

When should you fall in love? At the most PERFECT TIME, of course. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Leanne del Rosario has always been told that she looks like her great-grandmother, Josefa Diaz. When Leanne found Josefa’s diary, she was transported back to the Spanish regime era of the Philippines to resolve Josefa’s regrets. Find out how she went about her situation. (Disclaimer: cover photo not mine) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Transmigration starts in TRES!

PurplePotat · História
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


"Josefa... Did you perhaps forgot about the hierarchy as well?" Maria looked at Leanne with both confusion and disbelief.

"No! No! Of course not... it's just that... I need a little refresher hahaha." Leanne was now officially embarrassed. If there was a hole, she would've already buried herself out of shame. Leanne apologized to all of her previous history teachers in her head, "Who would've thought that history could be so important!? I'm sorry I didn't trust you, Ma'am Gonzales!"

Emilio found the situation comical and couldn't help but laughed, "I have never expected for Josefa to have such a fun and bright side. You were always shy since childhood. I guess memory loss looks good on you."

"Ahem... I think we're past the stage of being shy by now, Emilio." Leanne teasingly winked at Emilio. Despite being single all her life, Leanne saw enough romantic movies in order to flirt properly.

Maria suddenly touched Leanne's cheek and worriedly exclaimed, "What is the matter, Josefa!? Does your eye hurt?"

Emilio also seemed worried and nervous, "Is it also a side-effect of your memory loss?"

"The wind must be strong today... dust got into my eye... Anyway, tell me about that hierarchy and sh*t." Leanne poorly tried to save her remaining pride. If this goes on any further, she might actually go insane. These people does not even know an effin' wink!!!

Maria then started to explain the existing hierarchy, from highest to lowest:

*Peninsulares - full-blooded Spanish living in the Philippines and was born in Spain.

*Insulares - full-blooded Spanish living in the Philippines, and was born in the Philippines.

*Ilustrados - wealthy individuals born in the Philippines and were able to study abroad.

*Indio - native or full-blooded Filipinos in the Philippines.

"Waaah! How complicated." Leanne whined and scratched her head exaggeratedly.

Maria, however, stopped her hands, "Conduct yourself properly, Josefa."

"Don't be too hard on her, Maria. She lost some of her memories... Oh yeah! Here, Josefa." Emilio playfully defended Leanne, before taking out a book-like object.

"This is..." Leanne recognized it as the diary she have read before. It looked new and better than the one she has. Leanne opened the diary and flipped through the empty pages.

"Maria helped me sneak some abaca from your plantation and weaved it into this. You can write anything on it." Emilio and Maria both smiled happily while looking at Leanne. With just the look on their faces, Leanne could tell how close the three of them were. She felt a little bad that she's here instead of the real Josefa.

Leanne returned their smile and thanked them in place of Josefa, "Thank you, Emilio. And you too, Maria."

Leanne caressed the diary as she thought, "It seems like our abaca plantation and weaving business have been going on for years. It has every trace of history of our family... Emilio and Maria are also very kind. I assumed we were in a love triangle or something. I was getting ready to fight with Maria and win Emilio's heart... but now, I feel kind of bad... I hope I wont ruin this friendship."

A while later, Tiya Rosario came up to them holding a bayong, "Emilio, help me bring these leftovers to the workers at the plantation. Bring Isagani as well to help him familiarize with the place. He'll be helping out at the plantation from now on."

(bayong = bags weaved from dried leaves)

"I'll go too, Tiya." Leanne remembered that in the diary, she was supposed to go to the plantation as well.

Maria was worried as she whispered to Leanne, "Josefa... Your father might get angry. You know that he doesn't like us getting near the plantation and the workers. We haven't been there for ten years now."

Leanne furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance. She did not understand what is wrong with interacting with their own people, "He wont be able to get angry at something he does not know. Come on, Maria. Let's go!"

Leanne pulled the hesitating Maria and followed Emilio and Isagani back to the carriage... After they said their goodbyes to Emilio's parents, of course.

The abaca plantation was as wide as the one they have in Leanne's time. The modern one was growing a little better though.

When they arrived, it was just in time for the workers to rest and have their lunch.

Leanne waved at them from afar, "Hi guys! How are you today?"

Leanne, however, was greeted back by an awkward silence.

When they got near to the workers, Emilio introduced the ladies, "Everyone, come and greet the Alcalde's daughter, Binibini Josefa and his niece, Binibini Maria."

(Alcalde = Mayor at that time)

The workers murmured among themselves before one of them stepped forward and bowed, "Good day to you. It has been a while, Binibini Josefa, Binibini Maria. What can we help you Ilustrados with?"

"Awww, don't be like that. It is my birthday today, so I wanted to share some of the food with you." Leanne acted as if she didn't notice the existing tension. She helped the man up and beckoned Maria to give them the bayong containing the food.

Maria who stayed silent until now was still visibly hesitating, "Josefa..."

Leanne didn't force her. She took the bayong and started giving out food.

The workers accepted Leanne's good will with a 'thank you', but they remained stoic and vigilant.

Everyone separated as they started eating their lunch. Maria wanted to go home, so she asked Emilio to escort her. Emilio left Leanne to Isagani's care, since Leanne wanted to tour the plantation.

"Isagani, why don't we go over there?" Leanne pulled Isagani as she pointed to a wooden swing.

Isagani ignored Leanne, but allowed her to pull him.

Leanne sat down the wooden swing and patted the space beside her, " Come, sit down beside me, Isagani."

Isagani smirked mockingly, "Aren't you too carefree for an Ilustrado? Don't you care what people will say?"

"Ilustrado this, Ilustrado that. Just sit down. Don't be a sour puss." Leanne used her strength to pull Isagani beside her.

Isagani was forcefully sat down, so he got mad and raised his voice at Leanne, "You crude woman!"

Leanne was about to shout back, when she noticed a man from a distance talking to one of the workers. He was wearing a white barong and black pants.

(Barong = male traditional clothing)

Leanne sensed some sort of familiarity with the man and unconsciously calmed down, "Who is that?"

Isagani expected Leanne to lash back at him, so when she replied calmly, he was a bit taken aback. He followed Leanne's sight and saw the man. Isagani only shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know... must be a guest."

Leanne continued watching the man as he left with the worker. Leanne didn't noticed that as soon as her eyes left him, the guy also took a glance at her.