
Chapter 79

If you want to read up to 20 chaps ahead or read other novels on the work go and check https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

Currently on chapter: 95 on Patreön...

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Double release starts again tomorrow. Saturday's are my day of chilling.


Collecting the black holes was easier than I originally expected, I guess sometimes I forget I am a God now and the realm of impossibility that clouded me was no longer there, but even with all my godhood, the task proved to have its ups and downs with the hardest part being finding three black holes, the universe is vast, too vast for my magic to scan which in turn made locating the black holes impossible, fortunately for me. With the help of Odin and Thor I managed to get the hearts I needed for my weapon, but it was clear that without them it would've taken me decades if not centuries to find three black hoes, with that said and done, I still needed to collect the last three ingredients to forge my weapon, the essence of true mana whatever that was, a fang of Fenrir, and the scales of Jormungandr, I wonder just how many sclera do I need.

"Alright, time to find the essence of mana," I declared, as I could only hope the essence was as easy as the ingredientsI had acquired so far, I had enough shit with the last two, the fang and the scale.

"...Do you know where to find that?" Thor asked, floating around me like a moon, why? Well we still were in outer space.

It still surprised and eluded me the fact I was able to talk, and breathe in outer space like it was nothing, being a god after being a human is confusing, "Well, I assume we can ask Odin, if not the dwarves, they seem to know a lot of stuff," I pointed out.

"I will ask father, you go and ask the dwarves," Thor offered, "That why we'll save up time,"

I eyed the God of Thunder for a second before nodding, "Alright," at that I snapped my fingers teleporting him to Asgard while I teleported to Svartalfheim to ask the dwarves about the essence, one of them had to know, after all, I doubt my weapon had been the first one to required such ingredient before.


As soon as I arrived to Svartalfheim, I ran to Mótsognir's and asked him about the essence, and I will be honest, I was fully prepared for the dwarf to tell me, I have no fucking idea, but instead he chuckled and proceeded to tell me where was the best place to farm the essence require for my weapon.

Which unsurprisingly was on another realm, Vanaheim the home of the Vanir, according to Norse lore, Vanaheim is the home of the Vanir gods. The Vanir gods are an old branch of gods that at one point were at war with the Aesir. The Vanir are masters of sorcery and magic, having magical secrets that to this day Odin has not uncovered. Which was a good omen about finding my ingredient there.

According to Mótsognir, they could be already waiting for me, why? Well, apparently they were also widely acknowledged for their talent to predict the future, matching and apparently sometimes surpassing Odin's true sight of the cosmos.

"They won't give ya the essence for free, so be ready to pay for it, or at least fight for it," Mótsognir stated, giving me a long and scrutinizing look before he turned to his work once again.

"My brother!" I heard Thor call out, as he entered the store running, "Father told me, the best place to get what we are looking for is, Vanaheim,"

"Yep, already knew that," I smiled.

"Then let's us run!" Thor stated eager to continue with our quest, "The faster we get there the faster we will get the essence you are looking for!"

"Let's go," I snapped my finger, teleporting us back to Asgard, so that we could use the Bifrost, to go to Vanaheim.


With the help of Heimdall, we arrived with no complications to Vanaheim, where a group of masked Vanir gods were expecting us, "This is… frankly what I expected when Mótsognir told me they could see the future," I chuckled.

"We have come here to gather the essence of true mana!" Thor stated, and by the position of his hand lightly touching his hammer, it seemed he was ready to fight.

"We know," The seven individuals in front of us, chuckled all in one voice, creepy as fuck, "And it can be yours… if you do something for us," The masked individuals added.

"Alright…" For the moment, I would ignore the Friday thirteen shit they were pulling, "What do we need to do?"

"When Ragnarok stars like it has been foretold, all we want from you is to bring all the Vanir Gods residing in Asgard back to us," The masked group of Vanir Gods answered, "If you can give us your word, you will bring them… ensuring you will bring the bodies of Njord, Freyr, and Freya after Ragnarok, we will give you the essence," at this, the opened their hands, showing us seven vials, "This can be yours… if you give us your word,"

Well, they did not specify if I had to bring the Vanir Gods alive or dead, so I suppose is a low risk deal for me, "I accept,"

"Very well," They replied, handing me the essences, "Your word has sealed the deal, we will await from you young God when the darkest day arrives," with that they all disappeared leaving nothing but questions behind.

"Well, that wasn't fucking ominous at all," Thor snorted, "Why in the fuck did they have to talk all at the same time,"

"Thor, your brother Heimdall, has nine moms," I deadpanned, "Nothing in my life is normal anymore," Nine moms… I wonder how that worked.

"Fair enough," Thor barked in laughter, "Life can be weird as a god, and that underselling it,"

"It is," I chuckled, as a smile slowly curved into my face, I now had three out of five ingredients to have my weapon… I was so close yet, so far away. I wonder, how hard will it be to get the last two….