the blades dancing in his hands like extensions of his very being. The air around him seemed to crackle with energy as he spun, twisted, and lunged, his every motion a deadly ballet of violence and grace.

With each slash, the crowd was both impressed and unnerved by his display of raw power and skill. He performed a series of acrobatic flips and spins, the swords carving arcs of gleaming steel through the air. At one point, he leapt high into the air, bringing both swords down in a devastating crosscut that seemed to split the very air around him.

Jake's face contorted with manic glee, his eyes wide and wild, a stark contrast to the friendly expression he had worn just moments before. His performance was mesmerizing, as if two entirely different people inhabited his body—the charming nobleman and the deranged warrior, each one more extreme than the last.

As he brought his performance to a close, Jake ended with a final, powerful strike that sent a shockwave through the air, his swords embedding themselves into the ground with a resounding thud. He stood there, panting and grinning, his eyes still alight with that unsettling madness. The crowd erupted into applause, though there was an undercurrent of unease, a shared recognition of the dark intensity they had just witnessed.

When Jake finished, the crowd erupted into applause, though there was an undercurrent of unease. Gab turned to the person next to him, unable to contain his curiosity. "Did you see that? He was like a completely different person."

"Yeah," the person replied, eyes wide. "It's like he becomes someone else when he fights."

"Now let's move on to the next examinee, Tarra" Sir Aldrich Shouted

From the edge of the stage, a beautiful and captivating woman stepped forward, her presence commanding immediate attention. Tarra's long hair flowed like a river of silk, cascading down her back in waves that shimmered under the sunlight. Her eyes sparkled with confidence and a hint of mischief as she made her way to the center of the stage.

In her hands, she held two ornate fans, their intricate designs glinting in the light. With a graceful flourish, she opened them, the motion smooth and fluid. Tarra took a deep breath, her gaze sweeping over the expectant audience, and then she began to move.

Her performance started slowly, each motion deliberate and controlled. The fans sliced through the air with an audible swish, As she twirled and spun, petals began to swirl around her, responding to her every command. With a flick of her wrist, Tarra conjured a shower of petals that lifted her into the air. She floated gracefully, her feet barely touching the ground as she danced on the delicate blossoms, each step a testament to her control over the petals. They swirled around her, creating a vortex that shimmered with a gleam of light.

As she danced, dummies emerged from the edges of the stage, ready to test her skills. Tarra's expression remained serene as she increased the intensity of her performance. She spun faster, the petals whipping around her in a controlled storm. 

With a sharp movement of her fans, a flurry of razor-sharp petals erupted from them, slicing through the dummies with deadly precision. The petals, glinting with an edge like finely honed blades, cut through the dummies with ease. Tarra's control over her magic was impeccable; each petal hit its target flawlessly, reducing the dummies to shreds.

The audience watched in awe as she performed a series of aerial maneuvers, her body bending and twisting in ways that seemed almost impossible. She directed the petals with the flick of her wrists, a masterful display of finesse and power. The petals danced around her like a storm of deadly blossoms, cutting down any dummy that dared to approach.

With a final blow, Tarra descended gracefully to the ground. She landed lightly on her feet, the fans snapping shut with a decisive click. The petals settled, the air growing still once more. She stood there, poised and radiant, a satisfied smile playing on her lips.

The crowd erupted an applaud, the sound a roaring wave of admiration. Tarra bowed gracefully, acknowledging the cheers with a nod of her head. She turned and made her way back to her place, her fans held elegantly at her sides, the echoes of her performance lingering in the air.

Gab watched in awe as Tarra's performance captivated the audience. When she finished, she landed gracefully, her eyes sparkling with confidence. Gab couldn't help but whisper to the person next to him, "She's incredible. I've never seen anything like it."

As Tarra stepped back, the crowd's murmurs of appreciation still lingered in the air. It was now Gab's turn. Sir Aldrich called his name, and with a deep breath to steady his nerves, Gab walked to the center of the stage, his heart pounding with anticipation.

Gab extended his hands, focusing his energy as he summoned his light magic. A soft, ethereal glow began to emanate from his fingertips, spreading outwards until his entire hands were enveloped in a radiant aura. The light was warm and soothing, casting a gentle illumination over the stage.

He raised his hand, and from the light, a bow materialized. It shimmered with an otherworldly brilliance, its form both delicate and powerful. Gab's eyes narrowed in concentration as he prepared for the next part of his demonstration.

Practice dummies began to emerge at the edges of the stage, each one poised to test his skills. Gab took aim, drawing the bowstring back with a swift, decisive motion. The first arrow of light flew straight and true, striking a dummy squarely in the chest and causing it to explode into a shower of sparks.

Gab moved with fluid grace, his every motion a blend of precision and speed. He fired another arrow, then another, each one hitting its mark with unerring accuracy. The arrows multiplied mid-flight, transforming into dozens of radiant shards that tore through the dummies like a storm of light.

