
Perennial Throne of Vitalis

Life, a journey without a definite roadmap. Some argue that it all ends with death. For me, death might be the beginning of something new, much like a seed growing into a towering tree. Life has the potential to transform even after our departure. Life is like a flash of a rainbow in the evening sky—beautiful yet fleeting. As the sun bids farewell to the horizon, hues of happiness illuminate the darkness. The moments are brief but substantial enough to touch the soul with unforgettable warmth and joy. It's as if nature grants us a momentary burst of passion before the night descends. Life itself is often riddled with contradictions. When a place is abundant with life, we tend to seek ways to reduce it, striving for equilibrium. We seek to reduce and balance the amount of life within an ecosystem to ensure that the life within does not grow too rampant and overwhelm the system. And yet, in the process of attempting to control and balance these living systems, we often create new contradictions. For as we cull and balance the life within, we can inadvertently disrupt natural processes, create new imbalances while also trying to solve old ones and alter the equilibrium of the natural ecosystems. [Hello there, folks! It's your friendly neighborhood author speaking! This is my debut novel, and that makes me a rookie in the writing game. I decided to dive into the world of storytelling simply because I got bored sitting around doing nothing.] [I figured, why not write a novel to pass the time and avoid the whole "being seen as unemployed" thing by my parents. Speaking of trying to look productive, if you find my words a bit lengthy or overly complicated, please bear with me. I'm just starting to learn the ropes of writing. Keep it neat, and forgive me if my sentences are a bit all over the place. ]

Ivy_Floria · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

Chapter 7: "Battling Wolves That Are Big, Bad, and Desperately in Need of Attention"

One of the wolves suddenly growled with a resonating "GRRRR," the sound echoing through the forest, intensifying the tension in the air. I tightened my grip on my weapon, realizing that the situation might be getting more serious.

"Okay, okay, just calm down. No need to feel threatened," I said in a calming tone, although in my heart, concerns were growing. "Maybe we can find a good solution for both sides. For example, I know a great place to get a more fashionable fur color."

However, the wolf just stared at me with eyes full of disbelief, while the others continued to circle around me. "GRRRR," the first wolf growled again, this time louder. "Alright, alright, maybe fur color isn't our priority right now," I sighed, trying to figure out a way to navigate this increasingly heated situation.

I attempted to stay calm, though the strain was eating at my thoughts.


The first wolf growled once more, the sound signaling that the situation was becoming more serious.

I surveyed my surroundings, searching for any other cues in the wolves' behavior. They still moved with precision, their eyes sharp and focused. "Okay, this isn't a situation that can be resolved with jokes," I muttered to myself, trying to make a wise decision.

As the wolves continued to circle, suddenly, two of them leaped swiftly, charging towards me. My heart raced, and instinct kicked in. I swung my spear at one of the leaping wolves, attempting to block their assault.

However, one of the wolves skillfully evaded my attack with surprising agility. Meanwhile, the other approached from a different angle, trapping me in between.

"This is not good," I muttered, trying to keep my distance and observe every move of the wolves around me.

One of the wolves lunged towards me with a ferocious growl, and I managed to sidestep just in time, narrowly avoiding its sharp claws. The other circled around, assessing the situation. It was a deadly dance, and every move mattered.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. With a quick maneuver, I aimed another strike at the approaching wolf, this time making contact. It recoiled momentarily, giving me a brief respite. However, the other wolf seized the opportunity and launched its attack from the side.


I dodged and parried, trying to outmaneuver the agile predators. One of the wolves managed to land a graze on my arm, eliciting a sharp pain. 

"Ugh! The pain! They've almost got me!" The sharp pain in my arm intensified, but I couldn't afford to lose focus. 

I took advantage of the wounded wolf's momentary hesitation, delivering another calculated strike. My weapon connected with its flank, eliciting a yelp of pain. The wounded wolf retreated, giving me a brief respite.

However, the other wolf remained a relentless adversary. It circled, eyes locked onto me with unwavering focus. With a sudden burst of speed, it lunged again, forcing me to pivot and evade its snapping jaws. 

"Ah, dammit!"

I let out a sharp cry as the pain in my arm intensifies. The other wolves take advantage of my cry to quickly swarm the injured area, making their attacks more aggressive and relentless. My heart is pounding as I realize that I'm in a tough situation, fighting multiple opponents with a disadvantage.


I feel another bite on my injured arm, and the pain intensifies. I keep dodging and parrying, but I can't deny how much it hurts. Even though I'm determined to keep fighting, the pain is becoming unbearable.

The wounded wolf, undeterred by its momentary setback, bared its teeth and lunged at me once more. With a swift dodge, I narrowly avoided its attack. 

"Agh! Damn wolves, get off!"

