
You saw everything!

After Mrs James had given Tamim a quick tour of the house, she was taken to her bedroom.

Anton left for an emergency at his workplace.

When Tamim entered her room she was loss of words. She couldn't imagine that it was hers. The closet was filled with clothes upon clothes that some were left in the bag they came with. Shoes, jewelries, everything a woman could need was right there.

Her bed was in the middle of the room and had a gazebo frame on to with curtains and flowers on top. The bedsheets were in pink and almost everything in the room, it made her want to puke. She entered her bathroom and even the bathtub was pink.

It was really pretty but the question came hunting her. If Anton never knew he was going to get married how then did he prepare, how then did he prepare a house in a few hours?

It puzzled Tamim.

Mrs James seeing Tamim quite and in deep thoughts decided to say something.

"Master made sure that you have everything you would be needing even if it was a surprise to him. He made us prepare this place for you within few hours"

Tamim eyes brightened up and looks at Mrs James eaving a sigh of relief and smiling.

"Did Anton not live with his parents?" She asked still puzzled.

"I would say young master never lived anywhere..."


"Young master hardly stays in a place for too long, he's always working. He seldom comes here and only visits his parents once In a while and sometimes holidays. He mostly spend his time at his office but he had bought this house few years ago and made it his little house" Mrs James explained.

"Ohh.." Tamim replied, now she understood.

"Your bath is ready, ma'am" One of the maids Tamim met outside the house said.

"Oh" Tamim replied "what's your name?"

"Georgia, you can call me gia" Georgia said.


Mrs James and the maid excused themselves and Tamim stripped ready to soak herself in the bath. She couldn't wait.

She enters into the bathroom and the bath had a flowery and sugary scent. There was mist coming from it.

She soaks her body into it and she might have fallen asleep afterwards because when she opened her eyes, she was being carried by someone to the bed.

At first she closed her eyes tiredly.

But when she saw the person's side frame, she realized it was a man. The person placed her on the bed and was about to do something when she snapped her eyes open and screamed.

"Wh..who are you?" Tamim asked shivering.

"It's your husband"

The person raises his head up and she realized it was really Anton.

"What are you doing here? Yo...u entered the bathroom?" Tamim asked, scared.

"Yeah, you fell asleep in the water" he replied in a bored manner.


"Me what?"

"You saw everything?!"


"Huh? What!" Tamim exclaimed, her face now red and burning like the heat in the room just went higher even her ears turned red.

Anton found that actually cute, he was surprised to find her embarrassed of showing nudity even though she was her husband. Apart from that any girl out there would be grateful even if he mistakenly saw them naked but here this little bunny was flaming hot of the fact that he had seen her.

"You.. how could you? I knew you were a pedophile! I just had a hunch. Are you not ashamed?" She stammered angrily.

"Give me a reason to be ashamed" Anton replied leaning in to her on the bed with her head on the bedrest until their nose was almost touching.

He gazed down at her lips and gulped.

"Huh...." Tamim said still burning.

After the intimidating intimacy, Anton adjusted himself back to his original position which was a few inches away from her.

"Well I'll give you a reason not to be embarrassed, I'm your husband" Anton said d confidently and walked away with his hands in his pocket.

Tamim blinked a few times, dumbstruck of what he said. He was by the door when he turned and said

"it's not like seeing you was bad.."

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Sarang_Nifemicreators' thoughts