The audience watched in awe as Gab continued his assault. He leaped into the air, twisting and turning with acrobatic skill, all while firing arrows in rapid succession. Each arrow was a streak of brilliance, lighting up the stage with a dazzling display of power.

The dummies fell one by one, reduced to nothing more than splinters and dust under the relentless barrage of light arrows. Gab's movements were a testament to his control and mastery, his every step calculated and purposeful.

With a final, powerful shot, Gab released an arrow that split into a hundred smaller arrows, each one targeting a different dummy. The resulting explosion of light was blinding, a radiant crescendo that left the audience gasping in amazement.

As the light faded and the air grew still once more, Gab lowered his bow and let it dissolve back into the ether. He stood in the center of the stage, the residual glow of his magic lingering around him like a halo. The crowd erupted into applause, the sound echoing through the hall.

Gab took a moment to scan the faces in the crowd. Among the admiring gazes, he spotted the princess and David, both looking genuinely impressed. Even Jake, with an amazement on his face, gave a nod of approval. Gab felt a swell of pride and relief, knowing he had impressed the audience and the examiners alike.

Gab returned to his place, heart pounding with adrenaline. He barely had time to catch his breath when Sir Aldrich called the next name. "Hyacinth!"

To Gab's astonishment, the black cat leaped from his head and transformed mid-air, a slender, handsome young man with cat ears and a tail, dressed in sleek black attire appeared in front of everyone. Hyacinth's playful demeanor was replaced with a confident, almost mischievous grin.

The crowd gasped collectively, their eyes wide with surprise. David, in particular, seemed taken aback, his eyes widening as he watched the transformation. "From a cute little pet to a cool guy in an instant," he muttered.

Hyacinth didn't waste any time. With a sudden burst of speed, he appeared next to David, whispering softly into his ear. "I'm gonna steal your heart," he said with a chuckle, winking playfully before darting towards the stage.

David stood frozen, processing what had just happened, his surprise evident.

On the stage, Hyacinth raised his hand, a massive scythe made of pure lightning materialized out of thin air. The electric blade hummed menacingly, With a swift motion, Hyacinth swung the scythe. A bolt of lightning arced from the blade, striking the first row of practice dummies with explosive force. The dummies disintegrated instantly, reduced to ashes in a blinding flash of light.

Hyacinth continued to move with cat-like agility, darting across the stage in a blur of motion. He spun the scythe around him, creating a storm of lightning that obliterated every dummy in its path. Each strike was precise and deadly, the scythe carving through the air with a sharp, electric hiss.

The audience gasped as one by one, the dummies fell before Hyacinth's relentless assault. His movements were a mesmerizing blend of power and elegance, each one perfectly controlled. The electric scythe danced in his hands like an extension of his own body, its lightning blade leaving trails of energy in its wake.

All of the dummies has fallen when Hyacinth shouted with a grin "Welcome to my magic show!", the scythe disappearing as suddenly as it had appeared. In its place, lightning claws extended from his fingers, crackling with energy.

"David, why don't you join me up here?" Hyacinth called out, his tone playful yet challenging.

David hesitated for a moment, then walked up to the stage, curiosity overcoming his initial shock. As soon as he was within reach, Hyacinth moved with blinding speed, his lightning claws flashing as he reached for David's chest. The crowd gasped, and in an instant, Hyacinth was holding what appeared to be David's heart in his hand.

"This is what I meant when I said I'd steal your heart," Hyacinth said with a chuckle, holding David's heart still pumping. The crowd was too stunned.

Gab acted quickly, casting a spell that he had learned in secret. "Light Recovery Magic: Forbidden Light!" he shouted, and a pyramid of radiant light enveloped David. The ancient spell healed him instantly, but Gab felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him as the magic drained his energy.

The room buzzed with confusion and awe at the display of such a rare and powerful spell. Hyacinth burst into laughter, the tension in the air breaking. "Relax, everyone! It was just a joke," he said, letting the electric heart dissipate into sparks.

David, now fully healed and catching his breath, looked at Hyacinth with a disbelief. "Why did you do that?" he asked, half-smiling.

Hyacinth shrugged nonchalantly. "Because I knew he could handle it," he replied with a wink, his playful demeanor returning. "I mean... if he can't heal you, i can do it myself i can use forbidden magic" he spouted seriously

Gab, still panting from the exertion, managed a weak smile. Despite the scare, he couldn't help but feel a strange camaraderie with Hyacinth. The cat-boy's unpredictable nature was both infuriating and endearing.

As the audience murmured in amazement, Sir Aldrich called for attention once more. "Let us continue with the examination," he announced, though it was clear that Hyacinth's performance had left a lasting impression.

As the next contestant took the stage, David and Hyacinth exchanged a look, a silent understanding passing between them. Despite the chaos, a bond had been formed—a bond that would only grow stronger as they faced the challenges ahead together.