
Perfect Avatar

Supernatural phenomena called Rift have caused the appearance of monsters and other disasters, gradually pushing the world toward its destruction. To face it, some humans having awakened various magical powers are fighting against this apocalypse. Dora, one of them, has a special "Avatar" class which gives him access to every class, despite great difficulty leveling them up. But despite his enormous potential, he chose to appear incompetent to get kicked from his team, so that he could live a lazy life with his family but his talents is discovered by the strongest woman in the Kingdom and she decides to enroll him in the royal academy. Reluctant at first, his mother gives him the motivation he needs to pursue this path, but little did they know what kind of monster they had thrown into the world. Dora is not a hero wishing for peace, but a monster getting addicted to the taste of power, wealth, and freedom. Dora pursues an unknown goal until he meets someone who knows more about his true nature than himself and sets him on a path that will nourish his eternal thirst, to the cost of his humanity, but in a world collapsing, isn't a monster the greatest weapon? [I am open to discussion Facebook: Yalatola Alter Discord: Yalatola#7758 Check technical sheets]

Yalatola · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
262 Chs

An Undisciplined Fool

Many people are firm believers in the notion that "Persistence beats talent." This saying encourages those without inherent skills, pushing them to excel. However, what happens when talent is combined with hard work?

Emerging at the entrance of the petite village of Sofiya, a boy in his sixteenth year, bearing the name Anesidora but affectionately known as Dora, His cascading mane of silver-gray hair, coupled with a visage that possessed an alluring femininity, was a sight to behold. 

Clad in a sleek tracksuit of ebony hue, accentuated by lightweight athletic pants, he carried upon his shoulders a sizable bag brimming with the bounties of medicinal flora.

As he ventured closer to the bustling village market, the astute merchants manning their vibrant stalls couldn't help but be captivated by his arrival.

"He's here, look... Hey, Dora, how much are you selling these plants for? I want all your stock."

The young man stopped, looking surprised.

"... Really? Finally! So... Huh... I just want to get rid of it quickly so if you want... What does that mean?"

Hearing the shopkeepers laugh, he realized they were teasing him. His serene expression shifted to a hint of bitterness.

"Each leaf is worth 1000 lyre, there are a total of 1682 plants with several different leaves, I will send the invoice to your weird daughter who can not count."

"Oi, brat, who are you calling weird?"

The shopkeeper's companions burst into laughter as they restrained him, thoroughly enjoying his embarrassment.

"Hahaha, calm down, Mr. Rohn, you know he's like that, it's between friends."

"Friend? That brat is my daughter's age, he owes me respect!"

"I can't respect someone who owes me money, but I like you and your daughter, she can't count, you can't read, you're the ultimate combo."

Laughter erupted from the group as Rohn, held back by the other salesmen, attempted to lunge at Dora. This amusing incident seemed to be a common occurrence in this location.

Anesidora was a valued emissary within the village, belonging to the esteemed emissary team.

He had played a vital role in safeguarding the town and was praised for his humility and friendly attitude.

His dedication to helping others has garnered him widespread respect and affection from the community, establishing him as a beloved member.

"If only his mouth were as noble as his heart." The merchants resumed their discussion as he walked away. "He's a great boy, but I wouldn't give him custody of my children, he's too unpredictable!"

"By the way, what's the deal with what he's carrying? You said it would be wood or rocks."

"Huh? You don't know?... Ah! Yeah, you're usually out hunting at this hour, you can't know. You see, this kid leaves the village every day, nobody knows where he goes but on the opening day of the big market, every week, he shows up with a weird bag of goods that no one wants to buy."

"How come? Does he need money? He's an emissary, right? He should be loaded with money."

"Not that kind of emissary, he's still E-rank, at that level he must earn less in a month than the rest of us."

"Ah, that's weird, considering how everyone is talking about him and his team, I thought that was a big shot."

"Nah, Dora is just an average emissary, but the leader of his team, on the opposite, is the real deal."

As part of the assault group Shining Sword, he was known as "Dora". The leader, Leon, hailed from the hero branch and was famous for his exceptional strength and daring exploits.


There were seven members in their group, each with unique skills and personalities. Leon, the leader, represented bravery and heroism. Erick, his loyal companion, was a thief. Sana, the serene and captivating monk, added a gentle presence to the group. Marie, the puppeteer, remained silent and composed. Morgiana was a formidable and honorable spearwoman. Lilith, although small in size, possessed a sharp wit and immense power as a warrior. Lastly, Dora specialized in using debuffs and other mystical talents.


They were the primary protectors of the village, standing united against Rifts and the menacing creatures that posed a threat. Their exceptional skills often outshined even the city guards, earning them a reputation as the town's heroes. Their remarkable achievements became the subject of admiration and celebration.

