
perfect superstar

Lu Chen had a dream, a very long dream. The world in the dream was familiar yet strange, and different characters performed different wonderful things. Singer, actor, freelance writer, he actually experienced three different lives in the dream world! When he woke up from the dream, Lu Chen embarked on a brilliant road to become a perfect superstar! [ I finished reading this novel years ago and wanted to introduce it to this platform, offering a translation superior to what’s available on other sites. It’s an excellent read that I highly recommend. Alongside the text, I plan to enrich the experience by including links to Chinese songs in both the paragraph and chapter comments. Prepare yourself for an emotional roller coaster. Don't worry it is a serious work with no harem, i can confirm there is only one single heroine. It is rare to find showbiz novels with a dedicated love interest they just have harem involved I can say i have better translation compared to others ] (完美大明星)

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Chapter 30: Heating up

"Maybe I'm waiting for you to come,"

"Maybe I'm waiting for you to come,"

"Maybe in"

The repetitive ending gradually faded with the sound of the guitar, and a song "Cinderella" was finished.

The nearly full bar was silent for a moment, and then applause rang out in every seat. Although there was no sensation that would blow the roof off, it was long-lasting and warm!

Performing this lyrical song again, Lu Chen's fingering and singing skills were impeccable. The real improvement was the emotion incorporated into the song, which was more real and deeper, and resonated with everyone.

He deserved the praise and applause!

"What do you think?"

There were six people sitting in the reserved seats on the upper floor of the Forget-Me-Not Bar, which was the VIP area, and Chen Jianhao was among them.

He smiled and asked, "Boss Chang, can my young man still catch your eye?"

Although it was a very humble tone, it sounded like he was showing off.

Chen Jianhao is certainly not a shallow person. The person he joked about was a middle-aged man in his forties.

Chang Wei, the owner of the Blue Lotus Bar.

Chang Wei looks thin, but not the kind of frail thinness, but rather sturdy and capable.

He has short hair, bright eyes, and is very tasteful in his dress. Apart from a small-leaf red sandalwood bracelet hanging on his left wrist, he has no other jewelry.

In the Houhai circle, Chang Wei is undoubtedly the top figure. He has a deep network of contacts and has connections with all walks of life. For more than ten years, he has run the Blue Lotus successfully and has become the No. 1 in the industry.

What is most admirable is Chang Wei's vision. When the Houhai plot was already very valuable, he spent a huge amount of money to buy the land ownership of the bar at all costs. Now the land price has at least doubled tenfold!

Over the past decade, many famous singers have emerged from the Blue Lotus, and some have become big names in the industry.

Chang Wei's support can be said to be indispensable, but he never talks about these things.

Chang Wei and Chen Jianhao have known each other for ten years. The relationship between the two is enough for them to make some harmless jokes, but he still nodded seriously and said, "Not bad."

Chen Jianhao knew that for Chang Wei, the word "not bad" was already a very high evaluation. Once a famous singer went to Blue Lotus to sing and also won a lot of applause, and Chang Wei's evaluation was just "okay".

With his scheming, he couldn't help but show his joy on his face - this time he was really happy.

"It's really good!"

A middle-aged woman sitting on the left of Chang Wei agreed: "Both songs are very distinctive, typical nostalgic folk style, I haven't heard such songs for a long time, it's really nostalgic."

The woman is also about 40 years old, with a round and plump figure and face, and her skin is fair and well maintained. It's just that the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes reveal her real age. Her charm and temperament are very good.

"Brother Chang and Sister Chen both said it's good, so it must be right!"

Another man with narrowed eyes said in a joking manner: "Director Su, you are so familiar with Boss Jianhao, hurry up and sign his young man, let him feel sad!"

The object of his joke was Su Qingmei.

However, he didn't know that Su Qingmei had suffered a setback from Lu Chen two days ago. Now telling her this was simply a slap in the face!

Su Qingmei snorted and said: "Brother Jianhao is a very arrogant guy, we can't afford it."

This man with lustful eyes is Chang Wei's friend and a figure in the circle. If she gets angry when he makes a joke without knowing the inside story, then she really shouldn't be in this industry in the future.

So Su Qingmei could only endure it, but her resentment was really deep.

Everyone present was a smart person, and they understood it as soon as they heard Su Qingmei's complaints.

