

Tamim stood, staring at him like a blank wall.

He grabbed her and helped her into the passenger seat and wore the seatbelt for her.

"Hm, that's much better" he said.

'I might commit murder soon, no not suicide, MURDER' Tamim thought.

He enters the driver's seat and drives off.

They were 30 minutes on the road when a phone starts to ring. Anton's phone was connected to the car so it was easier to see who was calling, it was his mother.

He let it ring and then his father called afterwards, he didn't answer any of the calls.

Tamim stares at him and then the car's screen displaying the calls. She continuously did it for some minutes until Anton could not take it anymore.

"What?" He asked, stared at her briefly before keeping his eyes on the road.

"Where are we going?" She asked meekly, gripping the seatbelt on her tightly.

Anton did not reply so she asked her again but he didn't reply either.

Mrs Wilson calls again and Tamim angrily picks the call.

"Hello?" She says.

The car immediately comes to an halt but pulled over safely by the roadside but it was enough to give Tamim motion sickness.

He hung the call and death stares her.

"Are you kidding me?" He says staring at her.

Tamim looks at him and then gags. She removes her seatbelt and opens the door. She immediately spots a nearby plant puking into it.

"Aw mehn" Anton said as he removes his seatbelt holding a bottle of water and a face towel. He stood beside her and patted her back.

Luckily, the road was empty at that time.

She collected the bottle of water and guggled it then spat it out . She then washed her face and cleaned it with the face towel.

He tries to help her into the car but she brushes him off and just as she was about to enter, she gags again and hurries to the plant to puke again .

This went on for few more minutes until the fourth time, Anton said to himself enough is enough and called a cab to take her to the hospital.

He packed his car somewhere safe and went with her.

"So great for an honeymoon" he mumbled under his breath in the cab.

"Oh you say that but you're the one who caused the disaster" Tamim replied, she heard him.

They got to the hospital and she was placed in the VIP room. It was his hospital.

He told the doctors to test every single thing on her body, even her brain if possible.

While they waited for the test to come out, he sat beside her on the bed where she was receiving an IV.

He stared at her and Shaked his head.

"What?" Tamim asked.


"Hm hm" she creased her eyebrows showing how suspicious it seemed to her.

"Just... maybe... maybe..."

"Maybe what?"


"Be a man and say it already" Tamim said frustrated.

"Are you preggy?... pregnant?" He asks.

Tamim stares at him not saying anything.

"As in, are you carrying a child? Like a baby?"

"I know what pregnant means dummy and No I'm not pregnant" she was fuming.

'This idiot, I have never had a boyfriend before and here he is accusing me of the impossible. Even Mary had Joseph, I never had anyone'

"Are you sure? Because you literally puked four times or so and you look sick. If you ask me that's a great explanation for this" he said using his hand to point at her situation.

"You know you can always tell me the truth, I'm your husband...." He said trying to sound convincing.

"I'm not pregnant." She replied obviously annoyed now.

"Are you sure?"


"You're not pregnant?"

"Yes...ah I told you before..." She was about to lash out when the doctor entered.

"You were right, sir" The doctor says.

Anton jumps, "ah I knew it, I knew it. You were pregnant!" He said as he points at her.

Tamim looks at the doctor wondering what was happening.

common 88 more to go!

Sarang_Nifemicreators' thoughts