He "unintentionally" let go of his bag of plants in Rohn's garden before making his way to an old wooden house close to the village entrance, which served as the headquarters for Shining Sword. The house, once a grain storage for the peasants, had been transformed into a stunningly renovated place, magically decorated by him.

As he stepped inside through the rear entrance, he discovered his fellow comrades gathered there, wearing expressions of discontent. Leon, seated in his office chair, glanced at him silently, and it was Lilith who finally spoke up, shattering the stillness.

"Unbelievable... Where have you been all this time?! We had a meeting 30 minutes ago!"

He closed the door and walked over to a mini fridge.

"What don't you understand about I'm unavailable in the morning? Nobody disturbs your 40-minute holy baths so respect other people's time."

"What?! You... You idiot! You're wrong here and you dare insult me?"

"Oh, ok, so You call 'holy' an insult? Poor Sana."

As soon as those words reached Sana's ears, she couldn't help but stifle a chuckle. However, she quickly regained her composure. In a burst of anger, Lilith grabbed her hammer twice her size, showcasing her incredible strength.

"The only holy you'll get is a holy beating if you keep testing me!"

"Little one, put that down before somebody hurt you."

"What did you say?"

She moved ahead, still very sensitive to her size, and alas for her, that made it his weapon of choice.

"Ah? your ears are too small to hear? Should I try short sentences?"

As she prepared to strike, he quickly concealed one hand behind his back. He extended the other hand in a sword-finger pose. Standing tall and composed, he prepared himself to face the imminent attack.


Startled by Leon's loud scream of frustration, Lilith and Dora snapped back to reality. Lilith's hammer fell to the ground with a creaking noise, and she nervously twiddled her index fingers. Meanwhile, Dora calmly placed his second arm behind his back and unphased.

"It's your fault... stupid," Lilith pouted, almost as if she was about to cry.

"It's your fault too, stupid," He replied.

He made a playful attempt to pat her on the head, but she swiftly brushed his hand away, visibly irritated.

Lilith and He had been friends for quite some time, yet she was known for her pride and stubbornness, making it hard for her to form close relationships.

He was one of the few who could put up with her behavior, but she grew colder towards him after He started "dating" Sana.

"What can He do with you? Dora, I know we said we wouldn't call you in the morning but, between you and me, you think this is a behavior worthy of an emissary?"

"Depending on the situation, Leon, I don't need to change my daily activities if there is no real threat. The Rift won't open for 3 more days, will it?"

"Is that really how you think? Just because there's time, you're not following the team's instructions anymore?"

"We had a deal when we started this team, I believe. You're the one stepping out of your bounds now."

"Hey, watch your mouth!" Erick shouted.

Erick's reaction was understandable. Leon held a high level of respect, even among the village elders. Dora was likely the only person who spoke to him in such a manner. They had founded the team together and, according to him, they were equals.

Leon sighed.

"... Well, I expected that from you. And you're right, that's not what we agreed on, so I think you'll have no problem with what we decided, You can come in. "

The restroom door creaked open, revealing a stunning young girl with long white hair cascading down her back. Her piercing blue eyes gleamed in the dim cabin light, and she wore lightweight armor that accentuated her slender figure. Despite the cramped space, she moved gracefully and confidently, leaving a trail of sweet-smelling perfume behind her.

With a smile, Leon spoke.

"Allow me to introduce you, Liliana, your replacement."

Dora observed the new face before him, then turned his attention to his companions and noticed that most of them appeared concerned.

Sana kept her head lowered, Lilith seemed irritated as she gazed out the window, and Marie played with one of her stuffed animals, displaying an indifferent expression.

Only Morgiana and Erick stared directly at him. The young girl curtsied, revealing her refined upbringing that contrasted with the villagers. 

"I am honored to meet you, Sir Anesidora."

"What... what does that mean?"

Leon's laughter echoed in the room.

"I'm impressed that you look so surprised. I'm actually doing you a favor, We, Shining Sword, have the ambition to become the best Emissary team in the world, and for that, we need to progress quickly, so we can't just waste time in this little village, You know, as a hero, I have a duty to help the world, as a leader, I have to carry our team's name to the top, so we have to redefine our goals as a team."

"I understand that, but why should I be replaced? We've always worked as a team and I don't really see the need to kick me out."

Erick laughed and gave him a glance.

"Are you serious? Don't you see the need? What exactly have you been doing all this time? Do you think we can't succeed without your debuff?"

"...What do you mean? Every job has meaning, just because I can only debuff doesn't mean..."

"AH! Shut up! Look at this."

Erick unsheathed his dagger and focused his energy, causing a vibrant purple aura to envelop his weapon.

"Is it..."

"Yes, it's, 'poison skill', from the black snake the last time."

Dora grasped the situation immediately. Erick was part of the rogue branch known for stealth attacks and debuffs. The key distinction between an assassin and his evolved form was the strength of their attacks.

