

"Where am I..." were the first words Julian spoke out in his mind. Opening his eyes to the first light he is seeing, noticing it is not his world. A 16 year old coming from Earth after falling asleep pondering his wonderous wishes waking up to a newborn body and new parents in front him. "DID I JUST GET REINCARNATED?!!" he yelled into his mind A new life awaits him, a new start to a journey he'll never forget with obstacles yet to come by and dangers yet to drag him to hell. Welcome Julian to his new world, Elfenheim

King_Orendel · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Where am I..






It was darkness everywhere with a tint of light shining while air bubbles floated out of a lifeless body neither going up...or going down..

How big the void was...you would never know. From a normal point of view, you would say it stretches out infinitely horizontally and vertically.

'Where am I' I thought out loud but noise wasn't coming from my mouth...moreover my mind..

The voice in my head seemed to have an echo or had been muffled like in the water...

'Where am I...I can't open my eyes...it is just dark.'

I was curious, curious to fact that it was a new experience for me that I couldn't open my eyes in this dream I am in. Like I was restricted from doing...

It felt like I was floating in water, feeling like I was going down but also at the same time going up

Maybe I was still and just was there, who knows

There, lying in the dark, I was there for what seemed a hard 6 hours or just a long time overall

Deep, long silence, silence to make you bored, silence enough to make a sane man turn insane.

Only noise you would hear or just feel is water bubbles here and there.

Long hours turned into a day to days from days to weeks... the cycle going on and on...and on





Still floating, the body still remains in the depths of this deep chamber of silence.

There...Julian lies having his mind morphed deeply after what seems like many years of just darkness and memories.

Questions were rushing in his mind: "Am I in hell?" "Did I die?" "Is this the entombment the Book of Revelations spoke of?"

Countless and thousands of questions roamed through out his head from time going by slow..

Then something happened finally..



'Welp, I guess still nothing yet again after all..' I thought out. I was able to go to sleep somehow but every time I awoke from each slumber, it was the same black that grew on me.

Waking back up to this had me realize....this wasn't a dream

I don't know how long I was here, I went insane a couple of times. Luckily, I learned to grasp my sanity back and just accepted where I was.

If I was to remain trapped in Tartarus, so be it.

After a couple minutes, my head started to tingle, my mind or whatever. Do I even have a head at this point?

It was a light tingle then it started growing slowly. Slowly to now its pace dragging up fast!

It was a super, ticklish tingle for a few moments but then it turned to a fiery burning sensation.

My agony was echoing in each corner of my mind, it was literally hell.

Swish! Swash! I could hear water outside of my lifeless vessel surging rapidly like a tumbling riptide.

Boom! Water was sounding crashes to each other with huge booms and bangs.

My sense of touch picked up the water now rising up like a tsunami for some reason...

CRASH! 'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' from that moment forward all it was for me was pure...pain

Adding to the pain, my whole life I lived was rushing through my head! From the first memory I experienced to the last I lived.

I was reliving each by each, cycling through every emotion I ever felt: sadness, happiness, nostalgia from agony, envy, greed, lust...so forth and so on

Because of the constant surge, my mind broke! Causing me to stop working and pass out with every bit of life in me fading...away..... with one last memory standing...echoing...







Voices now rang around. Now switching to a different place.

4 people in the room, 2 especially anxious standing around a bed for a certain occasion.

The Birth of Life!

1 stood a tall man with messy dark hair with a little tail on the back of his head and a lean muscular build. The other stood an adorable 4 year old little girl peaking behind the tall man anxiously along with him.

What were they peaking at? Of course the mother going through the tribulation of giving birth to Julian and also the nurse helping to deliver the child. They peaked from behind the door.

The mother laying on her back was named Delilah, a beautiful woman with hair as white as pure snow and light. Along with a smooth and soft, pale complexion to compliment the white hair.

However....her expression wasn't so pretty... She was moaning in pain trying to push the baby out, gripping onto the sheets sweating.

Few moments later, a baby could be heard crying.

With success of the delivery, the family exploded in excitement after the words of the nurse.

"After checking the mana veins of the newborn, I am happy to announce to you, Elric and Delilah, a healthy baby boy!"

The nurse said with a smile

Delilah worked up a weak smile and exhaled a sigh of relief, while in the background, the other 2 were dancing and jumping around in incredible excitement!

Born on the celebration of Demeter's rising, May 2th, year 247 of the Orelian calendar....

Julian is born!