As the wounded wolf lunged again, I anticipated its movement and sidestepped, narrowly evading its snapping jaws. Seizing the opportunity, I redirected my attention to the other wolf, which had circled around for another strike.

Moving swiftly, I launched a series of consecutive strikes towards the wolf that relentlessly pursued me. The tip of my spear sliced through the air, finding its mark a few times, each connecting with the wolf's fur, eliciting painful yelps that reverberated through the forest.

Meanwhile, the previously wounded wolf attempted to rejoin the fray, eyeing me with renewed aggression. I maintained my balance, evading their attacks with a combination of speed and precision.

"I think I can hear more of them coming close....."

With a quick glance around, I spot a nearby tree with low-hanging branches. Swiftly, I make a decision and sprint towards it. The wolves follow, and as they close in, I use the tree to my advantage. With a powerful leap, I propel myself onto a sturdy branch just out of their reach.

From my elevated position, I survey the scene. The wolves snarl and snap below, frustrated by their inability to reach me. I take a moment to catch my breath and assess my injuries. 


I took another quick breath and looked back down at the wolves below. They were still snapping and snarling at me, frustrated that they couldn't reach me. They tried to jump up to reach the branch, but they could not make it.

"I can't sit here while they surround the tree and wait for me to weaken."

I look down, scanning the wolves below, looking for the ones I injured with my previous attack. I spot two of them, still nursing their injuries. I am confident that I can defeat them with another attack.

"I'll take on the two I injured before. That should reduce their number...."

Despite my injuries, I felt relieved at the moment of respite. However, I still at a disadvantage, now isolated from the ground.

I gingerly touch the open wounds on my body, blood seeping from the scratches on my right shoulder and the bite on my left hand. Each movement sends a sharp pain through me, and I can feel the warmth of my blood mixing with the dirt and dust that coats my skin.

"Damn, my arm hurts..."

I could no longer avoid the pain, with the throb of it getting louder and intense. I leaned back against the tree for support, now beginning to feel the pain of the injury

"I need to get down from here before they find a way to reach me..."


"This is my only chance..."

I focus on the two injured wolves, and my adrenaline starts rising as I prepare to take on the fight once again.

"Okay, here goes..."

I take a deep breath, and then I dash to the side. Attacking one of the injured wolves, I strike it at the weak spot where I had previously attacked. It yips in pain and falls back. Then I strike the other injured wolf, taking advantage of the opening.

The two injured wolves whimper and retreat, clearly feeling the effects of my strategic strikes. I see the two injured wolves fall back in pain, and I realize that I've managed to inflict serious damage. Their movements become slow and weak, and I see that they can no longer fight back.

The two wounded wolves were now lying helpless, barely able to move with their serious injuries.

I took advantage of the situation, moving to the next enemy.

I spotted the third wolf, the one that was least wounded, and approached it quickly in a surprise attack.

I had to be quick and decisive, taking out the last of the wolves before they could find their footing and mount another attack. The remaining wolves were still watching me closely, hesitating for now.

Aiming for the weak spot on the wolf's front left leg, I struck with my spear, driving it deep into the wolf's skin. The vibrations reverberated through my body, and a whimper of pain escaped the wounded creature. Yet, tension held me captive as the other wolves responded with heightened aggression.

"Rrr.... Rrruuh...."

The pack was now agitated and frustrated, their growls and barks were heard as they circled around the helpless prey.

There was a sudden change in the atmosphere, as the wolves were getting more aggressive, their sharp teeth bared and their muscles tensing as they prepared to attack.

The sound of the pack grew louder and more intense.

"Rrrruuuwww.... Grrrruuuhhh...."

The wounded wolf roared in pain, attempting to retaliate with its sharp teeth, but I was prepared.

Instincts kicking in for survival, I swiftly dodged as the other wolves leaped toward me. Evading their advances, I moved quickly, jumping back just in time to avoid the wolf attempting to pounce on me, its mouth wide open in a threatening display of aggression.

I've injured the wolf with the thrust into its leg, and now I aim for the other weak spot, the eyes. I aim a short, quick stab at its eye, hoping to blind the wolf and take advantage of its blindness.

I spin around quickly and thrust my makeshift weapon towards the fourth wolf, aiming for its exposed neck and hoping to instantly take it down. I see the wolf react, and I manage to strike its neck with force, knocking it backward to the ground.

After I successfully incapacitated the third wolf, I take advantage of the momentum and quickly turn around to attack the fourth wolf from behind.

However, the other wolves are now jumping to attack me. I dodge out of the way and move to the side to avoid the sharp claws as the wolf that I injured before leaps towards me to strike with its mouth open wide.

The wolf's momentum causes it to stumble out of balance, and I have a chance to strike.

I seize the opportunity, thrusting my spear towards the wolf's weak spot in its side, near its ribs. I feel the weapon hit something soft and hear the wolf yelp in pain. I deliver the final blow to the fourth wolf, ensuring its demise.

