

Grace Bush, the only child of a prominent Canadian family, was known for her modesty, kindness, and respectfulness. Regrettably, a traumatic incident transpired on the happiest day of her life, claiming the lives of her entire family, shattering her world, and leaving an indelible mark on her very being. With her father dead and her mother in a vegetative state, she found herself as the sole eyewitness and survivor of the fatal incident. She underwent a profound transformation; the once sweet, innocent child became wild, self-centered, and disrespectful. Some even call her crazy. To lay claim to her late father's wealth, she had to learn the ropes of the firm industry. However, things didn't unfold as expected. Just when she felt like giving up, fate intervened, offering her an unforeseen chance to break free from the confines of her troubled hometown through a life-altering job opportunity. Enter Noah Creed, the stunningly handsome billionaire CEO of the S.O. publishing industry in New York, who seemed to have it all—wealth, looks, and success. Despite being a three-time divorcee, a father, and engaged to an aspiring model, Noah had never truly understood or desired love. That is, until he crossed paths with the unpredictable and wild Grace Bush, a newcomer in his film industry. Little did he know that meeting Grace would open a new chapter in his life. The catch? Grace worked for him, and romantic involvement among staff members was strictly prohibited. Prepare yourself for a captivating office romance novel that is a must-read as the story of Grace and Noah unfolds in unexpected and exciting ways.

ClaraStar · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


The S.O. Publishing Industry, New York,

Six Months Ago

"If someone had told me that my dream of working here would come true, I would have probably scoffed at them," Grace muttered to herself. "How I wish mom and dad were here to see this." She couldn't help but cry. "Seriously, Grace, not right now. Get a hold of yourself. No thinking of the past. You need to move forward," she encouraged herself.

But the fact that the boss asked her to stay behind was weird. Now, it was 8 p.m., and apart from the boss, she was the only one in the office. As if that wasn't enough, he had sent for her. "Jezz, I don't want to lose this job. I wonder what he wants."

She stood up from her desk and went to the boss's office, standing outside the heavy gold metal door with a name boldly written in silver, "Noah Creed," she muttered to herself. Then, all of a sudden, the voice that always shook her to the core spoke.

"You don't need to stand there, Grace. Come in."

Oh god! That voice. With one deep breath, she pushed the metal door open. 

"Good day, sir," she said calmly. She could never get tired of his amazing presence. Clearing her throat, she continued, "You sent for me, sir."

"Yes," he said, looking at the pure gold wristwatch on his arm. "It's almost 8:30; I was wondering why you still haven't left." He said calmly.

What? "Are you fucking kidding me right now?" Oh, shit, did I just say that? "I mean, sir…"

"No, Grace." He cut her off with a wave of his hand. "I'm not 'fucking kidding you.' I just didn't think you would listen to me. You never do, despite me being your boss." He said with a serious expression.

"Huh," she said awkwardly, looking at her hands. Seriously, Grace, just die, she cursed herself.

"But you know the funniest thing…" he said, now standing in front of her, since when, she wondered. As he traced the line of her ears, she shivered in excitement. Boy! Who would have thought she was sensitive in that area? He forced her head up with his hand. "I am going to fuck you here, Grace, and it won't be a joke."

What did he just say? While she was trying to figure out what was going on, he plunged his mouth onto hers. She gasped; he dove in, exploring the deepest part of her mouth with his tongue. 

Oh my god! He was French kissing her, and because it was her first time, Grace forgot to breathe and choked.

"Are you alright?" he pulled back almost immediately and asked with a puzzled expression.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Grace asked, lost and confused. What was that? A kiss or a death sentence?

"What are you talking about, Grace? How can you die from just a kiss?" he asked again, placing his hand on her shoulder. "It's not like it's your first time being kissed." HE said and she suddenly went stiff in his arms, and a great silence followed after his question.

Noah Creed looked at Grace puzzled yet again. Come on! There's no way that's her first kiss. But With the look on her face right now…. yeah, it totally was.

Relationships with coworkers in all his establishments were forbidden, and the staff found in a relationship would be fired. That's how it had always been, and there were a lot of people who fell victim and were fired by him. 

But since this wild, crazy girl, called Grace Bush, came to this establishment, his mind, heart, and body had been in chaos. The fact that she had always stolen glances at him, thinking he was not aware, was a sign, that she too wanted a pierce of him, just like he wanted her. 

Now he just wanted to satisfy his desire and send her packing by morning, but if that was her first kiss, it also meant she had never had sex. 

Great! And He hated virgins with passions. They were too clingy, and with his past experience, he was not looking for anything serious.

He was always quick to state things like this, but why couldn't he this time? He should apologize and send her away, but for some reason, he could not let go. Like someone possessed by a demon, he did something he had never done in his life. He kissed her again, this time he went more deeper than the first time.

Maybe time stopped when his lips met hers again, but the flutter only intensified. Grace's heart pounded in her chest as her knees got weaker. She could only focus on how soft his lips felt against her mouth, how addictively he invaded all her senses.

It still wasn't clear if she dreamed this moment to life, but there was a raw emotion in the way his fingers curled around hers. Noah kept his eyes half open, sneaking a guilty peek at her every time he came back for air, just to make sure this wasn't a product of his imagination. Heat rose from Grace's stomach to her chest. The smell of him was hypnotic beyond reason; she parted her lips and felt him washing over her like a wave of warmth, curling her toes, unfurling all her senses as the taste of him nearly silenced all thoughts.

Her whole body tingled, the feel of his frame leaning on hers as his arms wrapped around her felt nearly forbidden. He pulled her in, claiming her mouth again, hungry and intense, until her knees gave in. By the time Grace became aware of her fingers, they had already slipped under his shirt, his skin smooth and radiating heat.

As if time had stopped right there, they stood propped against his office desk, glued to one another, as if no one else existed and there was no risk to her job or company policies. For Noah, it was as if he'd never been with a woman before. What was this new feeling? He had never felt it before, not with the women he had been with. Grace, what are you doing? If this continues, you know what's going to happen. Before her strength weakened, she pushed him away. "Sorry, sir, but I don't thing we should do this."

"What are you talking about, Grace?" he asked, confused. "You want me right now, just as much as I want you."

Yes, she couldn't deny it, but her wanting was totally different from his, and there were so many things at stake. "I'm sorry, sir, but I can't," she said, and with one last glance at him, she ran off.

"We can't?" Noah murmured, puzzled. "She said, like hell! He definitely saw the desire in her eyes, and for someone who had no experience, she was daring and wild." Though he still couldn't put a name to this new feeling, he already missed her lips. And not until he got what he wanted, she wasn't going anywhere. "Sorry, Grace," he said, laughing to himself in the empty office, "you can't escape me for long; I'm Noah Creed. When I want something, I'm going to get it, no matter how long it takes."

Grace kept running until she got out of the building she didn't stop but the moment she saw the security guard, she slowed down so they don't suspect anything.

"What just happened?" She said, still shriving, "OMG! Grace, you are crazy, how could you succumb so easily? Even if you wanted it?" In all her weirdest dream; she would not have imagined her first kiss to be in an office with a crazy rich and powerful man such Noah Creed, no less; She would argue it.

Just how the hell did this happen?

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