However, there was a problem. In order to excel globally, they had to excel in their respective fields. So, why would he willingly limit himself by avoiding strong attacks as an assassin and instead concentrate on weakening abilities like a shaman?

" You see? Now that I also have a debuff, what use are you now? You were useless before but now you're just pathetic."

Dora's eyes narrowed, the answer coming as simply as this.

"... It looks useless because the monsters and rifts around the village are low-level, when you meet more powerful opponents, you will see my usefulness!"

His eyes implored my comrades to reconsider, a passionate fire lighting up his gaze and revealing unspoken emotions. When Morgiana spoke next, the tension in the room grew palpable.

"Helpful? You've been asked for weeks to hunt monsters from your branch and improve your skills, but you always refuse, you said your ridiculous magic tricks were better right? Why do you change your mind now?"

"I... I was just..."

"Can't explain yourself? Better stay quiet, you're a disappointing."

Shoulders hunched, face contorted in sadness. Liliana went up to him and gently held his hand.

"Please everyone, this is not what we agreed on. I've heard what you did with and for everyone and I don't want to cause the destruction of such a great bond. We decided to have a sort of test, and depending on the result, we will keep you."

Not knowing how to handle the moment, his mind was filled with different thoughts, and he made a quick grimace.

"A test? To let me stay on the team? You're serious?"

"Yes, the latest rift level rating is down, its dangerousness is officially E-rank, and some teams are on their way from nearby towns to deal with it, which means if Shining Sword manages to stop the Rift, we will be a recognized E-rank team."

Rifts were known as massive vortex leading to an alternate dimension. In order to prevent the release of dangerous monsters, emissary teams from various global organizations were given the urgent task of neutralizing them within a five-day timeframe.

As he observed the teams, Dora shook his head, his gaze filled with an indescribable emotion far from his previous guilt.

"... Great... So generous... But then... If it's officially E-rank, I should be useful, it's the time to show our full power... But you were willing to get rid of me?"

Lilith let out a frustrated sigh.

"We told you that you just had to do the raid well, stop whining and go train, we agreed to give you 2 days."

"... No... I understand you all, It's true that I hampered the team for too long, I wanted to do my best but it's clear that I don't have my place. You must get rid of me."

All eyes were on him this time, with Sana appearing shocked.

"W-what are you saying? We said You just have to do better in the next raid, please, it's time to get serious."

"I am, You're right, I'm not trying to play the victim, I understand that I'm a burden on you. As an avatar, it takes too much effort for me to get stronger, I'm just going to slow you down, and it's true that my habit of only gaining ridiculous powers for my own satisfaction is an insult to your name."

A soft chuckle escaped Marie's lips, which she promptly disguised with a cough. Lilith, with a slight tremble, moved ahead.

"Stop this right now! Just apologize and go do some training you idiot!"

Dora put a hand on his chest.

"Lilith, it's pointless. He's nothing like before, if he doesn't even want to try, I refuse to keep teaming up with him." Morgiana's tone was icy as she stated it.

Liliana grabbed his hand again, a pleading look on the face.

"Please, sir Anesidora... Everyone is a little tense so don't do that, please, I'll help you train."

Just then, Leon put a bag on the table.

"Well, that will make our job easier. Here is an indemnity for your services rendered for Shining Sword, since it is decided that you can leave now, you are officially free."

He motioned towards Erick, who grabbed the bag and tossed it in Dora's direction, but it landed too far away for him to reach, but suddenly, the bag vanished and reappeared in his hand without any movement on his part.

"Well, so it's been an honor to work with all of you and… Huh? It's not money, there's rocks and papers in it!"


Erick let out a chuckle while Leon sighed, and it didn't take long to realize that it was intentional. However, judging by the slightly astonished expressions on everyone else's faces, it was clear that they were unaware of the situation.

The thief rubbed his nose with a grin.

"Look closely, there are a few coins inside. Of course, we had to remove some fee for accommodation, food, celebrations for Liliana's arrival..."

"What?!" The girl exclaimed.

Dora, dangerously too calm, let his smile fade away.

"... So you're stealing from me too?"

"It's not a robbery, this money comes from the work of the team, and since you are deemed useless you don't deserve more than that."

"... Okay, but then, we can agree that it's a theft, you take what belongs to me."

"So what? If you have something against it, come take it." He said, pointing his dagger at him.

The tension in the air was palpable as Erick and Dora's complicated relationship mirrored that of water and fire. Among emissaries, brandishing a weapon at another was a direct challenge, especially when the person's identity only fueled the conflict further. Even Marie seemed on edge this time. As they stood face to face, Dora was about to speak when a sudden slap jolted him back to the present.

"… Sana?"

Nothing is like it seems, read with attention.

Yalatolacreators' thoughts