The man with squinty eyes immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly added in surprise: "No way? He doesn't even think highly of your Qingyu Media?"

Of course, he wanted to please the other party and make up for his mistakes, but he was also really surprised.

Although Qingyu Media is a rising star in the industry and has only been established in Beijing for a short time, it has a strong background and strength. It has recruited a group of excellent talents to join and is preparing to make a big splash.

Such a new company can be said to have a promising future. Recently, Qingyu Media and Blue Lotus Bar jointly held a music night. I don't know how many people want to squeeze in and show their faces.

Everyone else is flocking to it, but Lu Chen actually rejected Su Qingmei's invitation. It's really unbelievable!

His evaluation of Lu Chen in his heart immediately dropped greatly-he sings well, he is handsome, but his brain is not good!

Chen Jianhao was a little embarrassed, coughed twice and said: "Little Lu is a bit casual, he doesn't want to be bound by the contract, young people always have different ideas from us old guys."

Chang Wei glanced at Su Qingmei and said calmly: "As long as the song is good, then count him as one."

No one objected, not even Su Qingmei, it was just a small matter.

"Brother Lu!"

Here, Lu Chen had just finished singing and was stopped by a waiter before he entered the backstage.

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Brother Zhang, what's the matter?"

Lu Chen knew all the waiters of Forget-Me-Not, because he was one of them, but he was not familiar with the waiter named Zhang in front of him. There was no friendship between the two, just knowing each other at work.

In the past, his attitude towards Lu Chen was not so enthusiastic, and even a little flattering.

"I don't dare to be your brother."

The waiter named Zhang shook his head and said, "Brother Lu, you are a signed singer now, just call me Xiao Zhang."

A signed singer is not enough for him to be so respectful. It is said that his former colleague Xiao Gao was fired by the boss because he offended Lu Chen, and he can't even make it in Houhai!

Lu Chen was helpless and said, "Brother Zhang, if you have something to say, just say it directly, don't be so polite."

The waiter named Zhang smiled awkwardly, then pointed to the back and said, "The guests at table 27 over there want to talk to you. They are all college girls, and there are two very beautiful ones!"

He winked and looked like he would be a pity if he missed them.

Lu Chen laughed dumbly and said, "Okay, I'll put down my guitar and go over, thank you."

He knew very well that the other party must have taken tips from others, so she came to him so attentively.

But this is nothing. It is better to be kind to others than to be scolded behind their backs. He has been a waiter for so long and knows how hard and tiring this job is. It is really not easy to make some money.

The waiter named Zhang was flattered: "Great, I'll go tell the guests, thank you, Brother Lu!"

He ran away happily, and Lu Chen stored his guitar in the backstage and came to table 27.

The waiter named Zhang did not fool him. There were five girls at table 27. It was obvious that they were college students from the nearby university town who came to play. Two of them were beauties.


Lu Chen smiled and greeted, "Welcome to Forget-Me-Not."

There were five people sitting in the four-person seat, so he didn't squeeze in and was ready to chat for a few words before leaving.

The five girls were very shy. They looked at each other, and finally one of them stood up boldly and said, "Hello, we saw your video in the forum, so we came here to listen to your songs. You sing really well."


Lu Chen was surprised: "What forum?"

"Beihai City Forum!"

The girl said excitedly, "You are already famous in it. The video of you posted in the Free World section has 100,000 hits, but it's a pity that the content is only a short clip, so we ran over to see the live performance tonight."

She started talking to Lu Chen, and the other girls also became bolder and chattered.

"I heard that someone came here last night, but unfortunately I didn't see you. I thought I was in the wrong place!"

"We are lucky to see the real person."

"Haha, it's most comfortable to listen to the live performance. The sound quality of the video is too poor."

"Handsome guy, will you still sing on stage?"

That's what it is!

Lu Chen nodded. He didn't know someone secretly filmed his video and uploaded it to the forum.

Doesn't this guy know the rules of Forget-Me-Not? He should be spanked!

Ah, sneeze!

At the same time, in the 415th dormitory of the female building of Beijing Normal University.

Xiaomi, who was sitting at the desk flipping through her notes, suddenly couldn't help but sneeze loudly.

She rubbed her nose and rubbed her numb buttocks.

It felt a bit strange.


(End of this chapter)