As the life leaves its eyes, I mutter, "One less threat in the pack."

I struck out with my spear forcefully in a half-circle motion, and the wolf was forced to fall back on its side. Forcing the wolf to stumble and fall sideways, struggling to regain its footing.

Taking advantage of the momentum, I leaped high into the air, and as I came down, I drove down my spear with all my strength with a powerful thrust.

As the spear connected with the wolf's head, there was a loud thud and a guttural howl. A scream echoed through the air as the fifth wolf was struck, and it fell to the ground, its life slowly leaving it. The wolf was now twitching and struggling on the ground.

On the forest floor, the wolf lay, and I could see that its life was beginning to pour out from the deep wound I inflicted on its head. 

"I did it..."

I took a deep breath, feeling the adrenaline rush through my body.

I watched the remaining wolves as they stood still, still taking in the sight of their fallen comrades.

With the long battle that I had just endured, I could feel the exhaustion in my body setting in.

My limbs were heavy, and my muscles felt strained. Ragged gasps escaped my lips as my breaths struggled to keep pace with the immense effort exerted during the fight.

My heart pounded in my chest at a fast pace, the adrenaline slowly fading away.

"I'm exhausted..." I murmured to myself, leaning against my makeshift spear for support.

Despite the fatigue, the lingering adrenaline still flowed through my veins, making my heart pump fast and hard in my chest.

"I don't know how much more I can do this."

Exhausted, my limbs strained, and my muscles aching from the intense battle. However, there were still six wolves remaining, and they were watching me carefully, waiting for any chance to attack. They circled around me again, seemingly unsure and hesitant after losing three of their companions, leaving them at a disadvantage. 

"I can't just leave..."

Despite my exhaustion, I knew that turning my back on the wolves and attempting to run away wasn't an option. They had already attacked me relentlessly, and giving them an opening would only invite more aggression.

Tired and weak, determination burned within me. I couldn't allow myself to be caught off guard. The wolves, though formidable adversaries, were not going to dictate the outcome. I needed to find a way to turn the tide, using every ounce of strength and strategy left in me.

"I know that if I don't finish this quickly, I won't last much longer with my tiredness..."

Using whatever strength I had left, I ran, kicking up sand and dirt as I moved. Stamina was running low, and I knew I only had enough energy for a few more attacks.

Exhausted beyond measure, I threw everything I could find—sand, branches, vines, rocks, and gravel—as I scrambled forward. Putting distance between me and the wolves was crucial, and any obstacles or distractions could deter them, at least for a while. "I can't stop now..."

Continuing to throw objects and rocks to slow the wolves down, I heard their howls behind me as I scrambled to maintain momentum.

Pushing through the pain in my legs and the heavy breathing, I kept running, aware that I couldn't keep this pace forever.

Legs burning with tiredness, I pushed through the pain, determined to finish this. "Come on, come on."

The wolves were getting closer, fast and agile, not letting obstacles slow them down.

"A little more, a little more..."

Despite my exhaustion, I pushed myself, seeking a safe place before they caught up. "Just a little further..."

Looking around for shelter, I spotted something to my left—a small cave or rock formation that could provide protection or slow the wolves down.

It was a distance away, but I was determined to reach it. "That's the spot!"

The cave or rock formation was in sight, and I pushed myself despite declining energy.

"Almost there..."

However, with each step, I felt myself slowing down, my body giving out, legs on fire.

"Just a little more..."

Struggling to reach the shelter quickly, my energy declined rapidly, and my weak legs finally collapsed, sending me face-first to the ground.

It felt as if my entire body had given out, weak and exhausted.

Lying there, breathing heavily, the wolves drew closer.

I had done all I could, but now they were almost upon me. "I can't... I really... don't have the strength..."

On the ground, my body burned with exhaustion, and the wolves approached.

I had given it my all, but my body was beyond belief exhausted, and I felt myself fading as the wolves closed in.

"I can't do anything... I can't... I'm so... weak..."

Helpless and powerless, I lay there, breathing heavily, as the wolves drew nearer. Fading into a sense of hopelessness, I could do nothing as they closed in.

"I... can't go any further..."

The wolves were closing in, their presence looming ominously.

Struggling to keep my body moving, I found my legs completely devoid of energy. Every attempt to push myself up failed my body had reached its limits, succumbing to the overwhelming exhaustion.

I could feel a strange tingling sensation at my chest, my heartbeat growing more intense as if something was slowly waking up inside me.

In an instant, intense adrenaline surged through my veins, and there was a sensation of a bright ball of light beside my heart.

My body suddenly felt electrified, all my senses heightened, and my heart pumping in overdrive. A powerful energy coursed through my body, my heartbeat threatening to burst out of my chest.

I felt a strange power within me, unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

My eyes caught a glimpse of something...