
Chapter 8

Eventually, I returned to Jackson's, I started packing my bags. Jackson came in "Why are you packing?" I threw my backpack on my back "I'm staying with Shelby for a while." He looked down but backed up "You don't need to leave. I won't press you on it. But I do ask a few things." I set the backpack down "What?" He looked directly into my eyes "Don't use me. Don't tell me things you don't mean. And if someone is threatening you, please tell me before it's too late. Just please remember what he put you through."

He turned and left the room; I sat on the bed and tears came to my face. Am I that scared of Jackson finding out that I would risk everything I worked so hard for? For this? F*ck yeah. He is understanding a lot but he won't. I stood up and grabbed some nice clothes; I took a shower and got ready for the bonfire Shelby was having with some of her friends. I threw my hair up in a messy bun with jean shorts, a crop top, and flip-flops.

I walked out, Jackson looked up "Be careful. Where ever you're going." I partially lied "Shelby and I are going to the lake. Won't be back till probably tomorrow." He looked up again "I'm not your dad. You don't need to tell me where you're going. Just be careful." I rolled my eyes "Why the attitude?" He didn't respond or acknowledge my question so I left.

I drove to Shelby's and we took her jeep to the lake. When we arrived, there were a ton of people; her friend, Monica came up with two drinks full of alcohol. I mainly sipped on mine all night; Shelby got out of control with her alcohol and started flirting with every guy she saw. I stayed by the fire and sipped alone; Michael's friend approached me. I felt frozen; he sat in the camping chair next to mine. He took a big gulp of his drink "You learn quickly. Thought we'd have to escalate it"

I tried to maintain a brave face but my heart was racing with fear "So.. now.. you... can... leave... me.. alone." He took a huge gulp from his cup "Oh Addison, it's not over. I'm sure Michael has many plans for you." My chest hurt; I felt my heartbeat in my throat. He stood up "Drink up." He left and I felt myself chugging my alcohol uncontrollably trying to maintain how scared I was. You ask why can't I report this to my attorney or the police. Because my secret is bigger than all of this and if Jackson found out? He'd never talk to me again. Michael truly knew he would have me around his finger playing his puppet as long as he wanted to.

I stood up and refilled my cup, Callie met me at the table "Whoa slow down." I glanced at her "Just thirsty." She grinned "There is alcohol in that." I chuckled "Not enough." She filled her cup up "Problems?" I looked down "You have no clue." She sighed "We bumped heads in high school but I apologize for that." I nodded frantically "Thanks for that but my problems are even beyond me." She frowned "Addison. Everyone knows what happened. It was on the news and I'm terribly sorry." I looked at her "What?!?"

She looked down "What he did was terrible and he won't get away with it." I took another gulp "I love Michael. And whatever people said is wrong." I walked down toward the lake and walked alone to gather myself. I stood and sipped when my mouth was covered; they said "Calm down now." I turned to Michael, I began to stutter "Wha..." He pushed my hair back "I missed you. Took a lot to break everyone's heart in one room." I gulped; he leaned in kissing me. I felt cold shivers go down my neck to my back. I pulled away; he became upset "What? You don't like kissing me now?" I stuttered "I.."

He reached for my throat like he was going to choke me but gently did it "We're leaving this state." I feared him so of course, I went. We drove for hours, I stayed quiet. He pulled over on the highway and reached for my hand "You know I love you." I kept quiet; he unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned across the armrest "Tell me you love me." I looked at him in the corner of my eye "I.. Do." He yelled, "Then tell me!" I flinched and pushed myself against the door that wouldn't open from the inside. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife "Are we going to have a problem Addison?" I shook my head frantically "No. I love you!" He leaned back in his seat "Good."

He pulled back onto the highway; we drove a few more hours and pulled up at an old breaking down hotel. He opened the door and guided me inside. I looked down, it smelled of cigarettes and the bed looked unwashed from its stains. He threw a bag on the bed "Hungry?" I shook my head no, he reached into the bag and I yelled "Yes. I am!" He pulled out a box and looked at me "Calm down." He handed me a box of dye "I hate to mess up your beautiful hair but it's required." I turned the box around "Why?" He looked up "Go." I went into the bathroom and applied it to my hair. I began to cry, I loved my hair and swore I'd never touch it. Michael knew that.

I waited the time on the box and rinsed it; he came in and helped me rinse it. He dried and brushed it out "I always thought this color would look good on you." I turned to him "What do you want?" He looked into the mirror at me "Our relationship. We're getting married and having kids like we planned on." I felt a little bit of confidence overcome me "Michael. Please. Don't do this." He put down the brush and turned my body to face him "Jackson will never love you. He feels bad for you, you are nothing but a toy to him. I was there for you when he left you heartbroken." I played his game "Who said anything about Jackson." He smirked "Don't take me as stupid."

I put my arms around his neck "Who is stopping us? It's just us finally like we always wanted. New city, new people who don't know us." I leaned to his face and kissed him; I was terrified. I did everything he wanted so he wouldn't get angry. I felt I had no way out and I was trapped. Would this be my new life? Living in fear? I hope not.