
Chapter 18

The nurse immediately took care of us and got me cleaned up. Jackson stayed with us the entire time; I refused to sleep. I was scared for her, I refused others to hold her even Jackson. Nothing could ever happen to her. Who knows if we would ever get this chance again?

I looked up to our parents coming into the room, my mom sat beside me kissing my forehead "You did a good job." I smiled at Paisley "I never thought this would ever happen." Jackson lays at my side "She looks like you Addy." I turned to him "Thank you. I don't know what could've happened if you weren't close."

He grabbed her hand "God was on our side. He put me where I needed to be." The doctor came in "Congratulations." She examined both of us, Paisley started crying as the cold stethoscope touched her back. Jackson placed his hand on her and she calmed down.